ABB Relion® 615 series Protection and control relays
ABB Relion® 615 series Protection and control relays
The 615 protection and control series of relays is a member of ABB’s Relion® product family. The 615 series relays are characterized by their compactness and withdrawable plug-in unit design.
Ready-made adaptations to application-specific requirements
The 615 series relays are available in ready-made standard configurations for fast and easy setup. All standard configurations can be tailored to meet application-specific requirements using the IEC 61850-compliant Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600.
Human-machine interface
The 615 series relays are equipped with a large graphical display which can show customizable single-line diagrams (SLD) with position indication for the circuit breaker, disconnectors and the earthing switch. Also measured values provided by the chosen standard configuration can be displayed. The SLDs are customized using PCM600 and can have multiple pages for easy access to selected information. The SLDs can be accessed not only locally but also via the web browser-based HMI that has now been enriched with a number of usability enhancing features.
Standardized communication and redundancy
The 615 series relays fully support the IEC 61850 standard for communication and interoperability of substation automation devices, including fast GOOSE messaging and IEC 61850-9-2 LE, and can now also benefit from the extended interoperability provided by Edition 2. The relays further support both the parallel redundancy protocol (PRP) and the highavailability seamless redundancy (HSR) protocol, together with the DNP3, IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus® protocols. With the protocol adapter SPA-ZC 302, Profibus DVP1 can also be used. The relays are able to use two communication protocols simultaneously.
For redundant Ethernet communication, the 615 series relays offer either two optical or two galvanic Ethernet network interfaces. A third port with a galvanic Ethernet network interface provides connectivity of any other Ethernet device to an IEC 61850 station bus inside a switchgear bay. RED615 differs in that it offers only two optical network interfaces. The redundant Ethernet solution can be built on the Ethernet-based IEC 61850, Modbus® and DNP3 protocols.
Main customer benefits
• Compact and versatile solution for utility and industrial power distribution systems with integration of protection, control, monitoring and supervision in one relay
• Wide application coverage – feeder, transformer, motor, line differential, voltage, capacitor bank as well as generator and interconnection protection and control
• Extensive range of protection and control functionality, either with sensors or conventional instrument transformers• Withdrawable plug-in unit design for swift installation and testing
• Ready-made standard configurations for fast and easy setup with tailoring capabilities
• IEC 61850 Edition 2 and Edition 1 support, including HSR and PRP, GOOSE messaging and IEC 61850-9-2 LE for less wiring and supervised communication
• IEEE 1588 V2 for high-accuracy time synchronization and maximum benefit of substation-level Ethernet communication
• Large graphical display for showing customizable SLDs, accessible either locally or through a web browser-based HMI
• Extensive life cycle services
REF615 has been designed to be the main overcurrent and earth-fault protection for overhead lines and cable feeders, in either isolated neutral, resistance-earthed, compensated or effectively-earthed distribution networks, depending on the standard configuration.
REF615 is available in twelve standard configurations. In addition to standard configuration N, also L now provides maximum functionality to allow fully flexible tailoring. The major difference is that L includes support for three combi-sensor inputs for phase currents (Rogowski coil) and voltages (voltage divider), whereas N supports conventional current and voltage instrument transformers.
The extensive earth-fault protection portfolio has been expanded to include a unique multifrequency admittance-based protection for higher sensitivity and selectivity, in response to the requirements of today’s growing cable networks. The new earth-fault protection is intended for all types of earth faults – continuous, transient and intermittent – and combines both reliability and sensitivity in one function.
Product highlights
• Extensive range of protection and control functionality, either with sensors or conventional instrument transformers
• Extensive earth-fault protection portfolio with unique multifrequency admittance-based protection for higher sensitivity and selectivity
• Advanced and fast fault location of short circuits and earth faults
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