ABB IRB1200 3HAC046982-001 Robot Arm
IRB 1200-5/0.9
IRB 1200-5/0.9 type A
IRB 1200-5/0.9 type B
IRB 1200-7/0.7
IRB 1200-7/0.7 type A
IRB 1200-7/0.7 type B
It describes the performance of the manipulator oracomplete family of manipulators
in terms of:
• The structure and dimensional prints
• The fulfilment of standards, safety and operating requirements
• The load diagrams, mounting of extra equipment, the motion and the robotreach
• The specification of variants and options availableUsage
Product specifications are used to find data and performance about the product,
for example to decide which product to buy. How to handle the product is described
in the product manual.Users
It is intended for:
• Product managers and product personnel
• Sales and marketing personnel
• Order and customer service personnel
Document ID Reference
3HAC047400-001 Product specification - Controller IRC5
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000.
3HAC050945-001 Product specification - Controller software IRC5
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 and RobotWare 5.6x.
3HAC050945-001 Product specification - Controller software IRC5
IRC5 with main computer DSQC1000 and RobotWare 6.
3HAC046983-001 Product manual - IRB 1200
3HAC035738-001 Product manual - IRC5 Compact
3HAC050941-001 Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant
Product specification - Robot user documentation, IRC5 with RobotWare 3HAC052355-001

Operating system
The robot is equipped with the IRC5 Compact (IRC5C) or IRC5 (Single cabinet)
controller and robot control software, RobotWare. RobotWare supports every
aspect of the robot system, such as motion control, development and execution
of application programs, communication etc. See Product specification - Controller
IRC5 with FlexPendant (IRC5C included).Safety
The safety standards are valid for the complete robot, manipulator and controller.
Additional functionality
For additional functionality, the robot can be equipped with optional software for
application support - for example gluing and welding, communication features -
network communication - and advanced functions such as multitasking, sensor
control etc. For a complete description on optional software, see Product
specification - Controller software IRC5.
Manipulator axes
Continues on next page
12 Product specification - IRB 1200
3HAC046982-001 Revision: K
© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.
1 Description
1.1.1 Introduction to structureC
The IRB 1200isavailable in two versionsand both can be mounted on floor, inverted
or on wall in any angle (around X-axis or Y-axis).
Reach (m) Handling capacity (kg) Robot type
0.9 m 5 kg IRB 1200
0.7 m 7 kg IRB 1200
Manipulator weight
Weight Data
54 kg IRB 1200-5/0.9
52 kg IRB 1200-7/0.7
Other technical data
Note Description Data
< 70 dB (A) Leq (acc. to the work ing space Machinery directive
Airborne noise level The sound pressure level outside
Power consumption
Path E1-E2-E3-E4 in the ISO Cube, maximum load.
Power consumption (kW) Type of movement
IRB 1200-7/0.7 IRB 1200-5/0.9
0.39 kW 0.45 kW ISO Cube Max. velocity
IRB 1200-7/0.7 IRB 1200-5/0.9 Robot in 0 degree position
0.10 kW 0.10 kW Brakes engaged
0.19 kW 0.18 kW Brakes disengaged