GE IC695CMM002 Co-Processor and Serial Communications Modules
PACSystems RX3i Programmable Controllers
RX3i features a wide range of Specialty Modules to meet all of your application needs.
From temperature controls, high-speed counters, I/O processors, coprocessors, to PID
auto-tuning modules, these Specialty Modules are designed to meet the demand for
versatile industrial solutions.
Co-Processor and Serial Communications Modules
IC695CMM002 IC695CMM004 IC695PRS015 HE693ASC900
Product Name
Two Port Serial Module Four Port Serial Module Pressure Transducer Module
supporting Honeywell LG1237
Smart Sensors
Horner ASCII Basic Module
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active
Module Type
Serial Communications
2 Isolated Serial Ports
Serial Communications
4 Isolated Serial Ports
Serial Communications Serial Communications
4 Isolated Serial Ports
ASCII Basic Co-Processor
Backplane Support Universal Backplane Only.
Uses PCI Bus
Universal Backplane Only.
Uses PCI Bus
Universal Backplane Only.
Uses PCI Bus.
No Backplane Restrictions
Number of Slots Module
Occupies on Backplane 1 1 1 1
Protocols Supported
Serial Read/Write Modbus
Master/Slave DNP 3.0 Master/
Slave CCM Slave and
Custom Protocols
Serial Read/Write Modbus
Master/Slave DNP 3.0 Master/
Slave CCM Slave and
Custom Protocols
Pressure Transducer Honeywell
LG1237 Smart Pressure
Transducer sensors
(Up to 15 sensors)
Programming Languages None required. Communications
set up in Proficy Machine Edition
None required. Communication
set up in Proficy Machine Edition
Communication Ports (2) Isolated RS-232 or RS-485/422 (4) Isolated RS-232 or RS-485/422 (1) RS-485 RS-232, RS-232/485
Network Data Rate
Selectable Baud Rates: 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K, 115.2K
Selectable Baud Rates: 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K,
57.6K, 115.2K
375K baud N/A
Internal Power Used 0.7 Amps maximum @ 3.3 VDC
0.115 Amps maximum @ 5 VDC
0.7 Amps maximum @ 3.3 VDC
0.150 Amps maximum @ 5 VDC
0.7 Amps maximum @ 3.3 VDC
0.115 Amps maximum @ 5.0 VDC
375 mA @ 5 VDC

Programmable Controllers
The High Speed Counters can be used for a wide range of applications. The following types are supported.
Type A - Up or Down-Independent Pulse-4 counters
Type B - Both Directions-A QUAD B Encoder Inputs-2 Counters
Type C - Difference Between 2 changing values-A QUAD B Encoder Inputs -1 Counter
Type D - provides homing capability with count inputs and a Home Marker input. In A quad B mode, the counter detects quadrature errors
Type E - Pre-defined Counter Type that occupies two of the module’s internal counters, primarily a down counter, but can handle up
counts to account for A quad B jitter
Type E counter counts down to zero, it uses a second counter block to turn on a dedicated output for a configurable time. Type E can be
set up for sequenced strobing, which links all four strobes on so that they are all triggered by strobe input 1
Type Z - Two regular Clock inputs, a software controlled Preload and a special Clock Input Z. The Z input triggers a store of the
Accumulator value to the Strobe 1 register. After the store, the counter can optionally reset the Accumulator to 0. It can then either restart
immediately or after wait until the Clock Input Z is no longer set User-Defined Counter Type - Create a customized counter type by select ing High-Speed Counter features that are suited to the application. This counter type provides a Clear input that can be used to immedi ately reset the Accumulator to the starting value.
Motion Control (High Speed Counting)
IC694APU300 IC695HSC304 IC695HSC308 IC694APU305
Product Name PACSystems RX3i
High Speed Counter
PACSystems RX3i
High Speed Counter
PACSystems RX3i
High Speed Counter
PACSystems RX3i
I/O Processor Module
Lifecycle Status Active (Enhancement Mode
Available June 2012) Active Active Active
Module Type
High Speed Counter (*Enhanced
Mode support: 1Mhz input frequency,
expanded filtering, single ended,
differential encoders, 32 bit counters,
Z counter and windowing)
High Speed I/O Processing
(4 counters) Module supports High
Speed Counting, PLS (Programmable
Limit Switch), Camming, Input
Interrupts and Pulse Width Timing
High Speed I/O Processing
(8 counters) Module supports High
Speed Counting, PLS (Programmable
Limit Switch), Camming, Input
Interrupts and Pulse Width Timing
I/O Processor Module
Backplane Support No Backplane Restrictions Universal Backplane Only.
