ABB IMRIO02 Rack Remote I/O
Another example of ABB’s continuing commitment to protect investments made
in Harmony system assets is found in the recent introduction of a Rack Remote I/O
alternative. Needed to protect the more than 20 year investments made in the rack
remote I/O IMRIO02 module, this new alternative minimizes the change impact to
existing hardware architectures. Specifically, the new Rack Remote I/O alternative
leverages newer H-Net technology for remote communications and requires minimal
change to the Remote I/O interface block (FC 146). The Rack Remote I/O alternative
supports multiple RIO links and can be mixed with the other Harmony I/O types:
Rack, Block, or S800 I/O. The Rack Remote I/O alternative supports multiple RIO links
and can be mixed with the other Harmony I/O types: Rack, Block, or S800 I/O. The
Rack Remote I/O architecture is summarized in Figure 4.

Composer is the comprehensive set of engineering and maintenance tools for
Harmony systems. It provides configuration support for all controller and INFI-NET
(Cnet) communication options. The working environment provided by Composer
simplifies the configuration and maintenance of Harmony systems. The base product
contains all the functionality necessary to create and maintain control system
configurations. In addition, it includes applications that support graphic configuration
and database management of all current operator console offerings.
Composer’s multiuser client / server architecture allows configuration information to be
accessed, created, and modified simultaneously by different users. Composer’s project
explorer provides the user with the ability to organize, navigate, and manage Harmony
system configuration documents. Once documents are located, Composer’s explorer
can be used to launch the editors which are used to develop Harmony configurations.
Composer tools include:
View and Monitor: Provides the ability to view control configurations with live data
from any Windows based web browser application on the network (Figure 5)
Online Maintenance Tools: Provides users with the ability to trouble shoot, perform
diagnostics, and maintain the operating Harmony system
Standalone Configuration Viewer: Offers users an option to view CFG files or view
and tune configurations in a controller without requiring Composer software or
Power Tools: Suite of add-on applications that extends the capabilities of Composer
and reduces the amount of time required to engineer and configure a Harmony
system. Applications include Control Logic Editor, Revision Manager, Automatic
Drawing Generator, and Advanced Trend (runtime monitoring and tuning)
Batch Data Manager (BDM): A family of engineering tools used for creating, editing,
managing, downloading, and debugging batch, sequential, and user defined
function code configurations. BDM is discussed further in the section “System 800xA
Production Management for Harmony”
To learn more about the Composer Engineering Tools, please refer to the Composer
Data Sheet, 3BUA000304Rxxxx.
Easy integration of System 800xA’s productivity enhancing applications, such as
Asset Optimization, allows Harmony system owners to tap into their assets’ unused
productivity to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage (Figure 6). Through
an incremental, stepwise evolution process, productivity gains can be realized at
a substantial cost savings. The following sections discuss the 800xA Operations,
Device Management, Asset Optimization, AC 800M Control and I/O, and Information
Management solutions available to Harmony system owners.
Harmony remote I/O capabilities are expanded with S800 I/O. To facilitate local
mounting to sensors in the plant, the S800 I/O family is designed with a small, modular
DIN form factor footprint.
S800 I/O provides options for all signal types ranging from basic analog and digital
inputs and outputs to pulse counters and intrinsically-safe applications. S800 I/O
supports Sequence of Events functionality with one millisecond accuracy event timestamping at the source. It communicates with the Harmony Bridge Controller via
Hnet communications and the Harmony IOR-800 module (Figure 19). Redundant
communication provides fault tolerant connection to S800 I/O. Standard Composer
tools configure the Harmony IOR-800 Interface module , S800 I/O, and their individual
I/O channels. A single Harmony Bridge Controller simultaneously supports both
Rack I/O and S800 I/O for simple expansions and ease of system evolution.

Harmony remote I/O capabilities are expanded with S800 I/O. To facilitate local
mounting to sensors in the plant, the S800 I/O family is designed with a small, modular
DIN form factor footprint.
S800 I/O provides options for all signal types ranging from basic analog and digital
inputs and outputs to pulse counters and intrinsically-safe applications. S800 I/O
supports Sequence of Events functionality with one millisecond accuracy event timestamping at the source. It communicates with the Harmony Bridge Controller via
Hnet communications and the Harmony IOR-800 module (Figure 19). Redundant
communication provides fault tolerant connection to S800 I/O. Standard Composer
tools configure the Harmony IOR-800 Interface module , S800 I/O, and their individual
I/O channels. A single Harmony Bridge Controller simultaneously supports both
Rack I/O and S800 I/O for simple expansions and ease of system evolution.
Figure 19. IOR Interface Module and S800 I/O Modules
Through their modular design, AC 800M controllers and associated I/O options
contribute to lower costs, higher engineering quality, and higher operating efficiency.
Equally effective for small hybrid systems and large, integrated automation applications,
the modularity of the subsystem results in higher return on assets by providing the
flexibility to choose the specific functions required to meet the automation need.
Designed for plant automation and SIL2 and SIL3 safety applications, the AC 800M
controller family provides Harmony system owners with the opportunity to expand
their automation system capabilities. Additionally, the AC 800M controller and
associated I/O modules support industry standard interfaces, network protocols,
and fieldbuses allowing a wide range of devices and systems to be accessed and their
resident information to be used to produce tighter and more reliable control solutions.
To learn more about the AC 800M controller and its I/O subsystems, please refer to the
System 800xA 5.0 Control and I/O Overview document, 3BSE047351.
Harmony system owners can now take advantage of all the powerful and flexible
capabilities of AC 800M controllers while protecting the investments they have made
in their existing control assets. Whether replacing aging PLCs or evolving an existing