Addressing Each module must have an address installed to enable the central unit to correctly access the inputs and outputs.
ABB-AC31 91seriesAnalog Input/Output
As shown in the table, the module occupies 8 analog inputs and 8 analog outputs on the CS31 system bus. If the module is confiugured in operating mode "8 bits" only for inputs or only for outputs, only 8 analog inputs or 8 analog outputs are used on the CS31 system bus. In this case, not occupied input or output addresses can be used by other modules. If the address DIL switch No. 8 is switched to ON, all channel numbers change by 08. i.e. address AW n,00 changes to AW n,08. etc. This applies for the address assignments for inputs and outputs in both operation modes. Normal operation • After the supply voltage was switched on, the module initializes automatically. During initialization process all LEDs are switched on. • If the CS31 system bus does not (yet) run, the red error LED will light up. If an error occurs during the initialization process, the red error LED will also light up. Diagnosis and displays The module 07 AC 91 offers the following diagnosis functions: • Analog value is out of measuring range • Storing this information and possibility for recall (kind of error and location of error) If an error occurs, the red LED lights up. The error message will be transmitted to the central unit or the coupler. In the central units 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 9x, the errors are displayed as follows: • Out of range Error classification 4 (FK4) M 255.14 Error recognition: 10 dec. -> MW 255.08 Module type: * 01/03/05 -> MW 255.09 Group number: -> MW 255.10 Channel number: -> MW 255.11 In the initial state after initialization, channel 0 is selected and the corresponding analog value ist displayed (see also figures 5.4-6 and 5.4-7). _____________________ * 01 if only inputs are configured 03 if only outputs are configured 05 if inputs and outputs are configured
Diagnosis functions can be selected individually for each channel with the test button. The initial actuation of the test button selects channel 0. The diagnosis LEDs 0 to 3 display the channel number in hexadecimal code. After releasing the test button, the diagnosis information of this channel is displayed for about 3 seconds by the green LEDs 0 to 7. Explanation of lit LEDs: 0 not used 1 not used 2 not used 3 not used 4 Out of range 5 not used 6 not used 7 not used Explanations for the LEDs are also printed in English on the front panel. The error messages on the module and on the central unit go out again as soon as the error has been corrected, no new errors have been recognized and the error correction was acknowledged. Acknowledging an error after error correction: • by pressing the test button for about 5 seconds, or • with the PC, or • with the PLC program in the central unit The current input has a self-protecting feature for the measuring range 0...20 mA. If the current gets too high, the current input shunt is switched off and the value for "overflow" is output. Re-activation is attempted again in increments of approx. 1 second to facilitate the correct measurement as soon as the current regains acceptable limits
With each successive pressing and releasing of the test button, the process is repeated for the other channels. After interrogating the last channel and pressing the test button once more, an LED test is initiated. All LEDs of the module must light up. Following this, the position of the DIL address switch is displayed for about 3 seconds (module address on the CS31 system bus). In this case, LED 0 shows the position of switch 1 (LEDs 0...7 are assigned to switches 1...8). Display of an analog value When the test button is not pressed, the analog value of the selected channel is displayed with 8 LEDs. Explanation: all LEDs OFF -> minimum value all LEDs ON -> maximum value
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