ABB ACS2000 2UEB000131 Medium Voltage Drives
ACS2000 4kV spare parts
Master list
Power electronics
2UEA001345 Phase Module Kit Phase Module with Removal Tool x 21
2UEA002570 Phase Module Kit Phase Module with Removal Tool x 32
2UEA003021 Phase Module Kit Phase Module and Removal Tool x 34, 41
2UEA003051 Crowbar Stack Assembly Crowbar Assembly x 22
2UAE003063 Crowbar Stack Assembly Crowbar Assembly x 26
2UEA003031 Crowbar Stack Assembly Crowbar Assembly x 35
2UEA000911 Diode Clamp Diode Clamp x x x 22, 31, 42
3BHB024326R0001 NP Grounding Filter Assembly Filter x x x 19, 27, 39
2UEA000360 Resistor, Clamp Clamp Resistor x x 22, 31
2UEA001469 Resistor, Clamp Clamp Resistor x 42
2UEA000893 Resistor, DC Link Symmetry Resistor x 22
2UEA001348 Resistor, DC Link Symmetry Resistor x 26
2UEA001470 Resistor, DC Link Symmetry Resistor x 38
2UEA000993 Resistor, IFU IFU Resistor x 19
2UEA001350 Resistor, IFU IFU Resistor x 29
2UEA001467 Resistor, IFU IFU Resistor x 40
2UEA000711 Resistor, CM Filter IFU Resistor x 19
2UEA001407 Resistor, CM Filter IFU Resistor x x 25, 40
2UEA000004 Resistor, EMC Filter EMC Resistor x 19
2UEA001505 Resistor, EMC Filter EMC Resistor x 29
2UEA001472 Resistor, EMC Filter EMC Resistor x 40
2UEA000005 Capacitor, EMC Filter EMC Capacitor x 19
2UEA001404 Capacitor, EMC Filter EMC Capacitor x 28
2UEA001464 Capacitor, EMC Filter EMC Capacitor x
2UEA000358 Capacitor, DC Link DC Link x 21
2UEA001406 Capacitor, DC Link DC Link x 26
2UEA001466 Capacitor, DC Link DC Link x 34
2UEA000357 Capacitor, Clamp Clamp x 22
2UEA001405 Capacitor, Clamp Clamp x 31
2UEA001465 Capacitor, Clamp Clamp x 35
2UEA000992 IFU Capacitor IFU Capacitor x 19
2UEA001352 IFU Capacitor IFU Capacitor x 27, 28
2UEA001463 IFU Capacitor IFU Capacitor x 35, 38
3BHB020698R0010 NP Grounding Capacitor Grounding Capacitor x x x 19,27,39
2UEA001899 Transformer Transformer, 4160V to 480V; 15KVA x x x 47
2UEA001900 Transformer Transformer, 4160V to 480V; 20KVA x x 47
2UEA002611 Transformer Transformer 480V to 120V; 2KVA x x x x
2UEA002918 Inductor Stack Kit Inductor Stack kit with Base x 20
2UEA003159 Inductor Stack Kit Inductor Stack kit with Base x 28
2UEA003164 Inductor Stack Kit Inductor Stack kit with Base x 38
2UEA000883 Inductor, Clamp Clamp Inductor x 22
2UEA001403 Inductor, Clamp Clamp Inductor x 31
See Note 2 on
page 49 2UEA003213 Inductor, Clamp Clamp Inductor x 42
See Note 2 on
page 49 2UEA002974 Inductor, Clamp Clamp Inductor

ACS2000 4kV spare parts list
Master list
Category ACS2000 4KV Part Type Description F1 F2 F3 Disc Page
2UEA003165 Inductor, Common Mode Common Mode Inductor x 34, 37
2UEA000886 Inductor, EMC Filter Inductor EMC Filter Inductor
(SN<2124903744) x 20
2UEA003160 Inductor, EMC Filter Inductor EMC Filter Inductor x 28
2UEA003166 Inductor, EMC Filter Inductor EMC Filter Inductor x 34, 37
2UEA002349 Inrestor Inrestor x 20
2UEA003150 Inrestor Inrestor x 26
2UEA002348 Inrestor Inrestor x 34
Charging unit
2UEA000967 High Voltage Relay High Voltage Relay x x x 19,27,39
2UEA000138 Charging transformer 400/460V, 4200V Charging Transformer x x x 19,28,38
Circuit Protection
2UEA001267 Fuse 70 Amp Power Fuse (300 - 400 HP) x x 17,47
2UEA001268 Fuse 140 Amp Power Fuse (450 - 700; 1250 HP) x x x 17,24,47
2UEA002203 Fuse, 160 Amp Power Fuse (1500-1750 HP) x x 24,47
2UEA000093 Fuse 200 Amp Power Fuse (800 - 1000; 2000 HP) x x x 17,24
2UEA001947 Fuse 230 Amp Power Fuse (2250 - 3000 HP) x x 36
2UEA002431 Fuse Fuse, MV, 4A x 47
2UEA001927 Fuse Fuse, 3.2A x 48
2UEA000149 Surge Arrestor Surge Arrestor x x x 17,24,36
Control electronics
Printed circuit boards
3BHE024577R0101 PP C907 BE: AMC 34 - PCB Varnished Application and Motor Control x x x 15
3BHE024855R0101 UF C921 A101: INT-2 Board Varnished Interface board x x x 15
3BHE024747R0101 Crowbar Board Crowbar Board x x x 22,26
