The TZIDC is an electronically configurable positioner with communication capabilities designed for mounting to pneumatic linear or rotary actuators. It features a small and compact design, a modular construction, and an excellent cost-performance ratio. Fully automatic determination of the control parameters and adaptation to the final control element yield considerable time savings and an optimal control behavior
ABB-TZID-C-V18345-Electro-Pneumatic Positioner
1 Description Pos: 3.2 /==== Wechsel ein- auf zweispaltig ==== @ 0mod_1130421847171_3101.doc @ 3828 Wechsel ein-auf zweispaltig Pos: 3.3 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Kurzbeschreibung/Kurzbeschreibung @ 10mod_1173180169769_3101.doc @ 71118 The TZIDC is an electronically configurable positioner with communication capabilities designed for mounting to pneumatic linear or rotary actuators. It features a small and compact design, a modular construction, and an excellent cost-performance ratio. Fully automatic determination of the control parameters and adaptation to the final control element yield considerable time savings and an optimal control behavior. Pos: 3.4 /Überschriften/1.1/2-spaltig/Pneumatik @ 10mod_1176211138453_3101.doc @ 76683 1.1 Pneumatics Pos: 3.5 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Kurzbeschreibung/Pneumatik @ 10mod_1173180645393_3101.doc @ 71139 a An I/P module with subsequent pneumatic amplifier is used to control the pneumatic actuator. The well-proven I/P module proportionally converts the permanent electrical positioning signal from the CPU into a pneumatic signal used to adjust a 3/3-way valve. The air flow for pressurizing or depressurizing the actuator is continuously adjusted. As a result, excellent control is achieved. When reaching the set point, the 3/3-way valve is closed in center position to minimize the air consumption. Four different pneumatics versions are available: for single-acting or double-acting actuators, each with “fail-safe” or “fail-freeze” function. Pos: 3.6 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Sicherheitsfunktion "entlüftend" @ 10mod_1176211744343_3101.doc @ 76809 1.1.1 “Fail-safe” function Pos: 3.7 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Kurzbeschreibung/Sicherheitsfunktion "entlüftend" @ 10mod_1176211673796_3101.doc @ 76788 If the electrical power supply fails, the positioner output 1 is depressurized, and the pneumatic actuator’s return spring moves the valve to the defined safe position. In case of a double-acting actuator the second output 2 is additionally pressurized. Pos: 3.8 /======= Spaltenumbruch ======== @ 0mod_1132937966324_3101.doc @ 3831 Pos: 3.9 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Sicherheitsfunktion "blockierend" @ 10mod_1176211798765_3101.doc @ 76830 1.1.2 “Fail-freeze” function Pos: 3.10 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Kurzbeschreibung/Sicherheitsfunktion "blockierend" @ 10mod_1176211845484_3101.doc @ 76851 If the electrical power supply should fail, the positioner output 1 (and 2. if applicable) is closed and the pneumatic actuator stops (“freezes”) the valve in the current position. If compressed air supply should fail, the positioner depressurizes the actuator. Pos: 3.11 /Überschriften/1.1/2-spaltig/Bedienung @ 10mod_1176211172234_3101.doc @ 76704 1.2 Operation Pos: 3.12 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Kurzbeschreibung/Bedienung (Kommunikationsmöglichkeit) @ 10mod_1173184631054_3101.doc @ 71160 The positioner has a built-in operating panel providing a 2-line LCD and 4 pushbuttons for optimal local configuration, commissioning and operational monitoring. Alternatively, the appropriate configuration program and the available communication option can be used. Pos: 3.13 /Überschriften/1.1/2-spaltig/Kommunikation @ 10mod_1176211201546_3101.doc @ 76725 1.3 Communication Pos: 3.14 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/TZIDC / TZIDC-200/Kurzbeschreibung/Kommunikation @ 10mod_1176212225390_3101.doc @ 76893 The standard TZIDC model has a local communication interface (LKS connector). Additionally, a “HART communication” option for communication via the 20 mA signal is available. Both communications are based on the HART Protocol. Pos: 3.15 /Überschriften/1.1/2-spaltig/Ein-/Ausgänge @ 10mod_1176211233015_3101.doc @ 76746 1.4 Inputs and outputs Pos: 3.16 