Honeywell I/O Scanner 900S75S-0360-00
Digital Input Module – AC DC Voltage type (900G04-xxsx)
The AC/DC Input Module provides sixteen individually isolated,
inputs that are powered externally. Two terminals are provided
for each circuit. AC or DC power
applied between the input terminals cause the inputs to turn
On. There is a green LED state indicator for each channel on
the module to indicate when a digital input is ON.
A green blinking status LED on the module indicates when the
module is being scanned. An amber blinking status LED
indicates when channels are forced and a red status LED when
module diagnostics exist.. Logic in the controller allows the
state to be inverted when necessary.
Requires Euro style 36-terminal terminal block.
Parameter AC Application DC Application
Inputs per Module 16 16
Input Voltage Range 80 VAC to 264 VAC 80 VDC to 125 VDC
Peak Voltage 264 VAC 150 VDC
AC Frequency 47 Hz to 63 Hz NA
Galvanic Isolation Input to Input & Input to
Chassis (350VAC max)
Input to Input & Input to
Chassis (350VAC max)
On Voltage Level 75 VAC 75 VDC
Off Voltage Level 20 VAC 30 VDC
Input Impedance 48 k ohms nominal 48 k ohms nominal
Input Current 1 ma nom. @120 VAC, 60 Hz
2 ma nom. @240VAC, 50 Hz
2 ma nom. @125 VDC
Minimum On Current 0.3 mA 0.3 mA
Maximum Off Current
0.2 mA 0.2 mA
Off to On response time*
6 ms + 1.5 line cycles max. 6 ms + 2 line cycles max.
On to Off response time*
6 ms + 2 line cycles max. 6 ms + 2 line cycles max.
Power Supply
5 V, 130 mA max.
24V 0 mA.
5 V, 130 mA max.
24V 0 mA.
* Nominal times excluding controllers scan time and excluding transmission time from module to backplane. DC application
must include controller line filter setting of 50/60 Hz Active input De-rating table for AC/DC DI

32 Point Digital Input Module - DC Voltage type
The DC Digital Input module provides 32 inputs
separated in to 2 groups of 16 channels each. Each
group has a pair of screw terminals for the COM
connection. DC power applied between the common
terminal and an input cause the input to turn ON. There is
a green LED state indicator for each channel on the
module to indicate when a digital input is ON. A green
blinking status LED on the module indicates when the
module is being scanned. An amber blinking status LED
indicates when channels are forced and a red status LED
when module diagnostics exist. Logic in the controller
allows the state to be inverted when necessary.
Requires Euro style 36-terminal terminal block
Inputs per module 32 (sinking)
Input Voltage Range 10 VDC to 32 VDC
Peak Voltage 32 VDC
AC Frequency N/A
Galvanic Isolation 2 groups of 16 inputs
(30VDC max.)
ON Voltage Level 9.5 VDC minimum
OFF Voltage Level 3.5 VDC maximum
Input Impedance 6.9 K ohms nominal
Input Current 1.7 mA @ 12 VDC 3.5
mA @ 24 VDC nominal
Minimum ON Current 1.0 mA
Maximum OFF Current 0.7 mA
OFF to ON response
5 ms max
ON to OFF response
5 ms max
Power Supply Loading 5V; 215mA max
24V; 0mA
*excluding controllers scan time and excluding
transmission time from module to backplane
Relay Output Module (900H01-xxxx)
The Relay Output Module provides eight individual
galvanically isolated, electromechanical relay outputs.
Four of the outputs are Form-C, and the other four are
Form-A. Outputs are not fused in the Relay module.
Install a fuse for each output at the field device that is
appropriate for the load and the wire used.
There is a green LED state indicator for each channel on
the module to indicate when a digital output is ON.
A green blinking status LED on the module indicates
when the module is being scanned. An amber blinking
status LED indicates when channels are forced and a red
status LED when module diagnostics exist.
8 Relays per module 4 form A, 4 form C
Output Device Electromechanical relay
Voltage 120/240 VAC, 30 VDC
Current Rating 4A @ 240VAC or 30VDC resistive load
0.5 A @ 240VAC or 30VDC incandescent lamp load
Galvanic Isolation Relay Output Contact to Relay Output Contact
Relay Output Contact to Logic
Max. Leakage Current 1 mA @ 350 VDC
De-rating Max. outputs at max. load – none
Max. modules per rack - none
OFF to ON response time* 11 ms max
ON to OFF response time* 8 ms max
Power Supply Loading 5V; 110mA max
24V; 100mA max
Expected life (min.
Mechanical at 180 cpm: 5 x 10E7
Electrical: 10E5
*excluding controllers scan time and excluding transmission time from module to backplane
Life expectancy curves (1a1b type)