Honeywell I/O Scanner - 2 Port (1 per I/O rack) 900S75-0360-00
Table 9 Protocol selection versus setup parameters for the Serial Port S1/S2Setup parameter
Protocol selection
ELN Modbus
Master or
Modbus Slave
Point to Point
Modbus Slave
Baud Rate (BPS) X X X X X
Modbus Parity X X X NONE
Modbus Stop Bits X X X 1 BIT
Slave Address X X X
Slave Port Enable X X X
Double Register Format X X X
Ethernet Port E1/E2 Status
The Ethernet Port E1 and Ethernet Port E2 screens both show the following details for each Ethernet port
on the controller.
Table 10 Ethernet Port E1/E2 details
Item Description
Port Diagnostic Shows condition of Ethernet port. See Table 11 for status details.
Controller Name Configured controller name
Network Name The network name to which the controller belongs.
Local Alias A locally referenced alias for the controller.
Mac Address The controller’s Media Access Control address.
IP Address The controller’s Internet Protocol address.
Subnet Mask The controller’s subnet mask address.
Gateway IP Address The Internet Protocol address for the controller’s gateway device.
Double Register Format Each IEEE 32-bit floating point number requires two consecutive registers (four bytes,
MSB=4, LSB=1 in byte order below) starting with the register defined as the starting
register for the information. The stuffing order of the bytes into the two registers differs
among Modbus hosts. To provide compatibility, the Double register format is
configurable. Selections are:
FPB Floating Point Big Endian Format Byte order – 4, 3, 2, 1 (Default)
FP BB Floating Point Big Endian with byte-swapped Byte order – 3, 4, 1, 2
FP L Floating Point Little Endian Format Byte order – 1, 2, 3, 4
FP LB Floating Point Little Endian with byte-swapped Byte order – 2, 1, 4, 3

Table 11 Ethernet Port E1/E2: Port Diagnostic status
Status Possible Cause Controller Action What to do
SETUP ERROR Controller/network
names determined on
network are illegal
Rack 1 monitor block’s
COMPORT DIAG is set to
Rack 1 monitor block’s
RACK OK pin is turned off.
MONITOR) block’s HW OK
pin is turned off.
Correct the setup problem.
NO IP ADDRESS IP address is not
Same as above If a DHCP server is present,
download a configuration that
uses DHCP.
Enter an IP address.
Ethernet port tests
failed during power-up.
Same as above Replace CPU module.
DHCP Failure DHCP is configured,
and no IP address has
been granted.
Same as above Check the DHCP server.
Download a configuration with
DHCP required.
Expansion Rack Communications
Shows status of each controller expansion I/O rack.
Table 12 Expansion Rack Communication details
Item Description
Diagnostics Status Status of the rack’s communication port.
Message Count Number of message attempts to the rack.
Link Error Count Number of message attempts to the rack that resulted in failed response.
Total Count Total for all racks.
Clear Statistics Reset the messages and link error counters for all racks to zero.