ABB 3BUS092075R0001 SYMPHONY/Harmony EnhancedndustrialIT
Within ABB’s new family of integrated
software and hardware solutions –
collectively known as Industrial IT – the
ABB Symphony™ Enterprise Management
and Control System offers customers
a solid foundation for the addition of new
Industrial IT components. Symphony user’s
of Harmony I/O, control and communica tion elements retain all the process security
and existing configuration value of their
new or existing harmony controls while
gaining the new and innovative features and
strategies fundamental to Industrial IT.
SYMPHONY enhances the real-time sharing
of knowledge between related, but diver gent, enterprise operations. Fully equipped
with an integrated set of decision-making
tools, Industrial IT makes it possible for real time information to be shared – and its value
compounded – throughout an organization.
The result is better and faster decisions that
optimize company assets, whether people,
raw material, process, or infrastructure.
Open Architecture for
Seamless Integration
Industrial IT applications are designed to
be used as stand-alone or integrated solutions,
enabling the flexibility to implement the
required functions today and the agility
to add on as needs evolve. ABB’s diligent
use of open standards simplifies the task
of interfacing with existing automation
and information systems, while the proven
SYMPHONY progression ensures an
additional layer of established investment
The Evolution Continues…
Industrial IT is the latest installment on
a greater than 20-year commitment that ABB
has honored with its DCS users. The
company’s pledge of Evolution through
Enhancement ensures that future advances
in system technologies will not compromise
the customer’s current investments. While
other vendors may talk about investment
protection, ABB’s proven program is truly
unique in the industry. All told, from the
introduction of Network 90 in 1980, through
each of the evolution steps of INFI 90, INFI
90 OPEN and SYMPHONY, to the introduc tion of Industrial IT, this family of systems
represent the largest contiguous installed
base of any process automation system in
the world – an installed base exceeding USD
$5 billion!
A Global Leader
Today, Evolution through Enhancement
has expanded to include the latest products
and services from the world’s largest auto mation supplier; including instrumentation,
analytical devices, meters, robotics, drives,
motors, machines, manufacturing execution
systems, and control products and systems.
Backed by common Industrial IT technology
and industry specific expertise, ABB’s automa tion portfolio provides the seamless link
between process and business management
to deliver knowledge-based solutions.

Making real-time business decisions to
prevent or limit process upsets requires a
consistent infrastructure for data, operations,
configuration, and maintenance across the
entire enterprise. The foundation of this
consistent infrastructure is ABB’s Aspect
Object™ technology provided by the Aspect
Integrator Platform (AIP) component. Every
Two Decades of Enhancements
Industrial IT software product is based upon
the AIP component. Symphony Harmony
fully participates in an integrated Industrial
IT environment by leveraging the full power
of the Aspect Object technology by employing an open, enterprisewide architecture that
supports a seamless communications fabric
to every level of control – from field I/O to
plantwide and multi-plant systems. SYMPHONY
Harmony essential security and proven
availability at the control level are integrated
with enterprise network strategies for total
enterprise communication.
The scalable SYMPHONY Harmony architec ture allows for easy integration of ABB
Industrial IT components, such as Operate
IT, Produce IT, Inform IT, and Optimize IT.
In addition, non-traditional DCS functional
areas, such as field device management and
PLC controls, simply “plug-and-produce” in
the SYMPHONY Harmony architecture via
other ABB Industrial IT components, such
as Engineer IT and Control IT.