GE VMIVME-4105 Digital-to-Analog Converter Board
GE VMIVME-4105 Digital-to-Analog Converter Board
Analog Output Testing:
Any one of the eight analog outputs may be switched to the analog output test bus (Test Bus 2). This bus is routed through the P2 AMXbus analog backplane to an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) board which is used to verify each DAC channel on the VMIVME-4105 board.
The VMIVME-4105 Analog Output Board is a standard, double height, printed circuit board which is compatible with the VMEbus specification.
Board Address:
The physical address for the board may be selected through a 12-bit DIP switch. VMEbus address lines A04 through A15 are decoded for board selection.
Test Mode:
The DAC board may be used in conjunction with other VMIC boards and the VMIC AMXbus™ backplane for extensive fault detection and isolation. There are two dedicated analog buses that are used by the DAC board.
Tests may be performed by utilizing any one of the eight DAC outputs. While in a test mode the eight DAC outputs may be isolated from the P3 connector so that user-connected devices are not affected by worst-case testing in an off-line mode. Real-time fault detection and isolation is not supported if the multiplying DAC option is used. Built-in-Test is not supported if P2 outputs are used.
Analog Input Test Mode:
Any one of the eight analog outputs may be switched to an analog test bus (Test Bus 1). This analog bus may be used to verify the operation of a VMIC Multiplexer Expansion Board (VMIVME-3200A) that is designed to support Built-in-Test. The interconnecting of the analog bus between boards may be accomplished by using one of VMIC’s 5-, 9-, or 19-slot AMXbus backplanes.
Data Transfer:
When a board write operation is executed, the destination of the data is controlled by data bit 15. If data bit 15 is a one, the word is written to the Control Register. When data bit 15 is a zero, the data is written to the Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) that is addressed. Executing a read access to any valid board address will allow the user to read the board status. Digital data to the DAC is contained in data bits D00 through D11. Unipolar binary code is used for unipolar operation (0 to -10 V output). Bipolar operation (-10 to +10 V output) may use either offset binary or two’s complement code.
Mode Selection:
The operation modes of the board may be selected by writing to the Control Register. Only data bits D08 through D14 are utilized for the Control Register. Data bits D08 through D14 contain information to select the different DAC operation modes.
Temperature:0 to +55 °C, operating -20 to +85 °C, storage
Humidity: 20 to 80 percent relative, noncondensing
Altitude: Operation to 10,000 ft
Cooling: Forced air convection
Dimensions: Double Eurocard (6U) 160 x 233.35 mm
• 8-channel analog output (D/A per channel)
• Jumper-selectable P2 or front panel outputs
• 12-bit resolution
• 2- or 4-quadrant multiplier jumper-selectable option
• Jumper option to support eight independent or one shared AC or DC voltage reference
• ±10 V or 0 to -10 V jumper-selectable options
• Double Eurocard format with front panel fail LED
• Requires VMIVME-31xx for Built-in-Test
• Multiplexed programmable outputs for testing analog outputs
• Internal DC reference to support Built-in-Test
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