Honeywell FC-PUIO01 Safety Systems
Honeywell FC-PUIO01 Safety Systems
Universal Marshaling Solution provides standardized marshalling for central and distributed installations using signal conditioning assemblies. The signal conditioning assemblies handle 16 I/O’s including disconnect, fusing as default, and when needed signal conditioning adapters (SCA) including isolation, intrinsic safety, relay, and other functions can be plugged in optionally. The SCA supports standardized cabinet assembly and wiring configurations without the need for custom wiring.
The unique features of UMS include:
• Three level flexible field terminations are provided to cater to various field wiring requirements.
• The Signal Conditioning Adapters are plugged into the USCA to eliminate the need for a separate installation of isolators, relays, signal converters and barriers.
• USCA has integral (optional) fuse and knife disconnect for easier plant installation and maintenance.
• D-Sub connector is provided on the USCA for interfacing with the IOTA.
• Field power is supplied through the USCA via the system integration cable (SIC) from the Safety IOTA.
• Optional power connector is provided to supply power to the active signal conditioning adapters.
• Optional 16 plug and play Signal Conditioning Adapters.
• Vertical mounting for more effective wiring since most field wiring applications require entry from the top or bottom of the cabinet.
• An LED for a quick visual cue to draw the Maintenance Technician’s eye to important status information of relay and active signal conditioning adapters.
USCA’s combine multiple functions into a single piece of equipment:
• Plug and Play adapters for optional signal conditioning.
• On-board flexible termination of process signals.
• On-board connection to Safety IOTAs.
• On-board Field power distribution.
• USCA receives 24 VDC power.
• Field disconnect.
• Field fuse.
• Probe points for testing
• Universal Signal Conditioning Assembly – CC-USCA01 is a backplane assembly which can accommodate 16 signal conditioning modules. Field side terminals of each channel is provided with integrated fuse and knife disconnect function. The safety system side interface is provided through a single mass termination cable (SIC) which connects all 16 channels. CC-USCA01 is DIN rail mountable.
• Universal Pass Through Adapter – CC-UPTA01 is a single channel pass through module which allows direct connectivity between safety system field terminals (both live & return) and the field device. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Digital Input with 5K resistor Adapter - FC-UDI501 is a single channel digital input module with a 5K resistor for digital input devices without EOL. Output side interfaces with the field device and the input side gets connected to safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Digital Input Relay with 5K resistor Adapter - FC-UIR501 is a single channel relay input module with a 5K resistor for wet contact applications. Coil side of the relay interfaces with the field device and the contact side gets connected to safety system. This module does not require external power to operate
• Digital Input Relay Adapter - FC-UDIR01 is a SIL 3 single channel relay input module for low voltage applications. Coil side of the relay interfaces with the field device and the contact side gets connected to safety system. This module does require external power to operate.
• Digital Output Relay Adapter - FC-UDOR01 is a SIL 3 Normally Open single channel relay output module for low voltage applications. Contact side of the relay interfaces with the field device and the coil side gets connected to safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Digital Output Relay Adapter F&G - FC-UDOF01 is a SIL 3 Normally Open single channel relay output module for low voltage applications. The adaptor is capable to drive high current field devices. Contact side of the relay interfaces with the field device and the coil side gets connected to safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Analog Input Adapter, type 3 wire - FC-UAIA01 is a single channel analog input module which supports three wire sensors. Only if used in 3-wire mode, this module requires an external power to operate. This gets connected to the UIO module of the safety system.
• Analog Input Adapter, type Sink - FC-UAIS01 is a single channel analog input module which supports source type sensors. This module does require an external power to operate. This gets connected to the UIO module of the safety system.
• Digital Namur proximity switch Adapter - FC-UDIN01 is a single channel digital input module for digital proximity switches. Output side interfaces with the field device and the input side gets connected to the UIO module of the safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Digital Namur safety proximity switch Adapter - FC-UDNS01 is a single channel digital input module for digital safety proximity switches. Output side interfaces with the field device and the input side gets connected to the UIO module of the safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Analog Input Barrier Adapter – FC-UGAI01 is a single channel analog input barrier module, for Intrinsically Safe Analog Input devices. Output side interfaces with the field device in a non-Safe zone and the input side gets connected to the USIO module of the safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
• Analog Output Barrier Adapter – FC-UGAO01 is a single channel analog output barrier module, for Intrinsically Safe Analog Output devices. Output side interfaces with the field device in a non-Safe zone and the input side gets connected to the USIO module of the safety system. This module does not require external power to operate.
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