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/TZIDC / TZIDC-200/Kurzbeschreibung/Ein-/Ausgänge @ 10mod_1176212290390_3101.doc @ 76914 In addition to its input for the analog position set point the TZIDC positioner is equipped with a digital input which can be used to activate various protective functions in the device via the process control system. A digital output allows you to output collective alarms or fault messages. Pos: 3.17 /Überschriften/1.1/2-spaltig/Modularer Aufbau @ 10mod_1176211317984_3101.doc @ 76767 1.5 Modular design Pos: 3.18 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Kurzbeschreibung/ModularerAufbau @ 10mod_1173184783043_3101.doc @ 71181 q The TZIDC basic model can be enhanced at any time by retrofitting optional equipment. Option modules for analog or digital position feedback or a shutdown-module can be installed. Additionally, a mechanical position indicator, proximity switches or 24 V microswitches are available for indicating the position independently of the mother board function
Low operating cost Compact design Well-proven technology Robust and environmentally ruggedized Wide operating temperature range -40 ... 85 °C (-40 ... 185 °F) Easy to commission, “single pushbutton” operating philosophy Mechanical position indicator ATEX, FM, CSA, GOST and IECEx approvals For SIL2 safety loops
3.1.4 Diagnosis parameters Pos: 7.13 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Betrieb/Diagnoseparameter @ 10mod_1176214500906_3101.doc @ 77406 The diagnosis parameters of the TZIDC program inform the operator about the operating conditions of the valve. From this information the operator can derive which maintenance works are required, and when. Additionally, limit values can be defined for these parameters. When they are exceeded, an alarm is reported. The following values are e.g. determined: - Number of movements performed by the valve - Total travel The diagnosis parameters and limit values can be called up, set, and reset via HART communication, using the configuration program. Pos: 7.14 /Überschriften/1.1/2-spaltig/Bedienpanel @ 10mod_1176214143953_3101.doc @ 77229 3.2 Operator panel Pos: 7.15 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/Allgemein/Betrieb/Bedienpanel TZIDC-1x0 @ 10mod_1176214815500_3101.doc @ 77427 The TZIDC positioner’s operator panel with four pushbuttons allows for - operational monitoring - manual control - configuration - fully automatic commissioning The operator panel is protected by a cover which avoids unauthorized access to the operating elements. Pos: 7.16 /======= Spaltenumbruch ======== @ 0mod_1132937966324_3101.doc @ 3831 Pos: 7.17 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Ein-Tasten-Inbetriebnahme @ 10mod_1176214193156_3101.doc @ 77250 3.2.1 Single-button commissioning Pos: 7.18 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/TZIDC / TZIDC-200/Betrieb/Ein-Tasten-Inbetriebnahme @ 10mod_1176214842843_3101.doc @ 77448 Commissioning the TZIDC positioner is especially easy. The standard Autoadjust function for automatic adaptation of the device parameters can be started by simply pressing a single front panel button, and without knowing parameterization details. Depending on the selected actuator type (linear or rotary), the displayed zero position is automatically adapted: - for linear actuators counter-clockwise (CTCLOCKW) - for rotary actuators clockwise (CLOCKW). Besides this standard function, a customized “Autoadjust” function is available. The function is launched either via the operator’s panel or HART communication. Pos: 7.19 /Überschriften/1.1.1/2-spaltig/Anzeigen @ 10mod_1176214259859_3101.doc @ 77271 3.2.2 Display Pos: 7.20 /Technische Daten / Datenblatt/Aktorik/Stellungsregler/TZIDC / TZIDC-200/Betrieb/Anzeigen @ 10mod_1176214873937_3101.doc @ 77469 The information indicated by the 2-line LC display is permanently updated and adapted during operation, to inform the operator in an optimal way. During control operation (control with or without adaptation) the following TZIDC data can be called up by pressing the pushbuttons briefly: - Up button: Current setpoint (mA) - Down button: Temperature in device - Up + Down buttons: Current control deviation Pos: 7.21 /==== Wechsel zwei- auf einspaltig ==== @ 0mod_1130421955859_3101.doc @ 3829 Wechsel ein-auf zweispaltig
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