Honeywell Digital Output, 24VDC (16 channel) 900H02-0202
Low VoltageTerminal Block (Euro style) 900TEK-0101 Yes
Low VoltageTerminal Block (Barrier style) 900TBK-0101 Yes
High VoltageTerminal Block (Euro style) 900TER-0101 Yes
High VoltageTerminal Block (Barrier style) 900TBR-0101 Yes
High Density Terminal Block (Euro style) 900TCK-0101 Yes
Filler Block Terminal Cover 900TNF-0101 Yes
Analog Input Remote Terminal Panel
900RTA-L001 No
Relay Output Remote Terminal Panel
900RTR-H001 No
DI, DO, AO Remote Terminal Panel (RTP) 900RTS-0001 No
Power Supplies
120/240 VAC. 60W 900P01-0201 Yes
120/240 VAC, 28 W 900P02-0201 Yes
Redundant Power status module 900PSM-0101 Yes
Redundant Switch module 900RSM-0101 Yes
Throughout this guide, where the text “Legacy systems” is used, the following model numbers are applicable.
Legacy systems Model Numbers
900C51 – 00XX-00
900C52 – 00XX-00
900C31 – 00XX-00
900C32 – 00XX-00
900C71 – 00XX-00
900C72 – 00XX-00
900C71R – 0000-XX
900C72R – 0000-XX
900RSM – 0001
900C73R – 0000-XX
900C53 – 00XX-00
Throughout this guide, where the text “New systems” is used, the following model numbers are applicable.
Note: Model number change: 900*xx where if *= C designates Controller module and *=S designates Scanner
New System (SIL and Non SIL Model Numbers)*
900C30S - 0360-00
900C50S - 0360-00
900C70S - 0360-00
900S50S - 0360-00

For the Legacy systems, it is specifically mentioned in the guide wherever applicable. The other
text is applicable to the new HC900 system. Modems are not qualified with the new HC900
Checking HC900 Model Numbers for Compatibility
Be sure to check your model numbers for compatibility before installation. For a HC900 system to
be fully compatible, all components must have matching model numbers.
Each component’s model number format is XXXXXXX–XXYY-ZZ. For example, HC900 CPU is 900C71R-0000-40. For redundant CPU systems, component model numbers ZZ numbers must match. For non-redundant CPU
systems, component model numbers YY numbers must match. See examples below.
Example of a compatible redundant system
Component Model Number XXXXXXX-XXYY-ZZ
HC900 CPU 900C71R-0000-40
Scanner 2 900C73R-0000-40
HC Designer Software 900W01-0040-40
Manuals CD 900ME1-0040-40
Example of a compatible non-redundant system
Component Model Number XXXXXX-XXYY-ZZ
HC900 CPU 900C51-0040-00
Scanner 1 900C53-0040-00
HC Designer Software 900W01-0040-40
Manuals CD 900ME1-0040-40
Functional Description
All Controllers
The Honeywell HC900 Process Controller is an integrated loop and logic controller that is designed specifically for
small-and medium-scale unit operations
It comprises a set of hardware and software modules that can be assembled to satisfy any of a broad range of process
control applications. The HC900 Process Controller can consist of a single rack, as indicated in Figure 1, or can be
can be networked with other controllers via Ethernet links to expand the dimensions of control over a wider range of
unit processes, as indicated in Figure 2.
Although the HC900 E1/E2 ports provide protection against Cyber-security/DOS type attacks, additional protection
is required for safety applications using a firewall device configured to prevent uncontrolled messages into the
controller. Please refer to Ethernet Devices/Considerations Section in this manual for further information. The
figures in this manual assume the firewall is installed properly above the controller's Ethernet connection(s) E1 and
Figure 2 – Expanded HC900 Controller Configuration (C50/C70 CPU only)
The HC900 Controller design enables users and OEMs who are adept in system integration to assemble a system
that fits a broad range of requirements. Any configuration can be readily modified or expanded as requirements
dictate. In initial configuration and in subsequent modifications, the HC900 Controller affords an optimum balance
of performance and economy.
Configurations such as those shown in Figure 1 and in Figure 2, as well as many variations, can be assembled from
modular components. Many of the components are available from Honeywell, and some are available from third party suppliers. These modular components are available in any quantity and mix that make the most sense for a
given application.
As indicated in Figure 3, the HC900 Controller includes provisions for communication via Ethernet with host
systems such as the Honeywell Experion HMI and other HMI software that supports Ethernet Modbus/TCP
protocol. Also, the communication structure of the HC900 Controller enables remote placement of input/output
components, allowing significant economies in cabling and wiring