GE IC693BEM331 Genius Bus Controller
IC693BEM331 Genius Bus Controller (GBC)The Series 90-30 Genius Bus Controller (GBC), catalog number IC693BEM331, provides the
interface between a Series 90-30 PLC and a Genius I/O serial bus. The GBC receives and
transmits control data of up to 128 bytes for up to 31 devices on the Genius I/O bus. A Genius Bus
Controller can serve:
Genius blocks, which provide an interface to a wide range of discrete, analog, and specialpurpose field devices. Note that the GCM and GCM+ modules, described earlier, cannot
control Genius blocks.
Remote Drops, which consist of Series 90-70 I/O racks interfaced to the bus through Remote
I/O Scanner modules. Each of these drops can have any mix of Series 90-70 discrete and
analog I/O modules, providing up to 128 bytes of input data and 128 bytes of output data.
Field Control I/O Station, which consists of a Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and up to eight
additional Field Control modules. The BIU provides intelligent processing, I/O scanning, and
feature configuration for the I/O station.
Genius Hand-Held Monitor (HHM), which is a portable device that can also be permanently
mounted. The HHM provides a convenient operator interface for block setup, data monitoring,
and diagnostics.
Multiple hosts, for communications using datagrams and Global Data.

Figure 8-5. Genius Bus Controller Module
A bus may feature I/O control, enhanced by communications commands in the program. Or, a bus
can be used entirely for I/O control, with many I/O devices and no additional communications. A
bus can also be dedicated to CPU communications, with multiple CPUs and no I/O devices. More
complex systems can also be developed, with dual CPUs and one or more additional CPUs for data
Number of Genius Bus Controllers
Up to eight Genius Bus Controllers or Enhanced Genius Communications Modules can be included
in a Series 90-30 PLC system that has release 5.0 or later CPU firmware. A GBC cannot be
installed in a system with a GCM.
The I/O devices on a bus may be Genius I/O blocks, or standard Series 90-70 I/O modules in one or
more remote drops. The total number of I/O circuits that can be served by one Genius bus depends
on the types of I/O devices that are used and the memory available in the CPU.
Many Genius I/O blocks have both inputs and outputs on the same block. Blocks configured in the
programming software as having both inputs and outputs occupy the identical number of references
in both %I and %Q memory, regardless of the block’s software configuration. Unused references
cannot be assigned to other inputs or outputs, and should not be used in the application program.
Status LEDs
The LEDs on the front of the GBC indicate its operating status and should be on during normal
OK Shows the status of the GBC module. This LED turns on after power up diagnostics are
COM Shows the status of the Genius communications bus. This LED is on steadily when the bus
is operating properly. It blinks for intermittent bus errors and is off for a failed bus. It is
also off when no configuration has been received from the PLC CPU.
Specific equipment or software versions required for compatibility with the GBC module are listed
Series 90-30 PLC
CPU: The GBC module can be used with CPU models: IC693CPU311K, 321K, 331L or later, or
any version of the IC693CPU313, 323, 340, 341, 350, 351, 352, 360, 363, and 364. The CPU
firmware must be release 5.0 or later.
Logicmaster 90-30 version 5.0 (IC641SWP301L, 304J, 306F, 307F), VersaPro, or
Logic Developer-PLC software is required.
Series Six PLC
To exchange global data with a Genius Bus Controller, the Series Six Bus Controller must be
catalog number IC660CBB902F/903F (firmware version 1.5), or later.

Genius Hand-Held Monitor
The Genius Hand-Held Monitor can be used to display the GBC bus address, its software version,
and the Series Six register address configured for global data. HHM version IC660HHM501H
(revision 4.5) or later is required. There is no Hand-Held Monitor connector on the GBC module,
but a Hand-Held Monitor can communicate with the GBC while connected to any other device on
the bus. Optionally, an additional HHM mating connector can be installed on the bus near the
Hand-Held Programmer
The GBC can be configured using a Series 90-30 Hand-Held Programmer (IC693PRG300).
Genius I/O Blocks
Genius I/O blocks can be present on the same bus as the GBC. However, because the Bus
Controller is not compatible with older phase A blocks, they should not be installed on the same
Genius Bus
The Genius bus is a shielded twisted-pair wire, daisy-chained between devices, and terminated at
both ends. Proper cable selection is critical to successful operation of the system. Suitable cable
types are listed in GEK-90486-1, the Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual.
Genius blocks and other devices on the bus automatically report faults, alarms and certain other
predefined conditions to the PLC.
Only one diagnostic message can be sent during any bus scan. If a fault message has already been
sent (by another device) during that scan, a device saves its own diagnostic message until the next
available bus scan. For example, if the communications token is currently at device 3, and faults
occur at devices 3 and 4 at the same time, device 3 can send its diagnostic message if another
message has not already been sent. Device 4 must wait at least one more bus scan to send its
diagnostic message.
The GBC stores any diagnostic messages it receives. They are read automatically by the Series 90-
30 CPU. Faults can then be displayed in the fault table using the programming software. A Genius
Hand-held Monitor must be used to clear the faults from the fault table.