ABB 2PAA117871 System Controller Connect
Ethernet based communication
The System Controller Connect provides a dedi cated, high speed, and secure interface between
Symphony Harmony/Symphony Plus systems and
800xA systems/safety systems.
The System Controller Connect software can be
used in applications requiring a:
• Fast and reliable interface between electrical and
process controllers
• Controller Connectivity for real-time data ex change in mixed systems
• Interface between Symphony Harmony/S+ based
DCS controller and AC 800M High Integrity safety
System Controller Connect is a software product
which is loaded and executed in a Symphony Har mony/Symphony Plus controller.
System Controller Connect supports Manufacturing
Message Specification (MMS) protocol in the Sym phony Controller. The System Controller Connect
software is deployed as an MMS Client Application.
The AC 800M controller acts as a Server and re sponds to MMS commands sent from the System
Controller Connect client. The client application
reads/writes blocks of data in order to maximize ef ficiency. This is accomplished by forming scan
groups containing a set number of access variable
The System Controller Connect interface performs
non-SIL based communications that can be used for
‘high speed’ real-time data exchange communica tion.
Features and benefits
• Transfer of 800xA tag values to the Symphony Har mony / Symphony Plus system using MMS proto col. MMS is a native protocol of the System 800xA
AC 800M controllers and thus needs minimal con figuration effort and no additional hardware com ponents.
• MMS access variables in the AC 800M controller
are supported in the user friendly interface. En tries are defined as either read or write.
• Communication rates are fully tunable to meet re quirements.
System 800xA values now available within the Har mony blockware can be displayed in the Symphony
Harmony HMI.
System Controller Connect supports a fully redun dant interface. Redundant failovers are ‘bumpless’.
Redundant Ethernet address of the AC 800M con troller using RNRP is fully supported.

Hardware and Software Requirements Characteristic/Value
Pc Workstation Must be compatible with the operating system used.
Operating System Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit
Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016
Windows Server 2016
Controller Module - Client BRC410
Controller Module - Server AC 800M
Controller Redundancy
RNRP network
Features and Specifications
Data Types Supported 32-bit real
16-bit integer signed/ 16-bit unsigned integer
Connections One Controller Module Pair (BRC410 or HC800) can connect to
12 AC 800M Servers (maximum 4,000 points total)
Point Count Based Licensing 100, 250, 500, 1500, 3000, 4000
DCS: Electrical control system
Solution for plant and electrical automation
1 Any Harmony function code that provides a real output value at the block number referenced may be used for Analog System Controller Connect points.2
Any Harmony function code that provides a Boolean output value at the block number referenced may be used for Boolean System Controller Connect points.
DCS: Plant control system
Harmony Function Block Point System 800xA Data Point
FC 30 Block <- WXR --- Analog Output/Input
FC 137 Block <- W --- Analog Output/Input