Hardware 1) New thyristor module DASD 145, 600 V - 500 A 2) Improved speed control with incremental encoder at very low speed with new firmware PU_APP12 in DAPU 100 board (from May 2007)
ABB-3BSE017422R0008EN-AST10-054-Crane motion controller
Hardware 1) Change of Overvoltage Protection units from DASG 1xx to DASG 2xx series. New units include 32 J varistors between phases, while the phase sequence supervision is moved to each ASTAT. 2) New thyristor modules DASD 126 (630 A motor rated current) and DASD 127 (1000 A motor rated current) for installation in +55 degree C with rated data. Software functions Changes in revisions 10_04A, 10_04B and 10_04C listed from item 32) below are not covered by the Manual AST10_04. but are found on Internet ,www.abb.com/cranes 3) Display of DAPC 100 shows "40" when there is no Fault. "40" indicates AST10_04. revision 0. 4) Possible to adjust general control dynamics with a parameter. Unity setting 1.00 for a perfect system with encoder, a normal value can be 1.15; a bad mechanical system with rotor feedback can be 1.30. 5) Current regulator includes function for peak torque elimination after reversal of field direction. 6) Speed reference generation changed from 20 ms to 10 ms periodicity to get smoother control at short ramp times. Example: From 0% to 100% speed in 1 second is made with steps of 1%, before it was 2%. 7) Improved speed control by state dependent adoption of P- and I-parameters in addition to the previous only speed based adoption. State dependent treatment of speed controller's integral part. 8) Possible to hold speed reference at zero at start before the brake has opened. With time, or time interrupted by limit switch "open". Prevents competition between motor and brake as well as current peaks. 9) Possible to adjust notchback impact returning from full speed lowering with Rotor Feedback. 10) Stopping a travel with Delayed brake function now includes braking with reduced current limit, default ∼ 30 % motor torque, to damp our remaining sway of motion before it stops with mechanical brake. 11) A time based rescue sequence takes over thyristor cooling fan control in case the thermistor sensors are damaged, and an attention alarm is given. The motion is not stopped. 12) Possibility to use a new rescue or start-up setting for limit switch control, parameter 05.04 can be temporary set to 0. to override the four limit switches and the fault that comes from impossible limit switch combination. 13) Function changed to tripping, not only attention, for Limit switch fault, Wrong phase sequence and Unbalance for parallel thyristor bridges. 14) Supervision of Unbalance for parallel thyristor Bridge #2 is only active when Bridge #1 is powered. 15) Faults are only reset when master switch is in its neutral position. 16) Changed default values of several parameters based on experience. New functions have commonly feasible default values. 17) Several parameters have been fixed as constants in program based on experience. 18) Rotor contactor K1 is allowed to open for fast electrical braking in hoisting also in speed mode. 19) The so called Ladle tilting function, see section 4.12. is changed to forced opening of K1. K2 and K3 after four seconds steady state speed during step 1 hoisting. 20) Improved overlapping of slow making rotor contactors while motoring. Example: at acceleration K1 will be closed for additionally a defined time after K2 was ordered to close. 21) All rotor contactors are opened during change of thyristor bridge. 22) Correction of Master-Follower function, Torque mode. 23) New type of follower, Current Follower, for very large drives (4000 A) or 12-pulse operation. 24) Removal of not desired false overspeed trip in some situations in High speed down mode (Load functions). 25) Speed deviation differentiated into two functions: - 1 Tachometer, Encoder respectively Rotor measurement failure: Very fast supervision that there is any feedback at all. - 2 Speed deviation: The actual speed from Tachometer (Encoder or Rotor) does not follow the speed reference accurate enough. 26) New Fault codes for Tachometer, Encoder and Rotor Frequency Measurement failures, faster fault tracing. 27) New run type for I/O units and Factory test; Master switch to Cabin I/O#2. Inputs and Outputs of Cabin I/Os #1 and #3 are each others mirrors. For common use of fiber cable from control desk to electrical room. New Fault code for DATX 120:3 not found. 28) Function "Torque proving" (Previous Manual section is removed from ASTAT, due to slowing down start procedure and low requirement in market for installation of shared motion control. 29) Factory test mode, previously announced, is now included. 30) Functions in ASTAT now published in diagram form; static schemes as well as in browser format for dynamic following of signal paths. 31) New design form for Cabin I/O makes crane design faster. 32) Program versions: The display shows 41 for program version AST10_04A. The display shows 42 for program version AST10_04B. The display shows 43 for program version AST10_04C. 33) Presented current, Signal 11.53 ISACT. The signal value is modified to % of the motors rated current (AST10_04A). The value before was 1.732 times higher.
34) Current limit, Parameter 11.01 LIM_INpc: Systems upgraded from software AST10_04 first release or earlier, must have its value for 11.01 modified before upgrading to 10_04A or later: 11.01 (10_04A) = 11.01 (10_04) ∗ 11.10 / 1.732 (AST10_04A) 35) Digital signals: The signals 05.66 DO _1 and 05.73 DO_8 always present their correct values in CMT program (AST10_04A). 36) Cabin I/O signals: The LED for Over temperature Cable relay will not lit up at control voltage power up as before (AST10_04A). The LED (flash) for Warning Mechanical overload will not be active with default parameter values as before (AST10_04A). 37) Master-Follower: The position of slow down and stop limit switches of the Follower are included in the M-F communication. Motion stops (or slows down) based on OR-condition of the Masters and Followers switches. The evaluation of not valid combination of limit switches remains unchanged; Follower reports error if the Follower's limit switches are invalid, and Master reports error if its limit switches are invalid. Both Master and Follower limit switch error stops the motion (AST10_04A). 38) Scaling of rotor speed feedback. The scaling with parameters 07.03 and 07.04 has a higher resolution (AST10_04A). 39) Fewer operations of rotor contactors in no load state (AST10_04B). 40) Softer transition from full speed / direct on-line control mode. Softer return to speed control state without any visible delay (AST10_04B). The controller is back in controlled state maximally 100 ms after notching back from full speed. 41) Update of Rotor frequency minimal current function (AST10_04C) 42) Update of Rotor frequency hoist lowering notch batch function (AST10_04C) 43) Fewer operations of rotor contactors in deceleration state and hoist lowering state (AST10_04C) 44) Noise level signals from AI to step reference: In AST10_04 we introduced a new value for parameter 08.01 (RAMP_TYP) = 5. Value 5 sets analogue speed ref. to exactly 0. But it was still AI contribution added after ramp unit from AI number 6 of DATX 110. IN AST10_05 08.01 = 5 will in addition force speed ref. contribution after ramp to 0 (AST10_04C) Tool program 45) Improved revision handling of parameter files created by different CMT-releases. This CMT release makes it possible to handle all ASTAT delivered to this date by the same CMT. 46) Function for copy visible and hidden Parameters Set x to Set y, incl. teach-in values of position and weight. 47) Logging by means of PC of coming and going Fault signals 21.xx as well as any selected signal. 48) Export of Monitor files to EXCEL-format for off-line study 49) CMT- program tested for Windows XP. 50) The CMT by default connects your on-line adjustments to the active macro (CMT10_04A). 51) If a parameter value is entered outside the Minimal and Maximal limits the colour of its cell of the edit spread sheet will be red (CMT10_04B). 52) A Parameter Check Report function creates two sequential previews of two check reports based on the current ASTAT parameters file (CMT10_04B). An example of a report is displayed below.
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