GE VMIVME-3122 Analog-to-Digital Converter
GE VMIVME-3122 Analog-to-Digital Converter
This product is designed to support 64 channels of differential or single-ended wide range (±250 mV to ±10 V) analog inputs.The board supports the following operating modes which are described below:
Trigger Modes
Software Trigger
External Trigger
Interval Timer Trigger
Scan Modes
Single Scan
Random Access
• 64 differential or single-ended inputs
• 16-bit A/D conversion
• Software-selectable conversion rate (100 kHz maximum)
• Program-selectable scanning of 1, 8, 16, 32, or 64 channels
• Continually digitizes selected input channels and stores the results
• Programmed VMEbus interrupts
• User-programmable interval timer
• Software-programmable gain 1 and 10
• External trigger to synchronize multiple boards simultaneously
• Jumper-selectable A/D ranges of 0 to +5 V, 0 to +10 V, ±2.5 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V • Optional low pass filter
• Overvoltage protected inputs
• 1,024-word data buffer (16-word deep buffer x 64 channels)
• Selectable output coding
• Powers up in autoscanning mode with unity gain
• Factory automation and instrumentation
• Process control
• Laboratory instrumentation
• Machine monitoring
• Data acquisition
VMEbus Compliance:
This product complies with VMEbus Specification ANSI/IEEE STD 1014-1987 IEC 821 and 297 with the following mnemonics:
A32/A24/A16:D16/D8 (EO) DTB Slave
Interrupter I(1 to 7) ROAK (DYN)
Interrupter Vector: D08 (O) (DYN)
6U form factor
VMEbus Interrupt:
An interrupt request can be generated at the end or middle of a buffer scan. The request can also be initiated after a specific number of samples (1 to 65,535) have been acquired. Response vectors are controlled through Interrupt Vector Registers.
Data Ready Flag:A data ready flag in the CSR is set when the data buffer is filled (endscan) or half-filled (midscan).
In a UIOC, the VMIVME-3122 is used as a monitoring device. During initialization, the UIOC programs the VMIVME-3122 to scan all 64 channels and sets the scan mode to Autoscan. Through UCLIO™ language, the user may set programmable channel gains and command the UIOC to acquire data from any or all of the VMIVME-3122 channels. Through a menu-driven calibration process, the user may create and store channel gain and offset correction factors which are automatically used by the UIOC to provide software gain and offset corrections for each channel.
16-Channel Isolated Signal Conditioning Board with Optional Current Loop Termination. The VMIVME-3417A provides full-scale input ranges from ±5 mV to ±10 V. Two-pole low pass input filters are available with cutoff frequencies of 4, 40, or 400 Hz. Optional current loop termination input resistors are available, and replace the input filter. See Figure 2 for a typical system implementation of the VMIVME-3417A.
8-Channel Strain Gauge and RTD Isolated Signal Conditioning Board. The VMIVME-3418 provides full-scale input ranges from ±5 mV to ±10 V. Low pass input filters are available with cutoff frequencies of 4, 40, or 400 Hz. See Figure 3 for a typical system implementation of the VMIVME-3418.
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