ABB PFTL101 3BSE009965R0401 Pressductor Pillowblock
Function and Design1.4.1 General
A complete measuring system normally consists of two load cells, a junction box, one control unit
with two measurement channels and cabling.
Load cell
Junction box
Control unit
Load cell cabling
Adapter plates
Output signals PFXC 141
Figure 1. Complete Measuring System
1.4.2 Loads cells PFTL 101
The load cells are installed under the roll bearings, where they measure forces parallel to the
mounting surface.
The reactive force from the web/strip, which is proportional to the web/strip tension, is transferred
to the load cells via the roll and the bearings
The load cells are connected to the control unit via a junction box. The control unit converts the
load cell signals to DC voltages that are proportional to the reaction force. Depending on which
control unit is chosen, it is possible to have the analog signals for the two individual load cells (A
and B), the sum of the load cell signals (A+B), and/or the difference between the load cell signals(A-B).

Principle of Measurement
The load cell only measures force in the direction FR. The measurement force may be positive or
negative. The load cell is normally installed under the roll bearings. When there is a web/strip in
tension over the roll, the tension (T) gives rise to two force components, one in the direction of
measurement of the load cell (FR) and one at right angles (FV).
The measuring force depends on the relationship between the tension (T) and the wrap angle
formed by the web/strip around the measuring roll.
The load cells in the PFTL 101 family are available in six different measuring ranges from 0.5 to 20
kN and two different sizes (see 2.2 Technical Data). Each load cell is individually calibrated and
temperature compensated.
The load cells are usually mounted and fixed to a base and a bearing housing with six screws, four
on one side of the load cells and two on the opposite side.
For all load cells of type PFTL 101 the load cell house is machined from a single block of steel.
A sensor is then welded into the load cell house and oriented so that it is sensitive to force in the
direction of measurement and insensitive in other directions.
The load cell types PFTL 101A, PFTL 101AE, PFTL 101B and PFTL 101BE are made of stainlesssteel.
PFTL 101A and PFTL 101B are equipped with a connector for the pluggable connection cable.
PFTL 101AE and PFTL 101BE are equipped with a fixed connection cable.
Load cell types PFTL 101AER and PFTL 101BER are specially designed for installation in corrosive
environment. They are made of acid resistant stainless steel and they also have a fixed connectioncable.
PFTL 101 Type Data Unit
Nominal Loads 1)
Nominal load in meas uring direction, Fnom
A/AE/AER 0,5 1,0 2,0 kN
B/BE/BER 2,0 5,0 10 20
Permitted transverse
force within the accu racy, FVnom
A/AE/AER 5 10 10
B/BE/BER 30 30 30 40
Permitted axial load
within the accuracy,
A/AE/AER 2 5 5
B/BE/BER 5 10 10 10
Overload capacity
Max. load in measure ment direction without
permanent change of
data, Fmax
A/AE/AER 2,5 5 10 kN
B/BE/BER 10 25 50 80
Spring constant A/AE/AER 32 65 130 kN/mm
B/BE/BER 130 325 650 1300
Mechanical data
Length A/AE/AER 230 230 230 mm
B/BE/BER 360 360 360 360
Width A/AE/AER 84 84 84
B/BE/BER 104 104 104 104
Height A/AE/AER 125 125 125