3BHE032285R0102 HVD Board Varnished. High Voltage Divider x x x 19,27,39
3BHE009017R0102 VLSCD-Board, Coated, Type XV C724
BE Short Circuit Detection x x x 22,31,42
3BHE005555R0101 LD SYN-01 Sync Board x x x 19,27,39
3BHE020959R0127 IPS Single Voltage 27V IGBT Power Supply x x x 19,27,39
3BHE006373R0101 OEI-Board Optical Electrical Interface x x x 19,27,39
3BHB003041R0101 IOEC IO IO Module x x x 15
2UEA000843 IOEC Connector-3 Position IO Module x x x 15
2UEA000861 IOEC Connector-7 Position IO Module x x x 15
2UEA000845 IOEC Connector-10 Position IO Module x x x 15
*Long lead item 2UEA003570 Intellivac Intellivac x x x x 48
2UEA001919 Motor Management Relay Motor Management Relay x x x x
2UEA003092 Motor Management Relay Motor Management Relay x x x x
2UEA000988 Current Transducer LEM CT x 19
2UEA001456 Current Transducer LEM CT x 25
2UEA002111 Current Transducer LEM CT x 38
2UEA001894 Current Transducer Current Transducer (500A) Frame
1&2 x x x 45
2UEA003040 Current Transducer Current Transducer (1000A) Frame 3 x x 45
Power supplies
2UEA002224 Power Supply +24VDC Main Power Supply, 40A
480AC x x x 15
2UEA002709 Power Supply +24VDC Main Power Supply,
120/240AC (+SPC01)
ACS2000 4kV spare parts
Master list
2UEA000936 20A 3 Phase Buffer Module Power Supply x x x 15
2UEA001961 UPS, 24VDC, 40 Amp Power Supply (+CPR02) x x x 15
3BHE032593R0002 IPS Power Supply IGBT Power Supply x x x 19,26,34
2UEA001960 Battery, 24VDC, 12 Ah UPS Battery 24VDC (+CPR02) x x x 15
2UEA000762 Autotransformer Cont. Voltage Transformer (+AUX40,
+AUX60) x
2UEA002959 Autotransformer Cont. Voltage Transformer (+AUX40,
+AUX60) x
2UEA002977 Autotransformer Cont. Voltage Transformer (+AUX40,
+AUX60) x
User interface
2UEA000987 Control Panel, CDP312R Control Panel x x x 13
3BHL000764P0001 Control Panel Interface, NDPI-02 Control Panel x x x 13
2UEA000986 Control Panel Keypad Frame x x x 13
2UEA000570 CDP312 Connector plug CDP312 Connector plug x x x 13
2UEA000572 Y-Connector, RJ12 Control Panel x x x 13
2UEA000950 Operator pushbutton, white Push Button, White 30MM x x x 13
2UEA000958 Contact and lamp block with holder kit Adapter x x x 13
2UEA000962 LED, white Led x x x 13
2UEA000951 Operator pushbutton, green Push Button, Green 30MM x x x 13
2UEA000963 LED, green Led x x x 13
2UEA002665 LED, green Led x 45
2UEA001520 Operator, green Push Button, Green x 45
2UEA000952 Operator, yellow Push Button, Yellow 30MM x x x 13
2UEA000959 lamp block with holder kit Adapter x x x x 13,47
2UEA000964 LED, yellow Led x x x 13
2UEA000953 Operator, blue Push Button, Blue 30MM x x x 13
2UEA000965 LED, blue Led x x x 13
2UEA000956 Operator, Red Lens, Red 30MM (+FDPL05) x x x x 47
2UEA000966 LED, Red LED, red (+FDPL05) x x x
2UEA002666 LED, Red x 45
2UEA000957 Potentiometer Operator Potentiometer (+FDSP01) x x x
2UEA000961 Adaptor Potentiometer Contact Block
(+FDSP01) x x x
2UEA000954 Switch Switch Contact Block (+FDSP01) x x x
2UEA000960 Adaptor Switch Contact Block (+FDSS01,
+FDSS02) x x x
2UEA000131 Emergency Stop Emergency Stop Protective Collar x x x 13
2UEA000130 Emergency Stop Emergency Stop Pushbutton x x x 13
2UEA000126 Emergency Stop Contact Block Holder x x x 13
2UEA001312 Emergency Stop Contact Block x x x 13
*Long lead item 2UEA003571 Disconnect Grounding Disconnect x 47
Electrical general
2UEA000761 Fuse, 4A Control Fuse x x x 15
2UEA001336 Charging Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker, 2 Pole 10A 480V x x 15
2UEA002646 Charging Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker, 2 Pole 13A 480V x
2UEA000791 Circuit Breaker, 3 Pole 4A 480V Circuit Breaker, 3 Pole 4A 480V x x x 15
2UEA002101 Circuit Breaker, IPS Supply Circuit Breaker, 2 Pole 20A 24VDC x x x
2UEA001289 Circuit Breaker Main Power Supply Breaker
120V/240V (+SPC01) x x x