Uses PCI Bus.
Universal Backplane Only.
Uses PCI Bus.
No Backplane Restrictions
Number of Slots Module
Occupies on Backplane 1 1 1 1
Input/Output Type Positive Logic Positive Logic Positive Logic N/A
Off State Leakage Current 10 µA per point 200 µA 200 µA 10 µA per point
Output Protection 3 Amp Fuse for all points, Enhanced
Module will have ESCP protection
1.5 A maximum per channel, 10.5 A
maximum per module
1.5 A maximum per channel, 10.5 A
maximum per module
5 A Fuse for all points
Counter Operation Type A, Type B, and Type C
Enhanced Mode Type Z
Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, Type
E, Type Z and User-Defined Counter
Type A, Type B, Type C, Type D, Type
E, Type Z and User-Defined Counter
Gray Code Encoder or A Quad B
Encoder every 500 microseconds
CPU Interrupt Support No Yes Yes N/A
PLS and Camming Support No Yes Yes N/A
Input Filters (Selectable)
High Frequency Filter - 2.5 µs;
Low Frequency Filter - 12.5 ms;
*Enhancement Mode: 5 ms, 500 µs,
10 µs and no filter
30 Hz, 5 KHz, 50 KHz, 500 KHz, 5 MHz 30 Hz, 5 KHz, 50 KHz, 500 KHz, 5 MHz N/A
Count Rate
High Frequency - 80 kHz;
Low Frequency - 20 Hz;
*Enhanced Mode Up to 1MHz with
2MHz internal Oscillator
High Frequency 1.5 MHz
(internal 2 MHz oscillator)
High Frequency 1.5 MHz
(internal 2 MHz oscillator)
30 kHz (Absolute Encoder) 200 kHz
(A Quad B Encoder)
Counter Range
-65,535 to 65,535 ; *Enhanced Mode
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 with
roll over detection
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648 -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,648 N/A
Selectable On/Off
Output Presets
Each Counter has 2 present points,
On and Off; *Enhanced Mode up to 4
configurable outputs
Each Counter has 4 present points,
On and Off
Each Counter has 4 present points,
On and Off
Counters per Timebase
Each counter stores the number
of counts that have occurred in a
specified time. A timebase value
measurement from 1 ms to 65535
ms is configurable.
A Timebase from 100 nanoseconds
to 429,496 milliseconds can be
selected for each counter.
A Timebase from 100 nanoseconds
to 429,496 milliseconds can be
selected for each counter.
Strobe Register
Each counter has one or more strobe
registers that capture the current
accumulator value when a strobe
input transition in the direction
selected during the last
configuration of the module.
Each counter has one or more strobe
registers that capture the current
accumulator value when a strobe
input transition in the direction
selected during the last
configuration of the module.
Each counter has one or more strobe
registers that capture the current
accumulator value when a strobe
input transition in the direction
selected during the last
configuration of the module.
Local Fast Inputs
(12) 5 VDC or 10 to 30 VDC (8 inputs) 5 VDC nominal: 4.7 VDC
to 5.5 VDC 12 to 24 VDC nominal:
10 VDC to 26.4 VDC Inputs are
mapped to any counter or to the
controller as interrupts.
(16 inputs) 5 VDC nominal: 4.7 VDC
to 5.5 VDC 12 to 24 VDC nominal:
10 VDC to 26.4 VDC Inputs are
mapped to any counter or to the
controller as interrupts.
(12) 8.0 VDC (non-VTTL),
1.5 VDC (TTL)
Local Fast Outputs
(4) 10 to 30 VDC @ 500 mA maximum
4.75 to 6 VDC @ 20 mA maximum
(7 outputs) 4.7 to 40 VDC 1.5 A
maximum per channel, 10.5 A
maximum per module Outputs can
be used by the counters or as
standard outputs from the controller.
(14 outputs) 4.7 to 40 VDC 1.5 A
maximum per channel, 10.5 A
maximum per module Outputs can
be used by the counters or as
standard outputs from the controller.
Continuous Output Current
(10°V30 VDC supply) 1.0 A
(each output 1-V4) 0.5 A
(each output 5-V8)
Connector Type Terminal Block (20 screws),
included with module.
IC694TBBx32 or IC694TBSx32.
Sold Separately.
IC694TBBx32 or IC694TBSx32.
Sold Separately.
Terminal Block (20 screws),
included with module.
Internal Power Used 250 mA @ 5 VDC 64 mA maximum @ 5 V;
457 mA maximum @ 3.3 V
94 mA maximum @ 5 V;
561 mA maximum @ 3.3 V
360 mA @ 5 VDC