ABB IMMFP12 Multi-Function Processor Module
The IMMFP12 Multi-Function Processor Module (MFP) is one of
the workhorses of the INFI 90® OPEN control module line. It is
a multiple loop analog, sequential, batch and advanced con troller that provides powerful solutions to process control
problems. It also handles data acquisition and information
processing requirements providing true peer-to-peer commu nications. The comprehensive set of function codes supported
by this module handles even the most complex control strate gies. The INFI 90 OPEN system uses a variety of analog and
digital I/O modules to communicate with and control the pro cess. The MFP module communicates with a maximum of 64
modules in any combination (refer to Figure 1-1).
The MFP module has three operating modes: execute, configure
and error. In the execute mode, the MFP module executes con trol algorithms while constantly checking itself for errors. When
an error is found, the front panel LEDs display an error code
corresponding to the type of error found. In the configure mode,
it is possible to edit existing or add new control algorithms. In
this mode, the MFP module does not execute control algorithms.
If the MFP module finds an error while in execute mode, it auto matically goes into error mode. Refer to the Section 4 of this
instruction for operating mode details.
A one megabaud CPU to CPU communication link allows the
MFP module to accommodate redundant processors. This link
enables a backup MFP module to wait in a hot standby mode
while the primary MFP module executes the control algorithms.
If the primary MFP module goes off-line for any reason, a
bumpless transfer of control to the backup MFP module occurs.
Personnel installing, operating, or maintaining the MFP mod ule should read this manual before performing any installa tion, operation, or maintenance procedures. Installation
requires an engineer or technician with experience handling
electronic circuitry. Formal training in INFI 90 OPEN systems
and configuration (especially function codes) would help when
configuring the MFP module.
The multifunction processor module consists of a faceplate and
circuit board.

The MFP faceplate measures 35.56 millimeters wide by 177.80
millimeters high (1.4 inches wide by seven inches high). Two
latching screws, one at the top, the other at the bottom, lock
the module assembly into the module mounting unit. A trans parent window on the faceplate permits viewing of LEDs one
through eight and the status LED. These LEDs display operat ing information. A small hole directly below the window pro vides access
to the combination stop/reset pushbutton.
Besides locking the module in place, the faceplate also protects
the circuit components and promotes proper air flow within thecabinet.
Circuit Board
The circuit board features state-of-the-art circuitry. On the
board are nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM), random
access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), a microproces sor running at 16 megahertz, direct memory access (DMA)
cir cuits, Elsag Bailey custom bus circuits and various support
circuitry. The board attaches to the faceplate with two screws.
The module assembly occupies one slot in a module mountingunit.
The multifunction processor module is ideally suited for appli cations requiring multiple loop control and module I/O. Since
it handles both analog and digital signals, the MFP module fits
into virtually any control scheme.FEATURES
The MFP module has the following features:
• A high speed redundancy link.
• A serial communication port for station support.
• Two general purpose serial channels.
• Direct memory access circuitry.
• 512 kilobytes of RAM memory.
• 256 kilobytes of NVRAM memory.
This manual consists of eight sections and four appendices:
Introduction This section provides an overview of the module, a description
of the hardware, a glossary of unique terms, and a table of
physical, electrical, and environmental specifications.
Description andOperation
How the key circuits function is explained in this section.
Installation The handling, inspection, hardware configuration, and instal lation aspects of the module are described in this section.
Operating Procedures Front panel indicators and controls, and everyday operations
are discussed in this section.
Troubleshooting This section features detailed flow charts and tables that
enable quick diagnosis of error conditions and provide correc tive actions.
Maintenance Scheduled module maintenance is covered by this section.