GE IC220SDL543 Functional Safety Modules
VersaPoint and VersaSafe I/O Industrial I/OVersaSafe is a SIL3 TUV certified safety solution, well integrated in the PACSystems
RX3i platform.
VersaSafe technology offers RX3i users, in particular machine OEMs, a scalable and
cost efficient SIL 3 safety solution, without need of an additional, complex safety PLC
and safety network. Users can add the exact number of safe I/O modules required,
with the ability to expand to more than 100 safe I/Os. Even if the application requires
a low number of safe I/O, VersaSafe still offers a cost efficient solution.
The safety I/O is distributed via VersaPoint Profibus NIU or Profinet RT NIU, and can
be combined with any standard I/O on the same network.
Well integrated into the RX3i system, VersaSafe is easy to use. Since the RX3i is the single point of
connection, both safe and standard I/O can be combined in the same logic program. Integration into
the RX3i also enables significant cost reduction because the status of all safe I/Os is directly available
in the standard application logic without the need to hard wire. The safety programming tool provides
a safe function block library so standard machine safety applications can be realized with configura tion instead of complex programming.
IC220SDL543 IC220SDL953 IC220SDL753 IC220SDL752 IC220SDL840
Product Name
Safe Input,
24 VDC
Positive Logic
Safety Logic Modul,
Safe Output, 24 VDC
Postive Logic
Safe Output,
24 VDC
Postive Logic 2 A
Safe Output,
24 VDC Sink/
Safe Output,
Relay 4A, 4PT,
with 2 contacts each
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active Active
Voltage 0 - 30 VDC 0 - 30 VDC 0 - 30 VDC 0 - 30 VDC 24V and 230V
Applications Safe Input Safe Logic Output Safe Output Safe Output Safe Relay Output
Number of Points
SIL2 / CAT3 8 8 8 4 4
Number of Points
SIL3 / CAT4 4 4 4 2 2
Clock Outputs 8 - - - 2
Diagnostic Inputs - - - - 2
Alarm Outputs - 8 - - -
Max. Safety Level
SIL / IEC61508 3 3 3 3 3
Max. Safety Level
SILC / IEC62061
Max. Safety Level
PL / ISO 13849-1
Max. Safety Level
Category / CAT

Industrial I/O
Motion modules enable the user to easily connect to high speed input devices.
Motion Modules
IC220MDD840 IC220MDD841 IC220MDD842
Product Name
High Speed Counter Input,
1 control input,
1 control output
Absolute Encoder Input,
4 digital inputs and
4 digital outputs
Incremental Encoder Input,
4 digital inputs and
4 digital outputs
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active
Number of Points 1 One SSI Encoder One A QUAD B
Input Frequency 100Khz 400Khz Up to 500Khz
Maximum Resolution N/A 26 bit 26 bit
Number of Inputs 1 4 4
Input Voltage 24 VDC / 5 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC
Number of Outputs 1 4 4
Output Voltage 24 VDC, 500 mA 24 VDC, 500 mA 24 VDC, 500 mA
Connection Style Input: 2 and 3 wire
Output: 2 wire
Input: 2 and 3 wire
Output: 2 and 3 wire
Input: 2 and 3 wire
Output: 2 and 3 wire
Protection Short Circuit Protection Short Circuit Protection Short Circuit Protection
Current Consumption
for Local Bus UL (mA) 40 mA typical, 50 mA maximum 60 mA 110 mA
Nominal Current
Consumption of US 1.0 Amp maximum 2.0 Amp maximum 2.0 Amp maximum
LED Indicators
Bus Diagnostics, Sensor supply
short circuit, Counter input status,
Control input status,
Output status
Bus Diagnostics, Sensor supply
short circuit, Counter input status,
Control input status,
Output status
Bus Diagnostics, Sensor supply
short circuit, Counter input status,
Control input status,
Output status
Required Terminal Strip (1) IC220TBK203
(Contains 1 strip)
(1) IC220TBK202
(Contains 1 strip)
(1) IC220TBK202
(Contains 1 strip