GE Hydran 201Ti transformers
GE Hydran 201Ti transformers
Transformers are key and expensive components of the electrical grid and knowledge of their health condition is essential to having a reliable network. When a transformer’s insulation system is overstressed, gases are produced that dissolve in the oil. Dissolved Gas-in-oil Analysis (DGA) is recognized as the best indicator of developing faults.
The Hydran™ 201Ti is a small and easy to setup continuous Dissolved Gas-in-oil Analysis (DGA) monitor. It provides the basic information used by IEEE® Standard C57.104 and can be used as an essential first line of defence for the transformers in your fleet to obtain advance warning of a failure condition and minimize the risk of an unplanned outage.The 201Ti uses fuel cell technology (described as fixed instruments - method 3 in the standard) and is now available with a choice of either the world renown “Hydran Composite Gas” sensor which responds 100% to Hydrogen and is also sensitive to Carbon Monoxide, Acetylene and Ethylene or the more basic “Hydrogen Only” sensor which focuses purely on Hydrogen gas generation.
Key Benefits
• Continually measures key fault gas to give you an insight into the transformer’s condition
• Choice of gas sensor: traditional “Composite gas” or more basic “Hydrogen only”
• Communicates gas ppm and gas rate of change values remotely to avoid site visits and enable remote supervision
• Fourth generation of this continuously improved design, with over 25,000 units sold worldwide
Power Utilities
• Simple and effective solution for less-critical transformers
• Focuses and prioritizes asset replacement strategy
Industrial Plants
• Reduces the risk of process interruption due to power failure
• Minimizes costly production downtime
Easy Asset Supervision
• Permanently mounts on a single transformer oil valve. No extra piping or pump required
• "Composite gas" sensor responds 100% to Hydrogen (general fault gas) and is also sensitive to Carbon Monoxide (overheated paper) Acetylene (arcing) and Ethylene (overheated oil) thus covering main failure root causes
• "Hydrogen only" gas sensor is simpler and responds 100% to Hydrogen gas only, the general fault gas
Configurable Alarms
• An alarm is raised when an abnormal level of fault gas is detected
• Two alarm levels (one for Alert and one for Alarm) can be set to show increasing severity
• Alarms can be set on gas ppm levels or on gas rate of change (ROC) over an hour or a day
• Automatic self-test every 15 days will trigger service alarm if it detects a fault, including power failure, oil valve closed, sensor or battery needing replacement
Human Interface
• Backlit LCD display of gas information
• Keypad to stop unit and acknowledge alarms
• Compatibility with GE’s acclaimed Perception™ software to download, trend and analyze transformer data
Mark IV Improvements
• Completely overhauled with improved sensor durability, new electronic boards and power supply to make it RoHS compliant while increasing device reliability and capabilities
• Local USB port to replace the RS-232 port no longer found on most field laptops
• Digital output of registers using Modbus® protocol communication over isolated RS-485
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