ABB COG variable speed drive system
ABB COG variable speed drive system
The variable speed drive system components are selected and engineered to ensure optimum operation, meeting the requirements of the application and complying with international standards for electrical equipment. Power supply, mechanical interface, control interface, cooling, enclosure protection class, building constraints, cable terminations, transport lots and ambient conditions are site dependent and are taken into consideration by project engineering. All system components are routine tested according to international standards. When required, acceptance tests can be performed in ABB’s well equipped testing facilities.
Reliability and availability is a must
ABB ensures the highest reliability by implementing standards and procedures of quality in design and production conforming to ISO 9001. Tests are performed at various stages during the manufacturing process in addition to the final tests before delivery. Redundancy of wearing components (eg cooling pumps) can be provided to increase availability while enabling maintenance intervals to be extended.
Full drive package responsibility
A single source offering consolidated and coordinated work from design to production, testing, delivery and commissioning gives the following advantages to ABB’s customers:
− Minimized risk and reduced commissioning time
− Optimization of the complete drive system with all associated auxiliaries
− System design supported by a professional engineering team and sophisticated IT tools
− Integrated manufacturing and delivery schedules of the complete drive system
− Verification of the functionality, as well as the load performance of the drive system
− Fully integrated documentation
Higher efficiency and less emissions
Energy saving has never been higher on the agenda than today. People have become increasingly aware of the correlation between wasting energy and environmental damage and acknowledge the benefits of conserving energy by technical means. By employing variable speed drives instead of throttling or using by-pass vanes, the energy bill can be reduced by as much as 60 percent. ABB electric drives reduce NOx and CO2 emissions on site that could delay granting of a permit and cause penalties.
The power required to run a pump or a compressor is roughly proportional to the cube of the speed. In other words, a pump or compressor running at half speed can consume as little as one eighth of the energy compared to one running at full speed. A small reduction in speed can make a big difference in the energy consumption. As many pump and compressor systems often run at partial load, the use of a variable speed drive can produce huge savings.
Improved control and flexibility of processes
Outputs of oil and gas fields can vary greatly in their compounds, density, volume flow rates and pressure levels. This imposes varying operating conditions on process equipment, which means that compressors and pumps, which must exhibit a high degree of flexibility, cannot always be operated at their optimum design point. The employment of variable speed drives offers the possibility to control the process simply and effectively by speed control and to run equipment at its optimum operating points.
Minimized environmental impact
Variable speed control is the most eco-efficient way to optimize process performance. Variable speed drives reduce energy consumption and NOx and CO2 emissions. Furthermore, ABB’s electric drives are designed using state-of-the-art DFE (Design for Environment) guidelines covering the complete product life cycle. This entails a long-term commitment to waste reduction and to reuse and recycle components.
Benefits of variable speed drives
·High performance and reliability increases plant availability and decreases maintenance costs
·Smooth torque over the entire speed range reduces noise and vibration levels, which minimizes mechanical stress
·Better efficiency, particularly at partial load results in lower energy costs
·No inrush currents and voltage drops during starting
·Regeneration of rotating power and braking capability
·Improved speed control and process optimization
·Enhanced operating flexibility to suit the process needs
·Lower impact on piping/valve system results in longer equipment life and less maintenance
·Better dynamic performance during starting and during supply grid turbulences
·No on-site emissions
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