GE VMIVME-7648 Single Board Computer
GE VMIVME-7648 Single Board Computer
Functional Characteristics
The VMIVME-7648 brings the Intel Pentium III processor to VMEbus, offering a processor speed of up to 1.26 GHz. The Pentium III processor has 32-bit addressing and a 64-bit data bus. Its superscalar architecture allows three instructions to be executed per clock cycle. A dynamic branch prediction unit, separate instruction and data caches, and MMX™ technology also increase the processor’s performance. The Pentium III processor also provides 256 Kbyte of advanced transfer cache (on-die, full speed level 2 cache) using dual independent bus architecture for high bandwidth and performance. This L2 cache operates at the same clock frequency as the processor, thus improving performance.
DRAM Memory:
The VMIVME-7648 accepts one 144-pin SDRAM SODIMM for a maximum memory capacity of 512 Mbyte. The onboard DRAM is dual ported to the VMEbus.
BIOS: System and video BIOS are provided in reprogrammable flash memory (Rev. 1.02 is utilized from our VMIVME-7750 SBC).
Super VGA Controller:
High-resolution graphics and multimediaquality video are supported on the VMIVME-7648 using the 815E AGP graphics adapter. The adapter is complemented by 4 Mbyte external synchronous DRAM cache with a high-bandwidth 64-bit data interface. Screen resolutions up to 1,600 x 1,200 x 256 colors (single view mode) are supported by the graphics adapter.
• Pentium® III FC-PGA/PGA2 socket processor-based single board computer (SBC) with 133 MHz system bus
• 1.26 GHz Pentium III processor with 256 Kbyte advanced transfer cache or 933 MHz Pentium III processor with 256 Kbyte advanced transfer cache
• 512 Mbyte PC-133 SDRAM using a single SODIMM
• Internal AGP SVGA controller with 4 Mbyte display cach
• 133 MHz system bus via Intel® 815E chipset
• Dual Ethernet controllers supporting 10BaseT and 100BaseTX interfaces
• Onboard Ultra DMA/100 hard drive and floppy drive controllers (uses VMEbus P2 for connection to IDE/floppy)
• Two high performance 16550-compatible serial ports
• PS/2-style keyboard and mouse ports on front panel
• Real time clock and miniature speaker included
• Dual front panel universal serial bus (USB) connections
• Two 16-bit and two 32-bit programmable timers
• 32 Kbyte of nonvolatile SRAM
• Software-selectable watchdog timer with reset
• Remote Ethernet booting
• PMC expansion site (IEEE-P1386 common mezzanine card standard, 5 V)
• VME64 modes supported: A32/A24/D32/D16/D08(EO)/MBLT64/BLT32
• VMEbus interrupt handler, interrupter and system controller
• Includes real time endian conversion hardware for little endian and big-endian data interfacing (patent no. 6,032,212)
• Enhanced bus error handling
• Passive heat sink
• Operating system support for Windows® XP, Windows 2000, VxWorks®, Solaris®, QNX®, Linux® and LynxOS®
BootWare Features:
• NetWare, TCP/IP, RPL network protocol support
• Unparalleled boot sector virus protection
• Detailed boot configuration screens
• Comprehensive diagnostics
• Optional disabling of local boots
• Dual-boot option lets users select network or local booting
VMEbus Access manipulates the hardware behind the scenes. With VMEbus Access, you can develop applications in or use existing applications developed in most programming environments. For example, VMEbus Access enables your VMEbus to recognize applications developed in these popular programming environments:
• IOWorks Manager™
• Citect
• Wonderware InTouch
• Visual IOWorks®
• Visual Basic®
• Visual C++®
Watchdog Timer:
The VMIVME-7648 provides a softwareprogrammable watchdog timer. The watchdog timer is enabled under software control. Once the watchdog timer is enabled, onboard software must access the timer within the specified timer period or a timeout will occur. A user jumper allows the timeout to cause a reset. Independent of the jumper, software can enable the watchdog timeout to cause a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) or a VMEbus SYSFAIL.
Nonvolatile SRAM:
The VMIVME-7648 provides 32 Kbyte of nonvolatile SRAM. The contents of the SRAM are preserved when +5 V power is interrupted or removed from the unit.
PMC Expansion Site:
The VMIVME-7648 supports IEEE P1386 common mezzanine card specification with a 5 V PCI mezzanine card (PMC) expansion site. The PMC site provides for standard I/O out the VMEbus front panel. An optional I/O connection to the VMEbus P2 connection can be provided.
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