GE HE693RTD601 RTD I/O Modules
PACSystems RX3i Programmable Controllers
The RTD Input Modules provide RTD inputs that allow the direct connection of 2 and
3-wire RTD temperature sensors without using external signal processing (transducers,
transmitters, etc.). All analog and digital processing of the RTD signal is performed on
the module.
RTD I/O Modules
HE693RTD601 HE693RTD660
Product Name
RTD Input Module,
High Resolution
RTD Input Module,
Lifecycle Status Active Active
Module Type RTD Input RTD Input
Backplane Support No Backplane Restrictions No Backplane Restrictions
Number of Slots Module
Occupies on Backplane 1 1
Number of Channels 6 6
RTD Types Supported
3-wire, Pt-100E, Pt-100C, Pt-100Z,
Pt-1000, Cu-10, Cu-50, PT-100, Cu-53,
Cu-100, Ni-120, TD5R,
TD5R, Pt-90 (MIL-7990)
3 wire, Pt-100E, Pt-100C, Ni-120,
Cu-10, Pt-1000,TD5R Si
Channel-to-Channel Isolation
Notch Filter N/A None
Resolution 0.125ºC , 0.1ºC, or 0.1ºF 0.05ºC, 0.05ºF, 0.1ºC, 0.1ºF, 0.5ºC or 0.5ºF
±0.5ºC, typical ±0.3ºC
Input Impedance >1000 Megohms >1000 Megohms
I/O Required 6 %AI 6% AI, 6% AQ, 16% I
Fault Protection Zener Diode Clamp Suppression Diode
Update Time
50 Channels/second 50 Channels/second
A/D Conversion Type 18 bit, integrating 18 bit, integrating
Connector Type Terminal Block (20 screws),
included with module.
Terminal Block (20 screws),
included with module.
Internal Power Used 70 mA @ 5 VDC 200 mA @ 5 VDC

Programmable Controllers
The Millivolt Input Modules allow Millivolt level signals, such as bridged strain gages
(load cells) to be directly connected to the PLC without external signal processing
(transducers, transmitters, etc.) All analog and digital processing of the signal is
performed on the module.
Strain Gage I/O Modules
IC695ALG600 Strain Gage IC695ALG306 Strain Gage IC695ALG312 Strain Gage
Product Name
Universal Analog and configurable for Current,
Voltage, RTD, Thermocouple and Resistive.
High Density (8 Channel) Requires Cold
Junction Compensation; are available
for Thermocouple configurations
(IC695ACC600 contains 2 CJCs)
Isolated Thermocouple Input module
provides six isolated differential
thermocouple input channels. Each
channel can be individually configured
for inputs from: Thermocouple types:
J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, or C and Voltage:
±150mV or ±50mV.
Isolated Thermocouple Input module
provides twelve isolated differential
thermocouple input channels. Each
channel can be individually configured
for inputs from: Thermocouple types:
J, K, T, E, R, S, B, N, or C and Voltage:
±150mV or ±50mV.
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active
Module Type Strain Gage Input Strain Gage Input Strain Gage Input
Backplane Support Universal Backplane Only. Uses PCI Bus. Universal Backplane Only. Uses PCI Bus. Universal Backplane Only. Uses PCI Bus.
Number of Slots Module
Occupies on Backplane 1 1 1
Range ±150mV or ±50mV ±150mV or ±50mV ±150mV or ±50mV
Open wire, short circuit, positive/negative
rate of change, High, High-High,
Low, Low-Low
Open wire, short circuit, positive/negative
rate of change, High, High-High,
Low, Low-Low
Open wire, short circuit, positive/negative
rate of change, High, High-High,
Low, Low-Low
Channel-to-Channel Isolation
Two Groups of Four 250 VAC Continuous
1500 VAC 1 minute
2550 VDC 1 second
250 VAC Continuous
1500 VAC 1 minute
2550 VDC 1 second
Number of Channels 8 6 12
Resolution 32-bit IEEE floating point or 16-bit integer
(in 32-bit field) input data format
32-bit IEEE floating point or 16-bit integer
(in 32-bit field) input data format
32-bit IEEE floating point or 16-bit integer
(in 32-bit field) input data format
Calibrated Accuracy at 25°C. Better than 0.1%
of range. Accuracy depends on A/D filter, data
format, input noise, and ambient temperature.
±0.1% of voltage span at 25°C.
±0.25% of span over
temperature range.
±0.1% of voltage span at 25°C.
±0.25% of span over
temperature range.
Input Impedance >1M ohm Voltage: >=500k ohm Voltage: >=500k ohm
I/O Required N/A N/A N/A
A/D Conversion Type Sigma Delta Sigma Delta Sigma Delta
A/D Conversion Time
(Assumes 2 ADC’s running in parallel, no CJC or
lead resistance) 10ms per Channel 4 Chan nels = 40ms (1KHz filter) 127ms per Channel 4
Channels = 508ms (8Hz filter) Channels that are
disabled are not scanned, shortening scan time.
15 msec @ 28 Hz to
120 msec @ 2.3 Hz
15 msec @ 28 Hz to
120 msec @ 2.3 Hz
Strain Gages Supported Yes Yes Yes
Maximum Normal
Voltage Input N/A N/A N/A
Maximum Voltage Input ±14.5 VDC continuous N/A N/A
Connector Type IC694TBBx32, IC694TBSx32 or IC694TBC032.
Sold Separately.
IC694TBBx32, IC694TBSx32 or IC694TBC032.
Sold Separately.
IC694TBBx32, IC694TBSx32 or IC694TBC032.
Sold Separately.
Internal Power Used 400 mA @ 5 V; 350 mA @ 3.3 V 150 mA @ 5V; 400 mA @ 3.3V 300 mA @ 5V; 400 mA @ 3.3V