Scope of supply ABB S.p.A. (Italy), in cooperation with Lee Engineering & Construction Co (Nigeria) and Franzisella S.p.A. (Italy), is supplying a fully integrated solution for the WAGP (West African Gas Pipeline) project in Nigeria. The two WAGP Gas Compressor Stations in Utorogu and Oben are based on the latest ABB MNS iS technology installed into prefabricated E-houses. The ABB MNS iS is the right solution to comply with the high level of integration and compactness requested for the WAGP Utorogu and Oben Gas Compressor Stations. The ABB MNS iS Power and Motor Control Centers for the WAGP project are fully integrated with the station DCS via serial link (Profibus DP protocol) and are built in compliance with Shell DEP standards.
ABB-1TGC910104M0202-MService Condition Monitoring
1.5 Cyber Security Following cyber security-based recommendations must be considered using MService device in an industrial Ethernet network environment: • MService shall be connected to an isolated network in general. If MService is connected to a plant network a firewall shall be considered to control access to MService web-based user interface. • Insertion of a USB drive / pen-drive / stick into a USB port of MService shall be prevented at any time except connecting an external hard-disk for data backup purpose. Inserting a faulty USB drive (e.g. with faulty USB-HID(*) descriptor) can lead to a stop of MService functionality. In such a case MService will not record any data from connected field devices any longer and a device reboot is required. To prevent an unrestricted access to the USB ports of MService USB Port Locks shall be used. These port locks reduce the risk of data leakage, data theft and unauthorized uploads with a software-free solution that physically blocks USB ports from unauthorized access. There’s even an option to block multiple adjacent ports with one lock and allow continued secure use of authorized USB devices. • User must log-off from MService when leaving the workplace to prevent another person using the active login account. The log-off button must be used in this case as closing the Web browser will not terminate the active web-session.
2 System Overview 2.1 Product Concept The MService device implements an innovative approach to condition monitoring: The supervision of the performance and health status of a MNS and MNS iS switchgear are made possible with a smallscale and easy-to-use embedded industrial PC. The MService implements the whole condition monitoring concept from collecting field level real-time data to performing assessment algorithms. Based on that, it is possible to work out a prognosis of developing situations and prompting the operator for action. However, if the situation continues and results in a tripping or failure, the MService offers clear diagnosis for fast problem resolution.
Fig. 1: MService device MService targets two main application scenarios: • Customer’s staff can use the device for performance analysis and continuous support of maintenance planning for MNS and MNS iS system, with MService installed as permanent part of the switchgear. • ABB’s service personnel use the device to place it in a customer’s switchgear to support customer decisions in keeping the switchgear in good condition by collecting data for a certain time and derive an assessment on the switchgear performance and operational status. To fit to these scenarios, the MService employs a small-scale, compact approach to enable fast commissioning and ease of use.
2.2 Supported Functions MService Condition Monitoring covers the following main functions: • Collection of operational data of the supervised modules • Collection of all alarms and trips generated in the supervised modules • Collection of maintenance warnings derived from additional assessment logic related to the supervised modules. • Display of the MNS or MNS iS system structure highlighting modules signaling problems • Display of historical data in trend displays • Detailed information on the identification, location, and type of supervised modules • Online supervision of temperature or power loss related problems within individual cubicles. MService can supervise all modules in MNS and MNS iS, which are connected to the internal switchgear communication bus. This includes: • Motor starter and feeder modules (all sizes), which are equipped with measuring and communication electronic device MControl • Motor starter and feeder modules (all sizes), which are equipped with intelligent device, UMC and M10x, communicates to MLink. • Circuit breakers connected to the switchgear communication with the interface MConnect • Circuit breakers connected to the switchgear communication with the interface MLink Excluded from supervision in MService are all modules not connected to the internal switchgear communication such as MSpeed (Variable Speed drives in MNS iS) and conventional modules. In general, MService supports all types of modules which are also accessible in MView. MService firmware version 7.7 is extended to MNS - Intelligent Switchgear, UMC100/UMC100.3/M10x-M/Emax/Emax2 connects to MLink. In order to configure MService to MNS – Intelligent Switchgear, MNS Engineer, MNavigate and MNavigate Plus version release 7.7 onwards shall be used. See more details in 1TGA710500 INSUM Upgrade Guideline UMC100 and 1TGA710501 INSUM Upgrade Guideline M10x.
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