GE IC200UMM002 Micro Motion Expansion Unit
VersaMax Nano and Micro Programmable ControllersThe Micro Motion expansion module is ideal for either Micro integrated motion control or
standalone motion control over serial or Ethernet networking. The Micro Motion expansion
module is loaded with features and supports a wide range of stepper and servo control.
The module supports a powerful function set, with up to 256 move profiles stored on the
module. Micro Motion module supports the Portable Memory device (removable Flash
device) for easy program storage of the motion moves.
Micro Motion Expansion Unit
IC200UMM002 IC200UMM102
Product Name VersaMax Micro 2 Axis Motion Module VersaMax Micro 2 Axis Motion Module
Lifecycle Status Active Active
Micro Type Restrictions Micro 20, 40, 64 Support Only Micro 20, 40, 64 Support Only
Number of Axis 2 2
Follower Mode Axis A can follow B or Axis B can follow A within the module only. Axis A can follow B or Axis B can follow A within the module only.
Motion Control Method
Motion commands can be controlled by Micro 20, 40, 64 or by Modbus
Slave interface (RS-232 IC200USB001 or RS-485 IC200USB002) or Ether net (IC200UEM001)
Motion commands can be controlled by Micro 20, 40, 64 or by Modbus
Slave interface (RS-232 IC200USB001 or RS-485 IC200USB002) or
Ethernet (IC200UEM001)
Power Voltage 24 VDC 120/240VAC
Input Voltages line driver (5V) 24 DC line driver (5V) 24 DC
Output Voltages 5VDC and 24VDC 5VDC and 24VDC
Max Speed 500k Pulse/s 500k Pulse/s
Number of Moves Stored
on Unit 256 (non-volatile) 256 (non-volatile)
Move Types (1) Absolute + Increment method (2) Increment method (1) Absolute + Increment method (2) Increment method
Position Rollover Linear, rotation Linear, rotation
Positioning Command Unit Pulse, µm, inch, degree, Free-form Pulse, µm, inch, degree, Free-form
Speed Command Range 6.25 to 500k Pulse/second 6.25 to 500k Pulse/second
Acceleration and
Deceleration Liner Acc/Dec, S-shaped Acc/Dec Liner Acc/Dec, S-shaped Acc/Dec
Dwell Time 0 to 65535 ms (1 ms unit) 0 to 65535 ms (1 ms unit)
Acc/Dec Rate 1 to 50,000,000 (pulse/s2, µm/s2, inch/s2, degree/s2 ) 1 to 50,000,000 (pulse/s2, µm/s2, inch/s2, degree/s2 )
Backlash Correction 0 to 65,535 ( pulses, µm, inch, degree, Free-form ) 0 to 65,535 ( pulses, µm, inch, degree, degree, Free-form )
Range Range +2,147,463,647 to –2,147,463,648 pulses Range +2,147,463,647 to –2,147,463,648 pulses
Pulse Output Type (1) Pulse column [ CW / CCW ] (2) Clock + direction signal
[ CK/direction ]
(1) Pulse column [ CW / CCW ] (2) Clock + direction signal
[ CK/direction ]
Pulse Output Method Line Driver Output Line Driver Output
Operating Mode Auto operation and manual operation Auto operation and manual operation
Home Function Free homing Low-speed homing High-speed homing 1 (OFF edge)
High-speed homing 2 (marker stop)
Free homing Low-speed homing High-speed homing 1 (OFF edge)
High-speed homing 2 (marker stop)
Manual (JOG) operation Manual input signal or pulse output by command Manual input signal or pulse output by command
Feedrate Override Function 1 to 100% (Speed scale rate) 1 to 100% (Speed scale rate)
High Speed
Input Registration Differential Input. Supports Windowing Differential Input. Supports Windowing
Motion Module
I/O Assignment
A-Channel position data from encoder. (differential)
B-Channel position data from encoder. (differential)
Z-Channel position data from encoder. (differential)
Positioning finish signal from servo driver (COIN)
Home limit switch input
Common for Digital Inputs
Jog Forward
Jog Reverse
Feedrate Override
Drive OK/Ready
Clockwise Pulse (Pulse) (differential)
Counter Clockwise Pulse (Direction) (differential)
A-Channel position data from encoder. (differential)
B-Channel position data from encoder. (differential)
Z-Channel position data from encoder. (differential)
Positioning finish signal from servo driver (COIN)
Home limit switch input
Common for Digital Inputs
Jog Forward
Jog Reverse
Feedrate Override
Drive OK/Ready
Clockwise Pulse (Pulse) (differential)
Counter Clockwise Pulse (Direction) (differential)
Portable Memory
Module Support Yes Yes
I/O Bus Data Assignement
Module requires 8 words in and 8 words out. The module appears
as two expansion units. A maximum of two motion modules allowed
per controller. If one motion module is in system, 2 additional discrete
or analog expansions can be used.
Module requires 8 words in and 8 words out. The module appears
as two expansion units. A maximum of two motion modules allowed
per controller. If one motion module is in system, 2 additional discrete
or analog expansions can be used.
Dimensions (WxHxD) mm 150x90x76 150x90x76

Programmable Controllers
IC200DTX200 IC200DTX450
GE VersaMax DataPanels are ideal for a broad range of applications ranging from
simple timer/counter/register access to full text message display with numeric keypad.
All VersaMax DataPanels are preprogrammed to connect quickly to a VersaMax Micro
or Nano PLC without user configuration.
DataPanels Operator Interfaces
IC200DTX200 IC200DTX450 IC200DTX650 IC200DTX850
Product Name
Operator Interface for
changing timer/counter/
register values. 2x16
character LCD backlight
display and 6 operation keys.
No stored messaging,
PLC stores messages.
Requires IC200CBL550
cable or equivalent.
Operates on 5 VDC @
100 mA from Micro or Nano.
Operator Interface with
up to 200 stored messages.
2x16 character LCD
backlight display and
6 function keys.
Requires IC200CBL555
or equivalent.
Operates on external
24 VDC @ 40 mA.
Operator Interface with
up to 200 stored messages.
4x16 character LCD
backlight display and
8 function keys.
Requires IC200CBL555
cable or equivalent.
Operates on external
24 VDC @ 80 mA.
Operator Interface with
up to 200 stored messages.
4x20 character LCD
backlight display,
8 function keys and
numeric keypad.
Requires IC200CBL555
cable or equivalent.
Operates on external
24 VDC @ 50 mA.
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active
Characters Per Line 16 16 16 20
Function Keys 0 6 8 8
Numeric Keypad 0 0 0 Yes
Memory Size (Number of Messages) Messages stored in PLC 200 stored in
operator interface
200 stored in
operator interface
200 stored in
operator interface
DataPanel Dimensions (WxHxD) mm 108x60x27 108x60x45 96x96x44 182x101x37
Number of Lines 2 2 4 4
Display Type LCD Display with Backlight LCD Display with Backlight LCD Display with Backlight LCD Display with Backlight
Operating Temperature 0°C to +50°C 0°C to +50°C 0°C to +50°C 0°C to +50°C
Programming Software None required DataDesigner