bently 3500/15 AC and DC Power Supplies
bently 3500/15 AC and DC Power Supplies
The 3500/15 AC and DC Power Supplies are half-height modules and must be installed in designated slots on the left side of the rack. The 3500 rack can contain one or two power supplies with any combinations of AC and DC. Either supply can power a full rack.
When two power supplies are installed in a rack, the one in the lower slot acts as the primary supply, and the other in the upper slot acts as the backup supply. If installed, the second supply is the backup for the primary one.
Removing or inserting either power supply module does not disrupt operation of the rack as long as a second power supply is installed.
The 3500/15 AC and DC Power Supplies accepts a wide range of input voltages and converts them to voltages acceptable for use by other 3500 modules. The following power supplies are available with the 3500 Series Machinery Protection System:
· Universal AC Power
· High Voltage DC Power Supply
·Low Voltage DC Power Supply
Input Voltage:
110 to 220 Vac nominal
Non-hazardous areas: 85 to 264 Vac rms
Hazardous areas: 85 to 250 Vac rms
120 to 373 Vac pk
The universal AC Power Supply and Power Input Module are not compatible with the legacy High Voltage AC or Low Voltage AC units.
Input Frequency:47 to 63 Hz
Rack Space Requirements
Power supply module:Two half-height slots are located on the left side of the rack. Each slot accommodates one power supply. Both slots can hold a power supply at the same time, allowing for redundant power supplies.
Power input module:Special half-height module located directly behind the associated power supply
Environmental Limits
Operating temperature:-30 °C to +65 °C -22 °F to +150 °F
Storage temperature:-40 °C to +85 °C -40 °F to +185 °F
Humidity:95%, non-condensing
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