The products described in this manual are manufactured or
distributed by Reliance Electric Industrial Company.
The AutoMax® Remote I/O network interconnects an AutoMax or
DCS 5000 Processor with remote AutoMaxracks,Remote I/O Heads,
or remote Shark"™'racks. The AutoMax Remote I/O Communications
module(M/N 57C416) is the interface between the AutoMax or DCS
5000 Processor and the remote I/O on the network.
The AutoMax Remote I/O network is designed for master/slave
operation. The network is composed of two main parts: a number of
nodes (drops) and a transmission medium (coaxial or fiber-optic
Reliance-57C328AutoMax Remote I/O Communications
The AutoMax Remote I/O network is designed for master/slave
operation. The network is composed of two main parts: a number of
nodes (drops) and a transmission medium (coaxial or fiber-optic
There are two types of drops: master and slave. The master drop is a
Multibus ™ rack that contains at least one AutoMax or DCS 5000
Processor module and a Remote I/OCommunications module.
Slave drops can be:
Remote I/O Heads(M/N 57C328 and M/N 57C330)
Remote Drive Interface Heads(M/N 57C329)
Shark racks containing I/O modules and an AutoMax Remote I/O
Shark Interface module(M/N 57C554)
AutoMax racks containing AutoMax I/O modules and a Remote
I/O Communications module
IBM-compatible personal computers containing the AutoMax PC
Link Interface module(M/N 57C445). Refer to the AutoMax PC
Link instruction manual (J2-3011) for more information.
An AutoMax Remote I/O network can have a maximum of seven slave
drops. All five types can be mixed on the same network.
The drops are connected using coaxial cable or, when noise
immunity and total electrical isolation is required, fiber-optic cable.
The coaxial cable network is structured in a bus configuration. This
type of topology is characterized by a main trunkline in which
individual nodes are connected in a multidrop fashion as shown in
figure 1.1.
Figure 1.2 - A Typical Fiber-Optic Cable Remote I/O Network
The type of cable used (whether coaxial or fiber-optic) does not affect
the operation of the Remote I/O network protocols, application
software, or the operation of the Remote I/O Communications
module, Shark Interface module, Remote I/O Head,or Remote Drive
Interface Head.
The Remote I/OCommunications module in the master drop (drop0)
rack functions as the network's Remote I/O master. Master or slave
Remote I/O Communications modules may be installed in any slot in
the rack. Any number of Remote I/O Communications modules can
be installed in a master rack, each controlling a separate Remote I/O
network. See figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3-Multiple Remote I/O Network Connections (Coax)
The master initiates and controls all data transmissions on the
network by polling every slave drop in a round-robin sequence.A
slave drop's Remote I/OCommunication module, Remote I/O Head,
or AutoMax Remote I/OShark Interface module functions as an l/O
scanner: it reads data in from the input modules and writes data out
to the output modules. The data sent from the master drop to the
slave updates the status of the slave's outputs. The slave drop sends
the current status of its inputs back to the master.
Each Remote I/O Communications module contains a4K word
dual-port memory for storing the data that is transmitted over the
network. Dual-port memory is accessible to both the module and the
AutoMax Processor in the rack. In the master module, the dual-port
memory contains an image of the status of all the inputs and outputs
of the I/O modules in the slave drops. The application task that
controls the I/O associated with these l/O modules actually examines
the inputs and controls the outputs in the image area.
The Remote I/OCommunications module provides an RS-232
compatible serial port and the associated software needed to monitor
the status of the drops. An ASCIl terminal or a personal computer
running terminal-emulation software are also required.For more
information, refer to section 5.0.
The remainder of this manual describes the functions and
specifications of the Remote I/OCommunications module,Remote
I/O Head, Remote Drive Interface Head, and the AutoMax Remote I/O
Shark Interface module. It also includes installation and
troubleshooting procedures, as well as configuration and
programming information.
Related Hardware and Software
Model number (M/N) 57C416 contains one Remote I/O
Communications module.
M/N 57C554 contains one AutoMax Remote I/O Shark Interface
M/N 57C328 and M/N 57C330 each contain one AutoMax Remote I/O
M/N 57C329 contains one AutoMax Remote Drive Interface Head.
The Remote I/OCommunications module, the AutoMax Remote I/O
Head, the AutoMax Remote Drive Interface Head, and the AutoMax
Remote I/O Shark Interface module can be used with all versions of
the AutoMax and DCS 5000 Processor.
Remote I/O communications is supported by all versions of the
AutoMax Programming Executive software.
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