GE VMIVME-2536 32-Channel Optically Coupled Digital I/O Board
GE VMIVME-2536 32-Channel Optically Coupled Digital I/O Board
• 32 optically coupled outputs
• 32 optically coupled inputs
• High isolation potential
– 1kV sustained
– 35kV pulsed
• 8-, 16-, 32-bit data transfers
• Standard data or short I/O addressing A16 or A24
• Voltage sensing or contact sensing inputs
• Input ranges of 5 to 125VDC
• 300mA current sinking outputs
•Supports Built-in-Test for both inputs and outputs
• 50V maximum output voltage
Functional Characteristics
Board Function: This board has 32 optically coupled inputs and 32 optically coupled outputs. Both the outputs and inputs have Built-in-Test capability and provide a sustained 1kV of system isolation to the VME backplane.
Built–in-Test: The VMIVME-2536 supports both online and offline Built-in-Test (BIT).Inputs are put into the test mode by setting a bit in the Control and Status Register (CSR). While in the test mode, data placed in onboard test registers are read through the input ports instead of field data. The test registers are at the same address as the input data ports, allowing testing to be achieved by simply writing to and reading from the input data ports. This feature is used for both online and offline testing.The contents of the Output Data Registers may be read at anytime, thereby supporting online testing. The outputs may be put into offline test mode by setting a bit in the CSR. In the offline test mode, the open-collector outputs are all disabled. Data patterns may then be written to and read from the Output Registers for test purposes without affecting the outputs.
Input Characteristics
Input Configuration: The inputs can be voltage sensing or contact sensing. Voltage sensing or contact sensing may be set on byte boundaries. For contact sensing, a user-supplied SIP resistor must be installed. External voltage or internal VME +5V may be jumper-selected on byte boundaries to supply power for contact sensing mode. Note the VME +5V is useful only with the 5V input option.
Input Voltage Options: The input voltage range is a manufacturing option. The available ranges are 5, 12, 24, 28, 48, and 125V. See Tables 1 through 5 for more detailed information and please refer to the Ordering Options.
Input Isolation: 10MΩ, minimum
Contact Debounce: User-programmable debounce is available. Debounce times are 0, .256, .512, 1.024, 2.048, 4.096, 8.192, and 16.384ms. Debounce defaults to 0 on reset.
Output Characteristics
Output Configuration: The outputs are optically isolated with open collector. The user may install a pull-up resistor on byte boundaries. External voltage or internal VME +5V may be jumper-selected on byte boundaries to supply power for pull-up resistors.
Output Leakage Current: 500μA maximum at VCE = 50V and TA = 60°C
Output Voltage: 50V maximum
Physical/Environmental Specifications
Dimensions: 6U (4HP) single slot Eurocard form factor
Height: 9.2 in. (233.4mm)
Depth: 6.3 in. (160mm)
Thickness: 0.8 in. (20.3mm)
Temperature:Operating: 0 to +60° C
Storage: -55 to +85° C
Humidity: 20% to 80%, noncondensing
Power Requirements: +5VDC at 2.65A
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