ABB TZIDC Electro-Pneumatic Positioner
The TZIDC is an electronicallyconfigurable positioner with
communication capabilities designed for mounting to pneumatic
linear or rotary actuators. It features a small and compact design, a
If the electrical power supply should fail, the positioner output 1 (and
modular construction, and an excellent cost-performance ratio.
2, if applicable)is closed and the pneumatic actuator stops
Fully automaticdetermination of the control parameters and
("freezes") the valve in the current position. If compressed air supply
adaptation to the final control element yield considerable time savings
should fail, the positioner depressurizes the actuator.
and an optimal control behavior.
1.2 Operation
1.1 Pneumatics
The positioner has a built-in operating panel providing a 2-line LCD
An I/P module with subsequent pneumatic amplifier is used to control
and 4 pushbuttons for optimal local configuration,commissioning and
the pneumatic actuator. The well-proven I/P module proportionally
operational monitoring.
converts the permanent electrical positioning signal from the CPU
Altematively, the appropriate configuration program and the available
into a pneumatic signal used to adjust a 3/3-way valve.
communication option can be used.
The air flow for pressurizing or depressurizing the actuator is
continuously adjusted. As a result,excellent control is achieved.
When reaching the set point, the 3/3-way valve is closed in center
1.3 Communication
position to minimize the air consumption.
Four different pneumatics versions are available: for single-acting or
The standard TZIDC model has a local communication interface (LKS
double-acting actuators, each with "fail-safe" or "fail-freeze" function.
connector). Additionally, a “HARTcommunication" option for
communication via the 20mA signal is available. Both
communications are based on the HART Protocol.
If the electricalpower supply fails, the positioner output 1 is
1.4 Inputs and outputs
depressurized, and the pneumatic actuator's return spring moves the
valve to the defined safe position. In case of a double-acting actuator
In addition to its input for the analog position set point the TZIDC
the second output 2 is additionally pressurized.
positioner is equipped with a digital input which can be used to
activate various protective functions in the device via the process
control system. A digital output allows you to output collective alarms
or fault messages.
1.5Modular design
The TZIDC basic model can be enhanced at any time by retrofitting
optional equipment.Option modules for analog or digital position
feedback or a shutdown-module can be installed. Additionally, a
mechanical position indicator, proximity switches or 24V
microswitches are available for indicating the position independently
of the mother board function.

Mounting versions
2.1To linear actuators in accordance with the
2.3 Integral mounting to control valves
The TZIDC positioner featuring standard pneumatic action is also
Lateral attachment is in accordance with DIN/IEC 534(lateral
suitable for integral mounting.
attachment to NAMUR).The required attachment kit is a complete
The required holes are found at the back of the device.
set of attachment material, but does not include the screwed pipe
The benefit of this design is that the point for mechanical stroke
connections and air pipes.
measurement is protected and that the positioner and actuator are
linked intemally. No extemal tubing is required.
2.2 To rotary actuators in accordance with the
2.4 Special actuator-specific mounting
This attachment is designed for mounting according to the standard
In addition to the mounting methods described above,there are
VDINDE 3845.The attachment kit consists of a console with
special actuator-specific attachments.
mounting screws for mounting on a rotary actuator. The adapter for
Please contact us for details.
coupling the positioner feedback shaft to the actuator shaft has to be
ordered separately.Screwed pipe connections and air pipes have to
be provided on site.
3.1 General Pos: 7.4 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Betrieb/Allgemeines @ 10mod_1176214294328_3101.doc @ 77292
Microprocessor-based position control in the TZIDC provides for
optimal results. The positioner features high-precision control
functions and high operational reliability. Due to their elaborate
structure and easy accessibility, the device parameters can be
quickly adapted to the respective application.
