Honeywell 12 I/O Slot Rack 900R12-0200
Item DescriptionController Mode Controller’s mode of operation:
RUN: Controller is running normally.
Note: (For C30S, C50S, C70S and C75S Controllers only)
Blinking RUN text on master slide on lower right hand corner indicates
controller is in invalid mode, which means there are some forced output(s)
present in Safety portion of the controller configuration and user changed the
controller mode to RUN-LOCKED mode from RUN-PRGM mode.
PROG: Controller is in Program mode.
OFLN: Controller is in Offline mode.
FAULT: A fault was found reading the Controller switch.
NO COMM: This is displayed if controller is not responding.
Frequency (Hz) Line frequency. Used for configuring the conversion time of the A/D converter.
Cycle Time (Sec) The analog control cycle time in seconds. This value is determined from the
execution time estimated from the configured control scheme. Cycle Time and
Fast Cycle Time increase (slow down) as the following increase: CPU % Used,
Fast CPU % Used, Dynamic Memory, Config Memory. Also, extensive use of
Free Form Logic blocks (as opposed to equivalent gate logic) can substantially
increase Fast Cycle Time.
CPU Percent used Calculation of percentage of time the CPU is active during the analog cycle time
Peak time (sec) Maximum time used to complete the analog cycle
Control Block
Number of times that the processing of the analog control blocks exceeds the
allocated analog cycle time
Fast Logic Cycle Time
Cycle Time and Fast Cycle Time increase (slow down) as the following
increase: CPU % Used, Fast CPU % Used, Dynamic Memory, Config Memory.
Also, extensive use of Free Form Logic blocks (as opposed to equivalent gate
logic) can substantially increase Fast Cycle Time.
Fast Logic CPU Per
Cent Used
Calculation of percentage of time the CPU is active during the processing of
digital control blocks
Fast Logic Peak Time
Maximum time used to complete the digital control cycle
Fast Logic CB
Number of times that the processing of the digital control blocks exceeds the
allocated digital cycle time
Controller Setup
The current controller mode is indicated on the bottom right of the display.
Table 4 Controller Setup details
Item Description
Set Controller Time
and Date
Set the controller time and date.
Change mode of the
Run Mode: Select this to resume running the process.
Offline Mode: Select this before performing AI calibration.
Program mode: Select this:
• Before performing AI and AO Calibration.
• To turn off all of the controller outputs while reconfiguring a control strategy.
Cold Start: Refreshes the Flash memory of the controller so that if your battery goes
dead the data in Flash is up to date. Use the Program mode for changes whenever
Write To Flash Write controller database to Flash memory. Controller must be in the Run, Run Locked,
or Offline Mode. Saves any parameters that you may have changed in the controller to
the controller’s non-volatile Flash memory. The affected parameters include:
Loop tuning parameters (gain, rate, reset, etc.)
Changes to Recipes, Profiles, Schedules, and Sequences.
If the write fails, upload the controller's configuration to the PC (using HC Designer) and
save the uploaded configuration to disk to make sure that you have captured all of the
non-volatile parameter changes.

Summary Displays
About Summary Displays
There are six summary displays to show the I/O blocks present in the Controller and the variables in the
configuration. The six summary displays are:
• Analog Input Summary
• Analog Output Summary
• Analog Variable Summary
• Digital Input Summary
• Digital Output Summary
• Digital Variable Summary
The Analog Input and Output Summary Displays show the following fields.
1. Physical Address of the Block (RMC)
• Rack Number
• Module Number
• Channel Number
2. Tag
3. Description
4. Value
5. Units
6. Error Status
The following additional fields are displayed when an I/O Safety Function block Analog Input Voting is
7. Channels A,B, and C
The following additional fields are displayed when an I/O Safety Function Block Analog Output Validated
is configured.
The Analog Variable Summary Display shows the following fields:
1. Variable Number
2. Tag
3. Description
4. Value
5. Units
The Digital Input Summary Display shows the following fields:
1. Physical Address of the DI Block (RMC)
• Rack Number
• Module Number
• Channel Number
2. Tag
3. Description
4. State
5. Error Status
The following additional fields are displayed when an I/O Safety Function block Digital Input Voting is
6. Channels A,B, and C
The following additional fields are displayed when an I/O Safety Function Block Digital Output Validated
is configured.
The Digital Output Summary Display shows the same information as above plus the Type of the module.
The Digital Variable Summary Display shows following fields:
1. Variable Number
2. Tag
3. Description
4. Data