ABB ACS1000 air-cooled
OverviewRead this material before working on or around the equipment. Failure
to do so can result in injury or death!
2.1.1 Safety standards
The following industry standards are observed:
- "ANSI Z535.6 American national standard for product safety information in product
manuals, instructions, and other collateral materials" [16]
- "ISO 3864-2:2004 (E) - Graphical symbols – Safety colors and safety signs – Part 2: Design
principles for product safety labels" [17]
- "ISO 7010:2011 (E) - Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Registered
safety sign" [18]
- "EN 50110 European standard code for electrical work safety" [19]
2.2 Safety messages
The following safety messages are provided to help prevent personal injury and damage to the
equipment. The indicated hazard level is based on the ANSI Z535.6 standard.
Product safety labels
Safety labels are affixed to the drive components to alert personnel of potential hazards when
working on the equipment. For more information, see the label placement document for
the drive.
The instructions on the safety labels must always be followed and the labels must be kept in a
perfectly legible condition.
Figure 2-1: Product warning label examples (label placement depends on the drive)
Additional safety labels, including the following, might also be provided:
(1) Danger label
(2) Caution label
(3) Warning label
(4) Notice label
Electricity hazard
This sign can also have additional text below it, eg, “High voltage”
Hot surface
Crushing of hands
No access for people with active implanted cardiac device
The magnetic field of the drive can influence the functioning of pacemakers. The
pacemaker sign should be installed at the entrance to the drive room or at a
minimum distance of 6 m from the drive to stop personnel with pacemakers
approaching the drive.
Firefighting sign
Outlines the procedure when fighting fire in electrical equipment. The sign must
be installed well visible near the drive.
High voltage sign
Must be installed clearly visible at the main circuit breaker in the switchgear room.
The sign alerts personnel to the high voltage which can be present on the
secondary side of the input transformer until the main circuit breaker has been
opened and secured and the drive has been de-energized and grounded.

General safety instructions
Minimize hazards
- Always observe local safety laws and regulations when working with electricity.
Before energizing the drive:
- Remove all foreign objects are from the drive
- Fasten all internal and external covers securely
- Close, lock, and/or bolt all doors
- Move the release dial of the door safety switches into the locked position
Before working on the drive:
- Turn off, lock out, and tag out the main and auxiliary power supplies to
the drive
- De-energize the drive
- Ensure that the safety ground connections are in place
- Ensure that the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is available
and used when required
- Inform the involved personnel about the potential safety hazards
- Wear hearing protection when a drive is running.
Before working simultaneously on the drive and on other drive
system equipment:
- Observe the relevant safety codes and standards
- Turn off all energy sources for the equipment
- Ensure that all lockout and tagout devices are in place
- Install barriers around and use appropriate covers on the equipment that is
still energized
- Inform the involved personnel about the potential safety hazards
In case of fire in the drive room:
- Observe the established rules and regulations for fire safety
- Only allow firefighters with the appropriate PPE to enter the drive room
2.6 The 7 steps that save lives
ABB’s 7 steps that save lives concept is a series of actions that must take place prior to
commencing work on or near electrical installations. Everyone in the working party must be
fully engaged in this process to place electrical installations in a safe working condition and is
empowered to speak out if there are any deviations in this process and refuse to proceed until
these steps are carried out in their entirety.
1 Prepare for the work: do an on-site risk assessment or job
hazard analysis that considers the limits of approach for
shock and arc-flash.
- Be in possession of a clear work order to execute the work.
- When required, the access or work permit is to be obtained by a person
who is authorized for the specific electrical system.
- Engage the person responsible for electrical equipment or system to
review single-line diagrams, schematics, switching plans, etc.
- Ensure the competence of workers.
- Check for proper tools for the job.
- Determine and select the proper arc-rated Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).
- Decide of the appropriate work methods and initiate the
- Permit To Work (PTW) process.
2 Clearly identify the work location and equipment.
- Use your senses (sight, hearing and smell) to identify problem areas.
- Define the work area via barriers and barricading and label equipment.
- Avoid distractions such as talking or texting on the phone.
3a Disconnect all sources of supply.
- If ABB is responsible for switching and it cannot be done remotely, then
the person performing the switching must be properly trained and
wearing the proper PPE identified in step 1.
- The Person in Charge of Work (PICW) must ensure that switching is
performed in the proper manner by witnessing it from a safe distance if
present on site or by engaging the person responsible for switching to
identify all isolation points.
3b Secure against reconnection by applying Lockout/Tagout.
- Apply Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) to the energy isolation device and if
multiple energy isolation devices are involved, then Group LOTO must
be implemented with the PICW serving as the Group LOTO Leader.