GE IC697MDL940 Discrete Output Modules
The 16 point Relay Output Module is versatile,
rugged, and easy to use. It will switch a variety of
low to medium power loads such as relays, contactors,
and lamps.
The resistive rating of the module is 2 amps per point
at 120/240 VAC or 24 VDC and 0.2 amps per point for
125 VDC. Power to energize the relay coils is supplied
by the module and each output is individually fused
and suppressed with an RC snubber.
LED indicators which display the ON - OFF status of
each point on the logic (PLC) side of the circuit are
located at the top of the module.
Field wiring is made to a removable terminal board
and the module is mechanically keyed to ensure correct replacement with a similar module type in the
field. I/O references are user configurable without the
use of jumpers or DIP switches on the module.
Configuration is done using the configuration function of the MS-DOS or Windowsprogramming software running on Windows 95 or Windows NT over
Ethernet TCP/IP or through the SNP port. The Programming Software configuration function is installed
on the programming device. The programming device can be an IBM XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible Personal Computer.

Operation - Relay Output Module
Figure 1. Block Diagram for IC697MDL940
Output Protection
Each output is protected with a 3 amp fuse. Replace
with either of the following types:
3AG - 3.0 amp, 250V, Fast Acting
Metric 5 x 20 mm - 3.0 amp, 250V, Fast Acting
Each output is suppressed with an RC snubber to re duce high frequency noise transients on the board.
Proper suppression of the switched load is still recom mended and will contribute to improved system reli ability. Suppression at the load will not only lengthen con tact life, but will also reduce noise transients in the control
Fault Mode Selection
This output module can be configured from the pro grammer so that output points assume one of two
states in response to certain operating or default
conditions. These states are:
Maintain existing output state
Turn outputs OFF
For more detailed information on module configuration,
refer to the Programming Software User’s Manual.
Module Mechanical Keying
This module includes a mechanical key that prevents
inadvertent substitution of one module type for
another in a given slot. The key fits a uniquely
shaped area on the board below the connector. Each
module has a key packaged with it.
When the module is first installed, the key latches
onto the backplane center rail. When the module is
extracted, the key remains in the center rail, configur ing the slot to accept only identical module types.
If it is necessary to change the module location in the
rack after the key has been latched onto the center rail
of the rack, the key can be removed by pushing it up ward to unhook the latch while pulling it off the rail.
It may then be reinserted onto the module and the
module inserted into the rack in the desired location.
Note that on;y a power supply can be placed in the
leftmost rack position, and slot 1 (adjacent to the pow er supply) must always contain a CPU (in rack 0 - the
CPU rack), or a Bus Receiver Module (in an expansion
Field Wiring
The module is wired as shown in Figure 2. You have
the choice of selecting either a normally open or a
normally closed relay contact (or both) for each of the
eight Form C relays, and four normally open contacts
for each group of Form A relays. A connection is provided at the V terminal for a power source for the
load. Each Form C relay and each group of the Form
A relays can switch either an AC or a DC load.
The detachable field wiring terminal board will accept
wire sizes from AWG #22 (0.36 mm) through AWG
#14 (2.1mm). Two wires may be terminated on a
given lug if both wires are the same size. There is
room for a bundle of forty #14 wires to be routed out
through the terminal board cavity.
The wire bundle can be secured to the terminal board
by passing a cable tie through a cleat located at the
lower corner of the terminal board.