VersaMax provides several types of snap-together I/O carriers and interposing
terminals to provide maximum wiring flexibility, as well as module hot insertion
and removal. VersaMax carriers support IEC box-style, spring-style, and barrierstyle terminals and are also available as snap-on auxiliary terminal strips and
interposing terminals that can be mounted separately and connected to a
connector-style carrier by an I/O cable.
GE IC200CHS003 Carriers
Industrial I/OCarriers
VersaMax provides several types of snap-together I/O carriers and interposing
terminals to provide maximum wiring flexibility, as well as module hot insertion
and removal. VersaMax carriers support IEC box-style, spring-style, and barrier style terminals and are also available as snap-on auxiliary terminal strips and
interposing terminals that can be mounted separately and connected to a
connector-style carrier by an I/O cable.
IC200CHS003 IC200CHS011 IC200CHS012 IC200CHS014 IC200CHS015
Product Name
VersaMax I/O Carrier,
VersaMax I/O Carrier,
Connector Style. Interposing
Barrier A connecting cable Style
(Requires (IC200CBL1xxx) and
IC200CHS003 base interposing
base (IC200CHS011, and
connecting CHS012, CHS014,
CHS015, cable IC200CBL1xxx)
IC200CHS1xx or IC200CHS2xx)
are required. This carrier can be
used with all VersaMax I/O
modules EXCEPT the following,
due to their high isolation
requirements: IC200MDL144
Input 240 VAC 4 Point Isolated
Module; IC200MDL244 Input 240
VAC 8 Point Isolated Module;
IC200MDD850 Mixed 240 VAC
Isolated 4 Point / Output Relay
2.0A Isolated 8 Point Module
VersaMax I/O Carrier,
Interposing Box Style
(Requires IC200CHS003
base and connecting
cable IC200CBL1xxx)
VersaMax I/O Carrier,
Interposing Box
(Requires IC200CHS003
base and connecting
cable IC200CBL1xxx)
VersaMax I/O Carrier,
Interposing Spring Clamp
(Requires IC200CHS003
base and connecting
cable IC200CBL1xxx)
VersaMax I/O Carrier,
Interposing Spring Clamp
(Requires IC200CHS003
base and connecting
cable IC200CBL1xxx)
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Active
Field Termination Type Integrated Non-Integrated Non-Integrated Integrated Non-Integrated
Wiring Termination Style Connector Barrier Box Box-Thermocouple
Orientation on
Module on Base Vertical N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dimensions (W x H x D)
66.8 mm (2.63 in) x
133.4 mm (5.25 in) x
70 mm (2.75 in),
not including the
height of DIN Rail
110.5 mm (4.35 in) x
105.4 mm (2.63 in) x
70 mm (2.75 in),
not including the
height of DIN Rail
110.5 mm (4.35 in) x
105.4 mm (2.63 in) x
70 mm (2.75 in),
not including the
height of DIN Rail
110.5 mm (4.35 in) x
105.4 mm (2.63 in) x
70 mm (2.75 in),
not including the
height of DIN Rail
110.5 mm (4.35 in) x
105.4 mm (2.63in) x
70 mm (2.75 in),
not including the
height of DIN Rail
Cables Requires a
IC200CBL1xxx cable
Requires a
IC200CBL1xxx cable
Requires a
IC200CBL1xxx cable
Requires a
IC200CBL1xxx cable
Requires a
IC200CBL1xxx cable