ABB LD800HSE FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Device
Safety Summary (continued)
In a redundant set of linking devices, removing the power supply, the
Ethernet cable from the Primary Device causes a redundancy change over. Before doing so, make sure that the Secondary Device is opera tional
(and not still booting due to a prior change-over). Otherwise the
system breaks down or the configuration information might get lost.
Therefore wait at least one minute between such checks. See page 44
In case of removing the RS-232 cable only, redundancy is being lost but
no redundancy switch-over is done.
Make sure that the RS-232 cable is connected before plugging in the
power terminal block.
If the replaced linking device is powered while the serial link is missing, it
will behave like an independent, non-redundant Primary Device. If in this
case the linking device has a valid (possibly unknown) configuration, it
might use H1 node addresses which are already in use on the H1 links.
This will disturb or interrupt communication and application processing on
the H1 links. See page 45
Before connecting the linking device to your LAN network, make sure that
its IP address is not used by another network station. See page 50
After a firmware update (flash memory update), all FF configuration data
will be lost, but the IP configuration is still valid. See page 66
Make sure that in your configuration the maximum number of republished
signals per second per H1 link is not exceeded. See page 99
Detecting a loss of an H1 connection between the Primary Device and the
entire H1 link requires that at least two H1 devices have been connected
to that H1 channel of the linking device and have appeared in the H1 Live
List before the loss of the connection occurs. See page 114
Only one of the listed faults may be present at a time. Another fault cannot
be tolerated until the redundant set has been repaired and a fully opera tional Secondary Device is available. See page 115
Any security measures described in this User Manual, for example, for user
access, password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, etc.,
represent possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider
based on a risk assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk
assessment, as well as the proper implementation, configuration, installation,
operation, administration, and maintenance of all relevant security related
equipment, software, and procedures, are the responsibility of the user of the
800xA System.

terms and abbreviations that are unique to ABB or have a usage or definition that is
different from standard industry usage.
Released User Manuals and Release Notes
A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA
is provided in System 800xA Released User Manuals (3BUA000263*).
System 800xA Released User Manuals (3BUA000263*) is updated each time a
document is updated or a new document is released. It is in pdf format and is
provided in the following ways:
• Included on the documentation media provided with the system and published
to ABB SolutionsBank when released as part of a major or minor release,
Service Pack, Feature Pack, or System Revision.
• Published to ABB SolutionsBank when a User Manual or Release Note is
updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first bullet.
The following is a listing of documentation related to LD 800HSE .
Term Description
FOUNDATION Fieldbus FOUNDATION fieldbus is a bi-directional
communications protocol used for communications
among field instrumentation and control systems.
Fieldbus Foundation The Fieldbus Foundation is a consortium of leading
controls and instrumentation suppliers throughout the
world. Its purpose is to accelerate development and
acceptance of a single, open, interoperable fieldbus
specification, as well as hardware and software
technology for companies that wish to implement it in
their automation products.
Industrial IT Industrial IT is ABB’s solution, that creates a business
enterprise where your plant automation, asset
optimization, and collaborative business systems are
seamlessly linked in real time.
Hardware Data Sheet
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking
Device LD 800HSE
This manual contains technical data of the linking
device LD 800HSE.
Release Notes
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking
Device LD 800HSE
This document provides information not contained
in the ordinary manuals, sales information or other
types of product information for the linking device
LD 800HSE. It describes known software or
documentation problems and errors that were
discovered at too late a date to be included in the
current user instructions.
Instruction Leaflet
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking
Device LD 800HSE
This manual provides basic instructions for
installing the hardware and links to detailed
information needed for configuration and
commissioning of the linking device LD 800HSE.
Software Configuration Manual
System 800xA Device
Management, FOUNDATION
This manual provides detailed instructions on the
configuration and commissioning of
FOUNDATION Fieldbus subsystems with the
Fieldbus Builder FOUNDATION Fieldbus.
Engineering Reference Manual
Communications and Fieldbusses
AC 800F
Among other information related to
communications and fieldbusses connected to the
AC 800F controller this document provides
detailed instructions on the configuration and
commissioning of FOUNDATION Fieldbus
subsystems with the Control Builder F.