ABOUT THE MV3000E DRIVE UNIT The MV3000e range of variable speed AC drives provides powerful features at an economical price. At the standard level, MV3000e is a simple to use inverter for general-purpose applications for ratings from 22 kW to 5.8 MW. At a higher level, open up the parameter menus; add Fieldbus communications, hardware expansion and programming enhancement facilities, and the power of MV3000e comes alive. Add to this universal control strategies such as frequency control, closed loop flux vector control and encoderless flux vector control, and MV3000e easily manages a vast spectrum of industrial applications. A typical MV3000e drive unit is shown in Figure 1-1 with the optional Drive Data Manager™ fitted.
Alstom-MV30000ET1679EN-Basic Drive Modules, Air-Cooled & Liquid Cooled
In Sinusoidal Front End (SFE) applications an MV3000e Bi-directional Converters are configured to connect between mains and a DC Link – the DC Link will typically be connected to one or more Machine Bridges. The SFE is able to control current flow into and out of the mains in order to maintain a constant DC Link voltage, and as such, allows 4-quadrant operation of the Machine Bridge.
1.3.2 The MV DELTA product used as a Sinusoidal Front End (SFE) A dedicated mains monitoring unit can be plugged into a standard MVDELTA controller to provide the control function, whilst 1-6 standard MVDELTA transistor modules can be used to form a power circuit, along with other auxiliary components. 1.4 CONTROL INTERFACE The MV3000e drive may be controlled by means of an optional Drive Data Manager™ (which provides Keypad functionality), by local controls or via a serial link. 1.5 CUSTOMER SUPPORT AND TRAINING GE Power Conversion provides comprehensive telephone technical support, application planning, service and customer training. Contact GE Power Conversion at the appropriate customer support telephone number shown at the end of this manual. 1.6 ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS GE Power Conversion Publications associated with this Software Manual are now listed. T1676 MV3000e Getting Started Manual for AC-fed Drives This Manual provides a competent user, trained in electrical installation practice, with sufficient information to safely install, commission, operate, maintain and dispose of a simple AC-fed drive installation. T2002 MV3000e Getting Started Manual for Active Energy Management Drives This manual provides a competent user, trained in electrical installation practice, with sufficient information to safely install, commission, operate, maintain and dispose of simple Active Energy Management (AEM) systems based on the MV3000e series of bi-directional converters. T1689 MV DELTA, Supplementary Technical Manual to T1641. for MV3000e This manual includes specifications and instructions to allow a competent user trained in drives to safely install the components of MV3000e DELTA systems to construct DELTA drive units. DELTA drives are a unique system of modular based drive units, 150 kW to 2.2 MW in air-cooled versions, 600 kW to 5.8 MW in liquid cooled versions. T1692 Drive Coach MVS3004-4001 User’s Guide This manual describes the GE Power Conversion Drive Coach software for use with Windows 3.1. 95/98 and for Windows NT 4.0. Windows 2000 and XP. The manual includes a CD-ROM that contains all the software for the product and information for installation, configuration and maintenance of the software. T2013 MV3000e CANopen Fieldbus Facility Technical Manual for MV3000e Drives This manual describes the use of CANopen* with MV3000e Drives. There are two methods of use namely to provide additional I/O for the drive – both analogue and digital – and to provide communication between drives in a production cell or functional group.
T1684 MV3000e Dynamic Braking Units MV3DB Series Technical Manual This manual provides a competent user, trained in electrical installation practice, with sufficient information to safely install, commission, maintain and dispose of an MV3000e Dynamic Braking Unit. T1686 Direct FIP MVS3002-4001 and MVS3002-4002 This manual provides a competent user, trained in electrical installation practice, with sufficient information to safely install, commission, maintain and dispose of Direct FIP printed circuit boards. T1694 PROFIBUS Field Bus Couplers MVS3007-4001 & MVS3007-4002 This manual provides a competent user, trained in electrical installation practice, with sufficient information to safely install, commission, maintain and dispose of PROFIBUS Field Bus Couplers. T2017 MV3000e DeviceNet Fieldbus Facility This manual explains how to configure the drive in software to communicate with other devices on a DeviceNet bus. T2034 MV3000e Ethernet Interface Technical Manual This manual provides a competent user, trained in electrical installation practice, with sufficient information to safely install, commission, maintain and dispose of MV3000e Ethernet Interface printed circuit boards. T1968 MV3000 2nd CANPort 'CANopen & DeviceNet' Fieldbus Facility Technical Manual This manual describes the use of CANopen and DeviceNet protocols with an optional 2nd CANPort module that can be fitted to MV3000e Drives.
2.2.6 Removal of the Drive Data Manager™ (Keypad) NOTE: To allow the drive to make the necessary safety checks, this removal procedure should always be followed. A trip may result if this procedure is not followed. The drive checks if Keypad removal is allowed as the Keypad may have Start/Stop control, or the Keypad Speed Reference may be active. To remove the Keypad, continue as shown in Table 2-1.
RECALLING A PARAMETER SET FROM A DRIVE DATA MANAGER™ The MV3000e MicroCubicle™ and the MV3000e DELTA AC Drives incorporate a feature to enable the transfer of parameters from one drive to another via the Drive Data Manager™ (where the Parameter Set can be saved). This feature is invoked via Parameter P99.16 – Backup Parameter – see Section 6.57.11. Recalling a Parameter Set from one drive to another is a very powerful and useful feature. However, care must be taken to ensure that an incorrect Parameter Set in the target drive does not result from copying the Parameter Set from an inappropriately configured drive, particularly from a drive of different rating from the source drive. It is therefore recommended that reference be made to the additional guidance in ‘Notes for Recalling a Parameter Set from the Drive Data Manager™ (Keypad)’ in Section 6.57.11.
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