triconex 2290614 process safety
triconex 2290614 process safety
When your success depends on safe and reliable operations
TriconexTM is the world’s leading supplier of safety instrumented systems (SIS) for high-hazard industries. When the safety and protection of your most valuable assets is critical to the success of your business, you can rely on Triconex.
For more than 30 years Triconex has been delivering safety for life, protecting people, the surrounding communities, the environment, and keeping equipment and production operating safely and continuously for the life of the asset.
Triconex process safety solutions are built on three essential elements:
• Trusted technology, which must form the foundation of process safety
• Informed operations, which require attention to potentially dangerous activities traditionally beyond the reach of functional safety systems
• Life cycle management, which involves contiguously monitoring and managing process risks and gains across the entire safety life cycle to produce sustained safety and profitability
Tricon CX Safety platform
The latest Triconex Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 safety system that leverages the best of the proven Tricon and Trident platforms in a new compact form factor together with enhanced functionality that delivers safety for life.
Tricon Safety platform
The gold standard in SISs. Based on industryleading TMR technology. Ideal for critical tasks requiring SIL 1, 2, or 3. Features high-availability and hot-swappable processors; supplies extensive diagnostics; offers no single point of failure. Easy to operate and maintain.
Trident Safety platform
Also based on proven TMR technology; certified up to SIL 3. Compact; designed to fit smaller applications. Offers advanced diagnostics and maximizes both high reliability and high availability.
Triconex General Purpose System platform
Provides protection up to SIL 2 in a compact, economical TMR architecture. Ideal for smaller safety and critical control applications requiring high availability.
Safety in numbers: The Triconex advantage
The only automation company with:
• 30 plus years’ experience
• 15,000 safety systems installed in over 80 countries
• 1 billion hours of safe operation
• 650 safety engineers and safety experts
• Number 1 in global process safety market share (ARC, 2014)
• Number 1 in global turbomachinery control market (ARC, 2014)
• Number 1 choice of Control Magazine readers award for safety and emergency shutdown systems
Engineering excellence
Triconex process safety draws on years of successful project engineering excellence in delivering the following services to recognized international safety standards IEC 61508/61511:
• Risk assessments
• Process hazard analysis
• SIL determination and safety instrumented function (SIF) calculations
• Safety requirements specifications
• Project management
• System design, engineering, configuration, and validation testing
• Installation, commissioning, and start-up assistance
• Comprehensive training
• Lifetime support though our dedicated Customer First program
• Periodic safety system revalidation
• Modernization services
• Cybersecurity protection
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