GE Hydran M2 Enhanced DGA monitoring for transformers
GE Hydran M2 Enhanced DGA monitoring for transformers
The Hydran™ M2 is a continuous on-line dissolved gas and moisture in oil monitoring device that alerts personnel of developing fault conditions in their transformer. It provides key monitoring information and minimizes the risk of an unplanned outage.
Through the connection of additional sensors (for example top and bottom tank oil temperature, transformer load or ambient temperature), additional information can be captured and used to correlate with DGA and moisture values for a more in-depth analysis of the transformer’s condition.
This wealth of data can, not only be transmitted raw using the M2’s wide range of communication options but can also be converted into useful information through the on-board calculation of IEEE® standard’s based transformer mathematical models to provide further condition information.
Key Benefits
• Continually measures dissolved fault gases and moisture in oil for early identifications of potential issues before they become critical transformer failures
• Choice of gas sensor: traditional "Composite gas" or more basic "Hydrogen only"
• Built-in calculation of transformer models based on IEEE standard (for mineral oil only)
• Wide range of communication options and protocols simplifying integration into SCADA or DCS
• Third generation of this proven design, with very large global installed base
• Supports new lower flammability ester based oils as well as mineral transformer insulation oils
Power Utilities
• All-in-one solution for important medium size transformers
Industrial Plants
• Reduces the risk of process interruption due to power failure
• Minimizes costly production downtim
• Focuses and prioritizes asset replacement strategy
Asset Supervision
• Easy to permanently install on a single transformer oil valve. No extra piping or pump required. Optional inputs for other sensors
• Choice of gas sensor: "Hydrogen only" or "Composite gas" which responds 100% to Hydrogen (general fault gas) and is also sensitive to Carbon Monoxide (paper) Acetylene (arcing) and Ethylene (oil)
• Moisture sensor measures water in the oil, a result of insulating paper degradation (produces CO + water) or leaking gaskets
Configurable Alarms
• An alarm is raised when an abnormal level of fault gas or moisture is detected. Two alarm levels (one for Alert and one for Alarm) can be set to show increasing severity
• Alarms can also be set on values from optional analogue input cards or from optional calculated transformer models
• Automatic self-test every 15 days will trigger service alarm if it detects a fault, including power failure, oil valve closed, faulty sensor
Mark III Improvements
• Completely overhauled with improved sensor durability, new electronic boards and power supply to make it RoHS compliant while increasing device reliability and capabilities
• Suitable for transformers using mineral insulating oil but now also ester based oils (natural or synthetic)
• Compatibility with GE’s acclaimed Perception™ software to download, trend and analyze transformer data
Transformer Models
The Hydran M2 offers transformer mathematical models for mineral oil based on IEEE standards and correlated with field experience. They use inputs from the available sensors and transform the received data into useful real time information to further understand the overall health of the transformer. Possible models output examples:
• Estimated winding hot spot temperature
• Moisture level in paper
• Moisture bubbling temperature
• Insulation ageing
• Overloading capacity
• Cooling efficiency
• OLTC temperature differential
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