ABB PFEA112 3BSE073140R0001 tension load cells
In the 1980’s Gränges Sweden installed the first
Stressometer flatness system. Two decades later
Gränges Sweden continued investing in another
Stressometer system in order to scale up production.
Also Gränges expanded internationally and set up
upgraded Stressometer systems in the Gränges
Shanghai factory.
The investments continued and in 2004 two
Stressometer systems were installed in the Tandem
Cold Mill at Gränges Sweden. Also, at this time,
Gränges carried through a MTG test installation
in one of the rolling mills at the Finspång site in
Sweden. The test resulted in very good feedback,
highlighting the potential and benefits with the
Millmate Thickness Gauging system (MTG) and
the underlying PEC measurement technology,
Pulsed Eddy Current technology. This test ended
up with the first MTG-installation in the rolling mill.
In 2004 and 2005 Gränges Shanghai installed
two Stressometer systems in CM1 and CM2
as well as a MTG in the levelling line.
In 2008 the investments continued and Gränges
Shanghai installed another two Stressometer
systems in the Tandem Cold Mill. Also MTG-gauges,
Millmate Strip Scanners and LPBT and PRT load cells
were installed in the TCM rolling mill.
The positive functions of the MTG and Stressometer
systems have resulted in so far 7 MTG-gauges and
5 Stressometer flatness systems installed in the
Gränges Shanghai mill. Further, in 2010, there were
Stressometer, MTG, Millmate Strip Scanners as well
as LPBT and PRT load cells installed in the Shanghai
CM1 rolling mill. The latest additions at Gränges
Shanghai is a Stressometer system in the hot
rolling mill and a Stressometer system in CM4.
Stressometer system in the hot rolling mill
”The hot Stressometer installation is
running very well and we have really
achieved better quality. The good tailout
from the hot rolling mill results in
high quality head-in to the cold rolling
mill. Further, we have increased rolling
speed and the yield is also better than
before. We also got good hot mill strip
flatness and benefit for cold rolling
speed performance and quality.”
Stressometer systems in the cold
rolling mills
”The rolling mill performance is much
better with the Stressometer flatness
systems. We have increased the produc tivity step by step and the availability
has improved a lot. The measurements
are very stable and reliable and we have
seen a considerable decrease of scrap
due to the Stressometer installations.
Further, in the long term we have
increased the production speed from
300 m/min to 1500 m/min and thereby
we have succeeded to increase our
production efficiency considerably.”
Millmate Thickness Gauging (MTG)
in the cold rolling mills
”The accuracy is very good with the
Further, MTG-gauges are alloy independent and for the clad mode,
the measurement is insensitive to
the alloy chemistry.
We see a big advantage with the non contact MTG thickness gauges having
very stable and reliable measurements
over time. Also, there is a minimum of
maintenance and there are no radiation
problems with MTG.”

Mill data
Hot rolling mill
Mill builder CNPT/ProEng
Slab/strip temperature 500 °C
Exit strip thickness 3 to 5 mm
Min. to max. width 900 to 1500 mm
Rolling speed 225 m/min
Total ABB portfolio 1 STR
Tandem cold mill
MMill builder LINP
Thicknesses 0.3 to 5.0 mm
Min. to max. width 900 to 1500 mm
Rolling speed 750 m/min
Total ABB portfolio 2 STR, 2 MTG, 1MSS, 2 LPBT, MC400
CM1 cold rolling mill
Mill builder LINP
Thicknesses 0.05 to5.0 mm
Min. to max. width 800 to 1260 mm
Rolling speed 1000 m/min
Total ABB portfolio 1 STR, 1 MTG, 1 MSS
CM2 cold rolling mill
Mill builder NP
Thicknesses 0.04 to 0.60 mm
Min. to max. width 650 to 1250 mm
Rolling speed 1500 m/min
Total ABB portfolio 1 STR, 2 LPBT, MC400
CM4 cold rolling mill
Mill builder Zhuoshen/ProEng
Thicknesses 0.03 to 0.60 mm
Min. to max. width 900 to 1500 mm
Rolling speed 1800 m/min
Total ABB portfolio 1 STR, PRT D-type load cells, PFEAR
Process lines
Tension leveler
Total ABB portfolio 1 MTG
Light Gauge Slitter 4 (LGS4)
Total ABB portfolio 1 MTG
Loop Slitter
Total ABB portfolio PRT D-type load cells PFEA 112
Light Gauge Slitter 2305
Total ABB portfolio PRT D-type load cells PFEA
Light Gauge Slitter 3
Total ABB portfolio 1 MTG, LPBT load cells, MC400
Heavy Gauge Slitter
Total ABB portfolio 1 MTG, LPBT load cells, MC400
STR = Stressometer flatness control system
MTG = Millmate Thickness Gauge
MSS = Millmate Strip Scanner system
LPBT = Large PillowBlock Tensiometers, strip tension measurement
MRF = Millmate Roll Force system, rectangular load cells
PRT = Pressductor Radial Tensiometer load cells
PFEA = Tension electronics
MC400 = Millmate Controller 400

Gränges Aluminium (Shanghai) Ltd.
Gränges Aluminium (Shanghai) Ltd. is a wholly
owned subsidiary of Gränges AB in Sweden.
Gränges Aluminium (Shanghai) Ltd. together
with the sister company, Gränges Sweden AB,
are the only rolling mill plants in the world that
works exclusively with rolled aluminium to
produce brazed heat exchangers.
Gränges develops, manufactures and makets
value-added profiles, profile-based building systems
and heat exchanger strips. The business concept
is built on close cooperation with their customers
located all over the world.
In Shanghai Gränges began production in 1999
and over the years they have continuously
invested in enhancing their production capacity
and competencies in order to meet the always
growing market demand. Today the annual
production capacity has reach about 120,000 tons.
Gränges is concentrating all their resources
on one single task – to be the preferred partner
for manufacturers of brazed aluminium heat