Honeywell Controller C30 CPU 900C30-0360-00
Bad module detailsWhen an I/O module’s error status is BAD MODULE, the module’s status LED on the controller is flashed
red with a number of quick strobes followed by a long off time. Table 23 outlines the potential module
Table 23 Bad module details
Number of
Failure Description AI AO DI DO PFQ User Action
Contact AC DC Relay AC DC
1 FAIL SAFE The module is in the failsafe state
because it is not receiving message
requests from the CPU or Scanner
at a rate that satisfies the configured
failsafe timeout.
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1. If expansion I/O rack, go to step 2. If
no expansion I/O rack, go to step 3.
2. Check the Scanner status LED (see
Scanner Indicators in HC900
Process Controller manual, #51-52-
If it’s flashing 6 times, proceed
with step 3.
If it’s flashing some other red
status code (refer to Scanner
Indicators in HC900 Process
Controller manual, #51-52-25-107)
to solve that problem first.
If it’s flashing green, the module
probably is not required in the
If it’s not on or steady, cycle
power to the scanner.
3. Make sure the module is the correct
one for the configuration.
4. Remove the module and check for
a bent pin, then reinsert the module
5. Replace the module
6. Remove other modules and replace
one at a time until the problem
reoccurs. Most likely the last module
inserted needs to be replaced.
7.Replace the rack.
2 EAROM EA ROM Failed its checksum √ √ 1. Remove/reinsert module.
2. Replace module.
3 RAM √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
4 ROM √ √ √ √ √ √ √
5 +24 V √ √ √ √ 1. Remove the module and check
for a bent pin, then reinsert the
2. Measure power supply voltage. If
not correct, replace power supply.
3. Replace module
4. Replace rack
6 FACTORY CAL CRC failure of primary and backup
factory calibration
√ √ Replace module.
7 FIELD CAL CRC failure of field calibration
√ √ 1. Remove/reinsert module.
2. Replace module.
8 HARDWARE General Hardware Failure
(AI=convertor not working)
√ Replace module.
9 HW/SW Key The software residing on the
module does not match the module
type. This diagnostic should only
result in the factory.
√ √ √ √ √ Replace module

Number of
Failure Description AI AO DI DO PFQ User Action
Contact AC DC Relay AC DC
11 Shift Register The loopback test of the shift
register failed.
√ √ √ √ √ √ Replace module
Bad channel details
Below is a list of conditions that can cause a BAD CHANNEL I/O module diagnostic.
Table 24 Bad Channel details
I/O Summary Error Status Description What to do
Bad Channel If the channel is an Analog Output: There is no
physical output device connected to this
channel, or the output device is showing an
open connection.
If the channel is a Pulse Output: The channel is
failing to output the correct value.
A BAD CHANNEL I/O module diagnostic is
Check terminal block
Replace module.
Burnout Fail The sensor – T/C, RTD, or mV source -- is
failing burnout checks. A BAD CHANNEL I/O
module diagnostic is posted.
Check terminal block connections
Replace source element
Replace module.
Convert Fail When attempting to take a reading, the analogto-digital (ADC) fails. This can occur if the
incoming signal is either too large or too small.
It also could result if the ADC circuit is failing. If
the problem is the ADC circuit, most likely other
channels will have the same failure. A BAD
CHANNEL I/O module diagnostic is posted.
Check the signal level being
applied to the terminals.
Replace module.
No Channel There is no hardware on the I/O module to
support this channel. For example, the
customer configured Channel #15 for a given
module, but there is an 8-channel module
installed in the rack. A BAD CHANNEL I/O
module diagnostic is posted.
Over Current A Digital Output module detected an excessive
amount of current on its output terminals. Note
that this message will only appear for the 32-
channel DO module. A BAD CHANNEL module
diagnostic is posted.