ABB 504994880 Safety Interface Board
Advant Controller 450 is the perfect choice when you want
to expand your process while limiting engineering costs and
ensuring high production efficiency. It is the obvious evolutions
path from MasterPiece 200, providing you with an extended life
cycle. Its high processing capacity and wide-ranging capabili ties fits for demanding applications and can be fully integrated
with System 800xA.
With AC 450 you will have a proven equipment with high function ality, interoperability and performance.It supports a wide range of
communication protocols such as; MODBUS, Profibus, Masterbus
300/300E, Advant Fieldbus 100 etc. making it easy to design an
optimal control system architecture for every application.
To achieve the highest possible availability, AC 450 can be equipped
with backup redundancy for communication, power supplies, CPUs
and I/O boards.
Maximize your productivity and be prepared for easy integration of
proven technology. AC 450 meets users‘ requirement of maximum
plant availability.
Power supply alternatives
Direct (unisolated) 24 V d.c.
D.C., by isolated DC/DC converter 1 24/48 V d.c.
A.C. (isolated) 1 120/230 V, 47-63 Hz
Basic capacity and performance
Primary memory 8 or 16 MB
Available for application approx. 5,4 or 13,4 MB
Processing capacity index 2 3-4
Program execution cycle; Selectable 10ms-2s or 5ms-32s
Software options 3
Basic regulation and advanced arithmetics, QC07-LIB41
Advanced process control incl self-tuning adaptive control, QC07-LIB42
Fuzzy control, QC07-FUZ41
MasterView 320, QC07-LOS41
Operator functions support, QC07-OPF41
MasterBatch 200/1 support, QC07-BAT41
User defined PC Elements, QC07-UDP41
Object support via Advant Fieldbus 100, QC07-COM41
S100 I/O capacity 3, 4
S100 I/O racks Up to 5
S100 I/O modules Up to 100
Analog input/output modules Up to 32 for each type
Digital input/output modules Up to 48 for each type
S800 I/O capacity
S800 I/O stations per Advant Fieldbus Up to 79 5
S800 I/O modules per I/O-station Up to 246
Total I/O capacity (S100 & S800 I/O) 3
I/O channels Up to 5,700
AI channels (incl. calculated) Up to 910
AO channels (incl. calculated) Up to 963
DI channels (incl. calculated) Up to 2,340
DO channels (incl. calculated) Up to 1,489
LED status One per channel
Field cable length Up to 300 m
Data Sheet
1 Can be combined for dual redundancy
2 Compared to MasterPiece 200 and Advant Controller 410 (approx. value).
3 See Advant Controller 450 Product Guide for more features and details.
4 With the Optical bus extensions up to 25 S100 I/O racks can be connected.
5 If other stations than S800 I/O stations are used on the same Advant Fieldbus 100, the maximum
number of S800 I/O stations must be reduced with a corresponding number of stations.
6 Without Optical Modulebus Expansion the maximum