ABB IMFEC11 Analog Input Module
The IMFEC12 High Level Analog Input (FEC) module inputs 15
channels of analog signals only to the multifunction processor
(MFP) or multifunction controller (MFC) module.
The IMFEC11 High Level Analog Input (FEC) module inputs 15
channels of analog or frequency shift keyed (FSK) digital signals to the MFP or MFC module. The IMFEC11 module performs all the functions of the IMFEC12 module and also
provides communication with the Bailey-Fischer & Porter line
of FSK digital smart transmitters and other smart devices in a
field bus or point-to-point configuration.
Figure 1-1 shows how the FEC module fits within the INFI 90
OPEN system.
Installation and application personnel should have a solid
background in electronic instrumentation and process control.
They should be familiar with proper grounding and safety procedures for electronic instrumentation. Operators should have
a knowledge of the process and should read and understand
this instruction before placing the module in operation.
The FEC module is an intelligent module, with on-board microprocessor, memory, analog-to-digital converter and communication circuitry. The module is a single printed circuit board
that occupies one slot in a module mounting unit (MMU). Two
captive latches on the module faceplate secure it to the module
mounting unit.
The module has three card edge connectors for external signals
(transmitter inputs and communication), system communication (I/O expander bus) and power. The module receives input
through a cable connection to a termination unit (TU) or termination module (TM). Wiring from the field devices connect to
terminal blocks on the termination unit or termination module. The IMFEC11 circuit board has 18 jumpers; three jumpers
that allow selecting the mode of operation and communication
(J2, J3 and J4) and 15 jumpers that select voltage/current
input (J6 through J20). A dipswitch setting (S1) holds the I/O
expander bus address of the module.

Figure 1·1. INFI 90 OPEN Communication Levels
The IMFEC12circuit board only uses one working setting,
dipswitch S1 that holds the I/O expander bus address of the
module. Jumpers J2 through J4 and J6 through J20 are notused.
The FEC module interfaces analog and digital signals from field
devices to the MFP or MFC module. The IMFEC1l module can
interface Bailey-Fischer & Porter FSK smart transmitters and
other smart devices. The IMFEC12 is for use with conventional
transmitters (BC, Eg and PT) and standard analog inputs.
The IMFEC11 module can operate in one of two modes:FSK
field bus mode or FSK analog point-to-point mode. In the FSK
field bus mode, a single two-wire input (bus) links a maximum
of 15 FSK smart transmitters. All inputs (process data and
module to transmitter communication) are in the frequency
shift keyed format and share the field bus. Refer to the
NTFBO1 Field Bus Termination Unit instruction for specific
limitations on field bus communications. All field devices must
be Bailey-Fischer & Porter when using this mode.
In the FSK analog point-to-point mode, the IMFEC11 module
can interface up to 15 discrete analog process inputs from FSK
smart devices and communicate (digitally) with those devices.
Additionally, the IMFEC11 module can interface a mixture of
conventional transmitters and other external analog inputs
while operating in this mode. These devices can input only pro cess data to the FEC module; they cannot communicate to the
module. In point-to-point operation, each device is individually
wired to the analog input termination unit or module.
The design of the FEC module, as with all INFI 90 OPEN mod ules, allows for flexibility in creating a process management
system. The module supports Bailey-Fischer & Porter FSK dig ital smart transmitters and other smart devices, conventional
transmitters and standard voltage or current inputs.
The FSK digital capability (IMFEC11) eliminates conversion
errors and increases process control accuracy. Access is
always available to the real time process status. In the field bus
mode, all information (including the process variable) is trans mitted digitally between the FEC module and the field devices.
The FEC module stores process data, control commands and
transmitter configuration data in memory. It works to restore
communication with a transmitter if a communication failure
occurs. Upon restoring communication with a failed transmit ter, the FEC module checks the transmitter configuration
before the control module (MFP/MFC) resumes updating the
process control.
This instruction consists of eight sections and three
Introduction Overviews the FEC module. It contains features, a description,
reference documents and specifications.
Description and
Explains the theory of module operation.
Installation Covers handling precautions, switch and jumper settings,
installing and checking the FEC inputs.
Operating Procedures Explains how to start up and operate the FEC module.
Troubleshooting Describes how to monitor transmitter errors from the status
reports. It explains how to check for FEC errors and the correc tive action to take.
Maintenance Contains a maintenance schedule for the FEC module.