HONEYWELL FC-PSU-UNI2450U V0 Safety Manager System Power Supply
HONEYWELL FC-PSU-UNI2450U V0 Safety Manager System Power Supply
Proper Maintenance when Safety is on the Line
Your Safety System is protecting your process equipment and proper power supply maintenance ensures the system remains available. Each part of the system should be inspected and alarms acted upon immediately. The Safety Manager Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide section 5 and the Fail Safe Controller FSC Service Manual section 7 provide further guidance and service checklists for actions to take to maintain the system properly providing longest life and best system performance.
Power System Alarms
The SMS Power Supply includes diagnostics and alarms which should be confirmed to be properly working, monitored and acted upon. These are the indicators that the power supply is in need of attention before failure occurs. There are LED indicators for:
• Internal high air temperature > 90 Deg C
• Fan speed too slow
Cables need to be well secured so they do not obstruct the cabinet interior or get jammed between moving parts such as doors or hinged panels. The cables must also not be pulled so tight as to induce mechanical stress on the connectors. Inspect cables to ensure no visual damage or cracking is present and that terminations are making good contact.
Environmental Factors
The overall useful life of any electronic equipment can vary based on the environmental conditions they are exposed to where they are installed. The following are critical to the lifecycle of the PSU and continued health of the system.
Humidity levels should be maintained between 40% and 60% with fluctuations of less than 6% rate-of-change per hour. If humidity is substantial, conditioned air along with humidity monitoring within the cabinet may be needed. During maintenance, look for traces of condensation anywhere in the cabinet – this is a signal that the climate control is beginning to fail.
Look at the paint and exposed metal surfaces within the cabinet for visible signs of corrosion. Corrosive salts and chemicals are kept out of the cabinet by keeping the door closed. Be aware of metallic debris such as airborne zinc that originates from the underside of raised floor tiles commonly used in computer rooms or any nearby hardware assembly or construction activities. If deterioration occurs that you can see, then even further damage is occurring in the components you cannot see and actions should be taken to further reduce contaminants.
Benefits of Newest Version of PSU
Honeywell has made several advancements to the SMS Power Supply based on observations from the field. The design and manufacturing techniques have been altered to increase the ability to withstand dust build up across the High Voltage circuit. These modifications make the unit more robust against adverse environmental conditions which can lead to failure.
The above changes have been incorporated into PSU version 2.1. This version has been in production since August 2012 and the results in the field prove these enhancements are performing as intended and will increase the overall lifespan of the PSU. This reduces the risk of failure and unplanned downtime adding additional stability to your Safety System.
Upgrade Your PSU to the Latest Version
To upgrade to the version 2.1 PSU, reference the table below providing the existing version of the power supply unit and corresponding Version 2.1 for each. Get your new and more robust PSU soon.
User name | Member Level | Quantity | Specification | Purchase Date |