ABB 12KM02E-V0002 multi-axis control unit
The software and hardware concept is based onmodularity. The software application tasks can be
organized in such a way as to be distributed over
different communication units (CMU boards).
This is possible due to an internal communication
concept that keeps all CMU boards informed about
the contents of the process data interface. There is
one process and system database which is available
in adapted copies for each CMU board.
The internal communication system ensures that
all process data are consistent. The different CMU
boards run the communication tasks for the
connected serial links. This allows the type and
number of different communication links running
on one CMU board to be defined.System performance is defined by the configuration of the CMU
The RTU560 has a highly flexible capacity for
adaptation to telecontrol communication protocols.Due to the standardized internal interface for
system and process information,the integration of
a new protocol is mainly oriented towards the new
protocol component.
Flexible System Concept
RTU560 hardware concept
• High availability
• Online configuration download
• Boards can be plugged or pulled out
during operation
• Easy adaptation to control centers and IEDs
• Connection to existing infrastructure
The RTU560 is able to communicate with different
hierarchical levels of a network control system,
with subordinated RTUs or any other intelligent
electronic devices (IEDs),or with the test and diagnostic system.
The most important standard protocols supported
by RTU560 for communication with the control
system are:
• IEC 60870-5-101
• IEC 60870-5-104
• DNP 3.0 (also on ethernet)
• Modbus
• RP 570/71
• Indactic 23/ 33/ 35
• TG 800
• Sinaut 8FW
• Conitel 300
For communication with subordinated RTUs and IEDs such as protection
relays,local control units,etc.,the following protocols,among others,are
• IEC 60870-5-101
• IEC 60870-5-102
• IEC 60870-5-103
• IEC 60870-5-104
• DNP 3.0
• SPA-Bus
• Modbus
• RP570/71
• Indactic 21
The connection of the respective
communication lines can be carried
out in several ways:
• Direct links with RS 232-C interfaces
(local communication)
• Voice-frequency telegraphy over leased telecommunication lines,private lines with narrow
bandwidth modems or power line carriers
• Radio links
• Dial-up modem
• Fiber-optic cables
• Digital communication networks
For energy transmission and distribution networks
it is important to maintain the access to stations.
RTU560 manages this requirement by providing
a sophisticated redundancy concept offering the
following features:
• Redundant communication lines or links
• Redundant communication units (CMU)
• Redundant Power Supply

With this concept the RTU560 fulfills the highest
availability requirements.
Technical features
• Redundant communication lines or links;
communication via 2 communication lines in
a parallel mode (multi host with all available
protocols) or in an active/standby switchover
mode (redundant line/network with IEC 60870-
• Redundant CMU performance;2 sets of CMU
boards in an active/standby switchover mode
• Redundant power supply 2 redundant power
supply;boards for the supply of the communica tion subrack
Due to modular architecture of the RTU560 it is
possible to use parts or combination of the redun dancy elements.
Time Synchronization
The accuracy and resolution of the time stamp for
a process event is important for analysing a process
disturbance,especially when it is necessary to ana lyse events from and between different stations.
The RTU560 meets this requirement.The internal
time management is controlled by the CMU com munication boards.
The time resolution of the RTU560 is 1 ms for
events,scanned by the directly connected I/O
boards.Synchronization with absolute time can be
achieved by one of the following four methods:
• Time synchronization by the network control
center (NCC) via a periodically transmitted syn chronization instruction with a communication
protocol supporting this function
• Time synchronization using a real-time clock that
receives the date and time from the GPS system
• Time synchronization using a real-time clock that
receives date and time information from the
DCF 77 time standard
• Time synchronization using SNTP V4 (RFC2030)
on a LAN/WAN network
The RTU560 time management system synchro nizes the RTU with the supplied absolute time
with a high degree of accuracy.The absolute
accuracy is mainly provided by the source for
synchronization used,whereby GPS and DCF 77
allow an accuracy of 5 ms and better.The accuracy
of time synchronization by the NCC depends on
transmission speed,and the method used within
the NCC
A time synchronized RTU560 can synchronize sub ordinate RTUs and IEDs via:
• a periodically transmitted synchronization
instruction with a communication protocol
supporting this function
• Time synchronization using SNTP V4 (RFC2030)
on a LAN/WAN network
Special hardware and software logic with a high
control quality has been incorporated on each of
the CMU communication boards to manage real
time within the RTU560.Once the RTU560 is syn chronized,the RTU560 can maintain a time accu racy of about 2 PPM,even if the time synchroni zation source is lost for a certain period.