GE IC660BBD110 AC Discrete I/O Modules
AC Discrete I/O Modules page 3.41
DC Discrete I/O Modules pages 3.42-3.43
Analog Input Modules page 3.44
Analog Output Modules page 3.45
Analog Mixed Modules page 3.46
RTD and Thermocouple Modules page 3.47
High Speed Counter page 3.48
PowerTRAC Monitoring Module page 3.49
Accessories page 3.50
Configuration Guidelines pages 3.51-3.52
Publication Reference Chart
GEK-90486D I/O Discrete and Analog Blocks
GEK-90486F-1 I/O System and Communications
GFK-0074A Genius I/O PCIM User’s Manual
GFK-0415E High Speed Counter
GFK-0450D PowerTRAC
GFK-0881 Single Slot Personal Computer Interface
Module (PCIM)
GFK-1179J Installation Requirements for
Conformance to Standards
By providing distributed control on
the factory floor, Genius I/O systems
offer fewer terminations to document,
dramatically shorter wiring runs, and
simpler, more effective troubleshoot ing. Genius I/O blocks automatically
provide diagnostic information on field
wiring, power conditions and loads,
as well as the state of the communica tion network, blocks and circuits.
Genius diagnostics sharply reduce
the time needed for initial control
and debugging.
Genius blocks provide predictable
system operation in the event of a
CPU, bus interface or network cable
failure. When connected in a redun dant configuration with two or more
CPUs running simultaneously, the
Genius blocks will shift automatically
to a backup CPU if the main controller
fails to communicate.
Genius blocks communicate with
the system CPU over the Genius LAN,
greatly simplifying system installation,
and with network tools such as the
hand-held monitor, troubleshooting
is a snap. In addition to Genius I/O
blocks, VersaMax I/O may also be
integrated into a single Genius LAN.

Industrial I/O
IC660BBD110 IC660BBD101 IC660BBS102 IC660BBS103 IC660BBR100 IC660BBR101
Product Name
Genius Discrete
Input Block,
115 VAC Grouped,
16 Point
Genius Discrete
I/O Block,
115 VAC Grouped,
8 Point
Genius Discrete
I/O Block,
115 VAC/125 VDC
Isolated, 8 Point
Genius Discrete
I/O Block,
115 VAC/125 VDC
Isolated, 8 Point,
w/o Failed Switch
Genius Relay
Output Block,
16 Points,
Normally Closed
Genius Relay
Output Block,
Grouped, 1
6 Points,
Normally Open
Lifecycle Status Mature Mature Mature Mature Mature Mature
Network Support Genius Bus Genius Bus Genius Bus Genius Bus Genius Bus Genius Bus
Input Range 93-132 VAC 93-132 VAC 115 VAC / 125 VDC 115 VAC / 125 VDC N/A N/A
Output Range
N/A 93-132 VAC 115 VAC / 125 VDC 115 VAC / 125 VDC 5V to 250 VAC
or 5V to 220 VDC;
Relay Normally–
Closed Relays
5V to 250 VAC
or 5V to 220 VDC;
Relay Normally–
Open Relays
Number of Points 16 8 8 8 16 16
Input and Output Response
Time - ON/OFF (msec.)
Input 1 msec plus
configurable filter
10 to 100mS in
10mS increments
Input 2msec plus
configurable filter
10 to 100mS in
10mS increments;
Outputs Zero
Input 2msec plus
configurable filter
10 to 100mS in
10mS increments;
Outputs Zero
Input 2msec plus
configurable filter
10 to 100mS in
10mS increments;
Outputs Zero
5.0 msec. 5.0 msec.
Input Impedance 11.6K ohms 13K ohms 13K ohms 13K ohms N/A N/A
Load Current Per Point N/A 2 Amp 2.0 Amp 2.0 Amp 2 Amp 2 Amp
Points Per Common Two groups of 8 One group of 8 Four groups of 2 Four groups of 2 Four groups of 4 Four groups of 4
N/A Internal electronic
short circuit trip.
100ms long time trip
Internal electronic
short circuit trip.
100ms (AC), 10ms
(DC) long time trip
Internal electronic
short circuit trip.
100ms (AC), 10ms
(DC) long time trip
Input Diagnostics:
Open Wire, Short
Input Diagnostics:
Open Wire,
Failed Switch Output
Diagnositcs: Short
Circuit, Overload, No
Load, Failed Switch,
Pulse Test
Input Diagnostics:
Open Wire,
Loss of I/O Power,
Failed Switch Output
Diagnostics: Short
Circuit, Overload, No
Load, Overtemp., Loss
of I/O Power, Failed
Switch, Pulse Test
Input Diagnostics:
Open Wire,
Loss of I/O Power,
Failed Switch Output
Diagnostics: Short
Circuit, Overload, No
Load, Overtemp., Loss
of I/O Power, Failed
Switch, Pulse Test
None None
Operating Voltage 93-132 VAC 93-132 VAC 93-132 VAC /
105-132 VDC
93-132 VAC /
105-132 VDC
93-132 VAC /
185-265 VAC
93-132 VAC /
185-265 VAC
Dimensions (H x W x D)
8.83” (22.44cm) x
3.50” (8.89cm) x
3.94” (10.00cm)
8.83” (22.44cm) x
3.50” (8.89cm) x
3.94” (10.00cm)
8.83” (22.44cm) x
3.50” (8.89cm) x
3.94” (10.00cm)
8.83” (22.44cm) x
3.50” (8.89cm) x
3.94” (10.00cm)
8.83” (22.44cm) x
3.50” (8.89cm) x
3.94” (10.00cm)
8.83” (22.44cm) x
3.50” (8.89cm) x
3.94” (10.00cm)
Control power for the block is tapped off the input/output device voltages wired to the
terminals. No separate block power supply is needed. Configurable features include;
Output Pulse Test capability, Selectable Input Filter Time from 10mS to 100mS, Output
powerup defaults, Output Hold Last State or default, each circuit has electronic fusing.