GE IC697CMM742 Communications Modules
GE IC697CMM742 Communications Modules
Connects IC697 PLC to an IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD 10Mbps Ethernet LAN via one of three network ports: 10BaseT, 10Base2, or AUI
10BaseT and 10Base2 network ports provide direct connection to 10BaseT or 10Base2 network without an external transceiver
Standard 15-pin AUI network port allows choice of 10Base5, 10Base2, 10BaseT, 10BaseF, or 10Broad36 medium with user-supplied 802.3-com
patible transceiver
Firmware is pre-loaded for easy installation and is maintained indefinitely; firmware is easily upgraded in-system from PC attached to RS-485 serial port
The Ethernet Interface provides:
Data exchange using configuration-based and logic-based Ethernet Global Data
TCP/IP communication services using SRTP
Full PLC programming and configuration services
Comprehensive station management and diagnostic tools
The IC697CMM742 Ethernet Interface (Type 2) provides high performance TCP/IP communications for the IC697 PLC. The Ethernet Interface (Type 2) plugs into a single slot in an IC697 PLC rack and is configured with the IC641 PLC programming software. Up to four Ethernet Interface (Type 2) modules can be installed in an IC697 PLC CPU rack. The Ethernet Interface (Type 2) contains three network ports: 10BaseT (RJ-45 connector), 10Base2 (BNC connector), and AUI (15-pin D-connector). The Ethernet Interface automatically selects the network port in use. One network port may be used at a time. The 10BaseT network port permits direct connection to a 10BaseT (twisted pair) network hub or repeater without an external transceiver. The 10Base2 network port permits direct connection to a 10Base2 (ThinWire) network without an external transceiver. The AUI network port permits attachment of a usersupplied AUI (Attachment Unit Interface, or transceiver) cable.
User Maintenance Items
The Ethernet Interface has the following useraccessible elements:
1. Four LEDs
2. Restart Pushbutton
3. Station Mgr (RS-232) Serial Port
4. Service Option Connector
5. Software Load (RS-485) Serial Port
6. 10BaseT Network Port
7. AUI Network Port
8. 10Base2 network Port
9. Default Station (MAC) Address Label (located on the inside edge of the module faceplate)
10. Replaceable +12 VDC Fuse (FU3)
11. Onboard 10base2 Transceiver Power Disable Jumper (JP7 - normally not installed)
Station Management
Operating a local area network entails certain LAN management activities such as network performance measurement, status information, and fault diagnosis. The Ethernet Interface contains many features to support these activities. Some of these features are accessed via the Station Manager, a portion of the Ethernet Interface operating firmware that responds to user commands. The Station Manager operates locally via an ASCII terminal or terminal emulator connected to the Station Mgr (RS-232) serial port, or remotely over the Ethernet LAN. Refer to the TCP/IP Ethernet Communications Station Manager Manual for complete information on the Station Manager.
Related Publications (Factory LAN)
The following documents are related user documentation for the Factory LAN family of communication products. TCP/IP Ethernet (Type 2) Communications User’s Manual
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications Station Manager Manual
PLC Programming Software User’s Manual
PLC Programmer TCP/IP Ethernet User’s Manual Supplement
PLC Programmer TCP/IPWindows 95/Windows NT
User’s Manual Supplement Programmable Controller Reference Manual
Programmable Controller Installation Manual
Host Communications Toolkit C/C++ and Visual Basic User’s Manual
Host Communications Drivers for Microsoft Windows User’s Manual
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