ABB AO2020 AO2040 Gas Analyzers
One central unit and various analyzer modules
Menu-driven operator interface
- with common controls
Clear-text status messages
- with a common connection technology
- in a common system housing
Multiple interfaces for communication with host and
associated systems
Analyzer modules with different measurement principles
for all process and emissions monitoring applications
Flexibly configurable analog and digital inputs and outputs
on various input/output modules and boards
“Safety Concept" for measuring flammable gases in Zone 2
and for measuring corrosive and toxic gases
Optional integrated pneumatics module
Multiple analyzer systems with up to four modules handling
Housing design for19-inch rack mounting (Model AO2020)
a total of six sample components
or wall mounting (ModelAO2040)
Extensive automatic calibration with air or integral
Modular design for ease of service
calibration cells eliminating the need for test gas cylinders
Self-monitoring function indicates when maintenance is
Simultaneous digital and analog display of measuredrequired
values on a large graphics panel

Modular Analyzer Product Line
Advance OptimaAO2000 Series is a line of modules used for
Configuration of Analyzer Units and Multiple Analyzer Systems 5
process gas analysis.
Infrared Analyzer Module Uras26
The product line consists of the following modules:
Process Photometer Analyzer Module Limas11
·Analyzer Modules
Process Photometer Analyzer Module Limas11 HW
Pneumatics Module
Electronics Module
Oxygen Analyzer Module Magnos206
I/O Modules and I/O Boards
Oxygen Analyzer Module Magnos27
·Housing with Display and Control Unit
Trace Oxygen Analyzer Module ZO23
System Bus
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Module Caldos25
The modules can be arranged in various ways to form single or
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Module Caldos27
multiple analyzer systems.
FID Analyzer Module MultiFID14
An analyzer unit (see example 1 on page 5) usually consists of:
.One analyzer module
FID Analyzer Module MultiFID14 NMHC
. the electronics module
Laser Analyzer Module LS25
. the power supply
Electrochemical Oxygen Sensor
. the housing with display and control unit
Pneumatics Module
A multiple analyzer system (see example 2 on page 5) in its
Gas Connections Uras26,Limas11
maximum stage of extension consists of:
·Four analyzer modules handling up to six sample components
Gas Connections Limas11,Limas11 HW,Magnos206
The pneumatics module
Gas Connections Magnos27,ZO23
.The electronics module
Gas Connections Caldos25,Caldos27,MultiFID14
●The required number of power supplies
Explosion Protected Model in Category 3G
· The required number of housings
Electronics Module
The electronics module, power supply and housing with display
I/O Modules and I/O Boards
and control unit are also collectively referred to as the “central
Power Supply and Housing
Dimensional Drawings
Analyzer Modules
Sample Components and Analyzer Modules
Analyzer modules:
Infrared Analyzer Module
Process Photometer Analyzer Module
Oxygen Analyzer Module
Oxygen Analyzer Module
Trace Oxygen Analyzer Module
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Module
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Module
FID Analyzer Module
MultiFID14 NMHCFID Analyzer Module
Laser Analyzer Module
Each analyzer module consists of the sensor and associated
electronics having its own processor. The analyzer modules are
linked to the system controller via the system bus. The laser
analyzer module is linked to the central unit via Ethernet.
The analyzer modules are supplied with 24-VDC from an integral
Pneumatics Module
The pneumatics module contains the following elements when
The housing is available as a 19-inch (Model AO2020) or wall-
fully equipped:
mount (Model AO2040) unit with IP20or IP54 protection.
.One or three solenoids to control test gas supply
IP54 housing versions can be purged. The display and control
.One or two disposable elements for fine filtration
unit is located on the front panel of the housing when the
.One gas supply pump with coarse filter and capillary
electronics module is installed.
One or two flow monitors
The pneumatics module is always associated with an analyzerSystem Bus
module and installed in the same housing as the analyzermodule.
The gas analyzer's functional units are interconnected via the
system bus. The system bus structure is linear with a maximum
length of 350meters. Only one electronics module with up to
Electronics Module
five I/O modules and three l/O boards should be connected to a
The electronics module incorporates the system controller with
system bus structure.
I/O modules and I/O boards.
The system controller carries out the following functions:
Connection of Sample Gas Conditioning Modules
●Processing and communicating the measured values supplied
by the analyzer module sensor electronics
The SCC-F sample gas feed unit and the SCC-C sample gas
.Compensating measured values, e.g. cross sensitivity
cooler can be connected to the gas analyzer via the system bus
by means of an l/O board installed in the sample gas feed unit.
Controlling system functions, e.g.calibration
Thus it is possible to display, monitor and control individual
Display and control functions
sample gas conditioning functions in the gas analyzer such as
Controlling associated systems, e.g. gas supply
cooler temperature or condensate and flow status. For further
Communicating with external systems
information please refer to the "System Components and
Accessories for Sample Gas Conditioning" data sheet.
The system controller communicates with the other functional
units of the gas analyzer (e.g. the I/O boards and analyzer
modules) via the system bus.
Explosion Protected Versions in Category 2G
Interfaces for controlling associated systems and for communi-
For information about the explosion protected versions
cating with external systems are located on the system controller
AO2060-Uras14,-Caldos15,-Caldos17 and -Magnos106
(Ethernet 10/100BASE-T interface) and on the vO modules and
Analyzer Modules in Cateqory 2G and
VO boards.
·AO2040-CU Ex Central Unit in Category 2G
The I/O modules are attached and directly connected to the
please refer to the“AO2000 Series Continuous Gas Analyzers"
system controller board. There are four types of I/O modules:
data sheet, January2006 edition.
●Analog output modules have two analog outputs.
·Digital I/O modules have four digital inputs and four digital
●Modbus modules have one RS485 and one RS232 interface.
●Profibus modules have one RS485 and one MBP interface
(not intrinsically safe).
The l/O boards have their own processor and are linked to the