ABB Serial Module FI820F
Provides 2 serial interfaces
Transmission rates up to 38.4 KBaud configurable
Physical interfaces RS485, RS422, RS232 selectable
Electrical isolation
Module can be removed or inserted during operation
Redundant operation, with redundant AC 800F
The FI 820F module provides connectivity to a variety of serial
fieldbuses and serial protocols. Standard protocol is MODBUS
By using different connection cables the physical interface can
easily be selected: RS485 (half duplex), RS422 (full duplex) or
RS232. All interfaces are electrically isolated and support re dundant operation in conjunction with a second AC 800F.
LED Displays
Off No supply power, module is isolated
Green Module is active and working properly
Orange Module has been identified by AC 800F,
but has not yet been activated
Red Module powered up, but not yet identified,
or an error has occurred
Green Receive data on channel 0
Green Transmit data on channel 0
Green Receive data on channel 1
Green Transmit data on channel 1
Page 16 June 2006
Front Panel Connections
Serial 26-pin female connector
Technical Data
Rated voltage 5 V, ± 3% from basic unit
Power consumption 1.6 - 2.6 W,
appending from communication
Channel supply:
Raged voltage 5 V, ± 10%
Power consump. 0.15 W, when idling
per channel 0.30 W, during communication
Output voltage for termination (Vcc_Term)
Rated voltage 5 V, ± 10%
Max. output current 20 mA
Weight approx. 0.145 kg
20 GND Ch0
21 n.c.
19 VCC_Term Ch0
22 n.c.
CTS (RS232) Ch1 8
RxD (RS232) Ch1 6
TxD (RS232) Ch1 7
TxD (RS232) Ch0 2
CTS (RS232) Ch0 3
n.c. 5
RxD (RS232) Ch0 1
RTS (RS232) Ch0 4
RTS (RS232) Ch1 9
24 n.c.
25 VCC_Term Ch1
23 n.c.
26 GND Ch1 17 Tx+ (RS422) Ch1
15 RxTx+ (RS485)/ Rx+ (RS422) Ch1
16 RxTx– (RS485)/ Rx– (RS422) Ch1
11 RxTx– (RS485)/ Rx– (RS422) Ch0
12 Tx+ (RS422) Ch0
14 n.c.
10 RxTx+ (RS485)/ Rx+ (RS422) Ch0
13 Tx– (RS422) Ch0
18 Tx– (RS422) Ch1
Pin assignment serial connector on FI 820F

PROFIBUS-DP Module (DIN 19245)
Transmission rate up 12 MBd
supports up to 126 slaves
Physical interface: RS485
Electrical isolation
Shared memory (256 KB) onboard, to minimize the use of
basic unit memory.
Module can be removed or inserted during operation
Redundant operation, with redundant AC 800F
The FI 830F module interfaces to the Profibus fieldbus. It pro vides functionality according to the PROFIBUS-DP V1 standard
(DIN 19245 amendment 1) and supports baud rates up 12 MBd.
The module is the master on the Profibus line and allows con necting up to 126 Profibus slaves. Configuration and parame terization is carried out completely with Control Builder F — no
additional external configuration tools are required.
Line redundancy can be achieved using an external device
(RLM 01) which drives two Profibus lines in parallel. In conjunc tion with a second AC 800F the module can also operate in a
redundant-master mode without limiting any other feature.
LED Displays
Off No supply power, module is isolated
Green Module is active and working properly
Orange Module has been identified by AC 800F,
but has not yet been activated
Red Module powered up, but not yet identified,
or an error has occurred
Off Module is in passive state on the Profibus.
Green Module has token and, thus, is acting as
the master
Front Panel Connections
Profibus 9-pin female connector (DIN 41652)
Technical Data
Power consumption In the active state, depends on the com munication cycle time:
2.8 W
Max. output current 20 mA for bus termination/repeater supply
Output voltage 5 V, ± 5%
protection +7.5 V / -5 V
either transmission line to GND.
Weight approx. 0.150 kg
n.c. 2
RxD+/TxD+ 3
Shield 1
7 n.c.
8 RxD-/TxD-
6 VP (5 V / 20 mA)
9 n.c.
Pin-assignment Profibus connector on FI 830F