ABB AI04 Comprehensive I/O product portfolio
Comprehensive I/O product portfolio
S+ I/O, available for local and remote mounting,
provides a wide variety of input/output and
signal conditioning capabilities. In combination,
these rack and DIN I/O modules can be combined
to form the optimal automation solution.
HR Series controllers can communicate with up
to 64 rack I/O modules locally with additional
remote rack I/O modules connected via the RIO22
module. Use of rack sequence of events (SOE)
I/O modules provides one millisecond timestamp
resolution across the entire rack system.
HR Series I/O module types include:
• Analog input (ASI, FEC)
• Analog output (ASO)
• Control input/output (CIS, QRS)
• Digital input (DSI)
• Digital output (DSO)
• Pulse input (DSM)
• SOE digital input (SED)
Turbine control
In addition to traditional signal-type I/O, HR
Series provides for integrated turbine control
via a series of turbine control-specific modules,
• Hydraulic servo module (HSS)
• Turbine protection module (TPS)
• Turbine auto synchronization module (TAS)
• Condition monitoring module (CMM)
These unique modules make it possible to
provide a fully integrated single-vendor solution
for all aspects of turbine automation. HR Series
turbine modules are based on proven technology
that controls steam turbines, gas turbines and
hydroelectric turbines in more than 15 different
countries around the world, and have been
tested, accepted, and used by several major
global turbine manufacturers as part of their
standard offering. The combination of HR Series
controllers and turbine I/O results in a powerful
governor control system solution.
SD Series remote I/O option
HR Series remote I/O capabilities are further
expanded with use of the SD Series DIN rail
mounted I/O products. Compatible with all
HR Series controllers, BRC300 / 400 / 410, SD
Series I/O connects directly to the controller via
the HN800 I/O network without the need for an
intermediate interface or gateway. SD Series
I/O is configured using standard function blocks
and includes traditional analog and digital I/O as
well as integration with intelligent field devices
via PROFIBUS DP and HART. 24 VDC power
requirements, low module power consumption,
and a module temperature rating of 70 DEGC
(ambient) makes SD Series I/O the optimal
choice for remote I/O applications. G3 coating
makes SD Series I/O suitable for use in corrosive
environments without requiring costly sealed
cabinets or purging systems.

HR Series
Integrating field devices seamlessly
Device integration capability
In today’s power generation and process
industries, only about 10% of field instruments
have a digital pathway back to the control
system. This reduces smart devices to under utilized assets where the existing diagnostic
and connection information residing in the field
instruments is not utilized in system operations.
The HR Series seamlessly integrates intelligent
field devices and protocols using PROFIBUS DP,
HART, and Modbus TCP and RTU. This provides
access to a wide range of intelligent field devices
from both ABB and other third-party vendors
including transmitters, actuators, motor control
centers (MCC) and flame scanners. Each device’s
resident information can then be used in control
strategies and higher level applications. In
addition to producing tighter and more reliable
process control solutions, these solutions lower
installation costs by reducing wiring and system
Intelligent Hart I/O
HR Series controllers seamlessly integrate HART
field devices through a variety of SD Series HART
analog input and output modules. Besides the
4-20 mA primary variable, all secondary, tertiary
and quaternary variables in a HART device can be
accessed by Function Code control applications
in the HR Series controller. Data can be calculated,
used as part of a control strategy, or for display
and alarm purposes at the system's HMI console.
SD Series HART I/O features include:
• Each channel’s secondary/tertiary/quaternary
variables are available for use in control
• Update rate of secondary/tertiary/quaternary
variables is less than one second (AI05 and AO05)

Protecting the integrity and confidentiality
of system data
The process and power industries face
intensifying cyber security risks. In order to
increase stability, security and robustness in its
solutions, ABB has established an independent
Device Security Assurance Center (DSAC) where
cyber security robustness is tested as part of
the product development process. The DSAC
test facility uses state-of-the-art open source,
commercial and proprietary robustness and
vulnerability analysis tools. All Symphony Plus
Ethernet-based devices - including HR Series
products such as the BRC410, ICI800, and IEB800
- are continually tested at the DSAC center in
different configurations and with an explicit
focus on operational performance. This ensures
that all Symphony Plus products are robust,
secure and of the highest quality.
Seamless upgrade path protects investments
True to ABB’s ‘Evolution without obsolescence’
commitment, HR Series products provide
backward compatibility to previous generation
Network 90, INFI 90, INFI 90 Open and Harmony
hardware and software, including support for
existing function code executions, custom user
programs, and all foreign device interfaces.
ABB's 'Evolution without obsolescence' ensures
the protection of installed investments while
providing the most predictable, cost-effective,
risk-averse, and seamless way of introducing new
functions and technology into a running plant.
Specifically, HR Series products:
• Replace previous generation rack products
on a form/fit/function basis
• Preserve installed I/O through simultaneous
connection to HR Series I/O, previous
generation rack and block I/O, SD Series I/O
and S800 I/O
• Use the same field-proven INFI 90 function
code algorithms as previous generation
controllers (ie, MFCxx and MFPxx controllers)
• Enhance existing Composer engineering tools
with device management capabilities
Further, HR Series and SD Series control
networks, INFI-Net and PN800 (INFI-Net over
Ethernet) respectively can be connected via a
self-configuring INFI-Net to Ethernet bridge
(IEB800 module). This allows for the easy
expansion of existing INFI-Net communication
networks with INFI-Net on Ethernet technology
and SD Series DIN rail mounted products.
Additionally, resident data from either network
is available for use in control applications or for
display in applications connected to the other