The total range of parameters includes:
- Operating parameters
- Adjustment parameters
- Monitoring parameters
- Diagnosis parameters
- Maintenance parameters
Pos: 7.5 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Betriebsparameter @ 10mod_1176214001500_3101.doc @ 77145
3.1.1 Operating parameters
Pos: 7.6 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/TZIDC / TZIDC-200/Betrieb/Betriebsparameter @ 10mod_1176214346265_3101.doc @ 77343
The following operating parameters can be set manually if required:
Signal min. 4 mA, max. signal 20 mA (0 ... 100 %)
freely selectable for split-range operation
min. range 20 % (3.2 mA)
recommended range > 50 % (8.0 mA)
Action (positioning signal)
Increasing: Signal 4 ... 20 mA = position 0 ... 100 %
Increasing: Signal 20 ... 4 mA = position 0 ... 100 %
Characteristic curve (travel = f {signal})
Linear, equal percentage 1:25 or 1:50 or 25:1 or 50:1 or freely
configurable with 20 reference points.
Travel limit
The positioning travel, i.e. the stroke or angle of rotation, can be
reduced as required within the full range of 0 ... 100 %, provided that
a minimum value of 20 % is observed.
Shut-off function
This parameter can be set separately for each end position. When
the respective configured limit value is exceeded, the shut-off
function causes immediate travel of the actuator until reaching the set
end position.
When the shut-off value is set to “0”, the position is further controlled,
even in the respective end position.
Travel time prolongation
This function can be used to increase the max. travel time for full
travel. This time parameter can be set separately for each direction.
This function can only be used with the pneumatics with the
safety function “fail-safe”.
Switching points for the position
This parameter allows you to define two position limits for signaling
(see option “Module for digital position feedback”).
Digital output
The alarms generated in the TZIDC positioner can be polled via the
digital output as a collective alarm.
The desired information can be selected via the operator panel or
remotely via the configuration program.
The output can be set to “active high” or “active low”, as required.
Digital input
For the digital input, one of the following safety options can be
selected. You may use the operator’s panel or configuration program
to select an option.
- No function (default)
- Move to 0 % position
- Move to 100 % position
- Hold previous position
- disable local configuration
- Disable local configuration and operation
- Disable any access (no local or remote access via a PC)
The selected function is activated once the 24 V DC signal is no
longer applied (< 11 V DC).
Pos: 7.7 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Justageparameter @ 10mod_1176214036515_3101.doc @ 77166
3.1.2 Adjustment parameters
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The TZIDC positioner has a special function for automatic adjustment
of the parameters.
Additionally, the control parameters can be set automatically (in
adaptive control mode) or manually to optimally adapt them to the
process requirements.
Tolerance band
When reaching the tolerance band the position is considered as
corrected. From this point on, the position is further slowly readjusted until the dead band is reached. The factory setting for this
parameter is 0.3 %.
Dead band (sensitivity)
When reaching the dead band, the position is held. The factory
setting for this parameter is 0,1 %.
Actuator spring action
Selection of the sensor shaft rotating sense (looking into the open
case), if the valve is moved to the safe position by the actuator spring
(actuator is depressurized via Y1/OUT1).
For double-acting actuators the actuator spring action corresponds to
pressurizing the pneumatic output (OUT2).
Display 0 ... 100 %
Adjusting the display (0 ... 100 %) according to the direction of action
for opening or closing the valve.
Pos: 7.9 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Betriebsüberwachungsparameter @ 10mod_1176214071453_3101.doc @ 77187
3.1.3 Monitoring parameters
Pos: 7.10 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/TZIDC / TZIDC-200/Betrieb/Betriebsüberwachungsparameter @ 10mod_1176214447375_3101.doc @ 77385 B
Various functions for permanent operational monitoring are
implemented in the TZIDC operating program. The following states
will be detected and indicated, e.g.:
- 4 ... 20 mA signal out of range
- position out of the adjusted range
- positioning time-out (adjustable time parameter)
- position controller inactive
- counter limits (settable in the diagnosis phase) exceeded
While automatic commissioning is in progress, the current state is
continuously indicated on the integrated LCD.
During operation, the LCD shows the most important process
- current position (in %),
- malfunctions, alarms, messages (as code)
Access to extended monitoring parameters is possible via HART
communication and the DTM